Alastor (Shakugan no Shana)

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Alastor is an anime and manga character who features in Shakugan no Shana.




Alastor (Japanese: アラストール?, Hepburn: Arasutōru) was one of the Crimson Denizens and was in fact a Lord of the Crimson Realm who was also known as the Flame of the Heavens (「天壌の劫火」? "Tenjō no Gōka").

It was noted that he did not participate in the sealing ceremony of the Snake of the Festival.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Alastor was a Crimson Denizen and thus was a magical being whose true form iwasa massive creature with powerful limbs and horns that resembled a Minotaur. He had large wings with membranes the color of the night sky and burning eyes. His body was completely covered in flames which were powerful enough to incinerate everything in his path with a black mass hidden inside those flames. In his sealed form, he took the form of a divine vessel called Cocytus that took the form of a pendant. His true name was the Flame of Heaven (天壌の劫火 Tenjō no Gōka?) and such was his strength that among Crimson Denizens he was called the God that can kill Gods (神をも殺す神 Kami wo mo Korosu Kami?).

Initially, it was shown that he had apathy and prejudice towards Torches.

He was like a father-figure to Shana and cared for her deeply.

Powers and abilities

He was to be one of the strongest of all the Crimson Denizens and was in fact one of the true Gods of the Crimson Realm. On Earth, he expressed his will through a divine vessel known as the Cocytus that in the case of Shana appeared as a pendant.

By using the Tatsui no Gen (達意の言?, Speech of Conveying), he was able to call forth a spell that allowed Alastor to 'read' into other people's intentions and minds.

Through the Tenpa Jōsai (天破壌砕?, Heaven-and-Earth Sundering), he was capable of being summoned in his true form.


  • Alastor was created by Yashichiro Takahashi and Noizi Ito where he featured in the setting of the Shakugan no Shana universe.

In other media



  • Shakugan no Shana:

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