Cecilia Reyes

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Cecilia Reyes in X-Factor v5 #4.

Cecilia Reyes is a female comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Cecilia Reyes decided to become a doctor when her father was gunned down in front of her as a child, and she was unable to do anything to help him. Charles Xavier tried recruiting her when it was discovered that she was a mutant, but Reyes had no interest in being a superhero.[1]


She later came to be targeted by Operation: Zero Tolerance that was a government-backed anti-mutant task force where she was forced to join forces with the X-Man Iceman and other mutants to escape New York City and track down Bastion who was the leader of the organization. Eventually, the pair were joined by mutant terrorist Marrow and Israeli super-soldier Sabra, with both of whom Cecilia entered verbal fights. With Sabra’s information, the group located Bastion in his Connecticut home and confronted him, only to end up completely outnumbered by an entire army of Prime Sentinels. In the meantime, though, the US government revoked Bastion’s rights to operate his organization on American soil and a timely arrival by S.H.I.E.L.D. at Connecticut ended the battle before it even started. (X-Men v2 #69) Both Cecilia and Marrow accepted Iceman’s invitation to accompany him to the Xavier Institute but, when they arrived there, Cecilia was crushed to discover that the mansion was completely empty. Bastion’s forces had even scraped the paint off the walls. The stress came closing down on Cecilia, who realized that she followed Iceman for nothing her life was in ruins, and the X-Men had no hope to offer. It was right then that the group of X-Men captured by Bastion returned home as well, among them Cyclops, who was dying of a bomb placed in his abdomen by Bastion. Overhearing Cyclops and Phoenix talking and expressing their love, Cecilia put her fears behind her and focused on helping Cyclops. She immediately took charge and put all the X-Men to work on securing medical equipment and prepping Cyclops for surgery. Under the leadership of Cecilia, the X-Men were able to save Scott, despite an unfortunate intrusion by Juggernaut. After his surgery, Cyclops was the first to welcome Cecilia to the team, though she ignored his offer to join. After meeting with problems with racism and both encouragement from Daredevil and an encounter with the villain Pyro, Reyes reluctantly joined the X-Men. Her first adventure involved saving Cyclops from a nanotech deep inside his body, which threatened to kill him, Reyes, other X-Men and obliterate anything in a three-mile radius. Despite having absolutely no medical supplies, she improvised in her successful attempt. For example, she had Storm use lightning to boil buckets of water. Afterwards, a dazed Cyclops offers her honorary X-Men status. (X-Men v2 #70)

Apparently someone on Cecilia’s surgical team had revealed her status to the family. After enduring several similar incidents with intolerant co-workers, Cecilia was found by the injured Daredevil, who was watching Cecilia and felt he could trust her to help with his gunshot wound. While treating Daredevil, the hero told Cecilia that she should use her gift. He reasoned that, as a doctor, she could only save one person at a time, whereas as a mutant she could save thousands in an instant. Later that day, the injured villain Pyro was brought in and Cecilia was put in charge of the case. However, during recovery, Pyro tricked Cecilia into loosening his straps that the police put on him. He then escaped, resulting in Cecilia losing her job. Fired after only one day, Cecilia returned to the X-Men for good it seemed. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #351) Sometime later, Marrow stole Cecilia’s medical bag in order to help the injured Callisto, her former mentor. When Cecilia gave chase in her anger, she involuntarily used her force field offensively for the first time, in this case to get Beast out of her way. (X-Men v2 #73) Cecilia’s fears of helplessness and inadequacy caught up to her later when the demons known as the Ru’tai materialized on the grounds of the Xavier estate. Face to face with demons, something she had not believed possible, Cecilia panicked and found herself running for her life. When things settled for a moment, she confronted Beast with her fear of being worthless. However, Cecilia was captured alongside most of the X-Men by the Ru’tai and taken to their home dimension. Once there, the Ru’tai tried dissecting Cecilia, but again her force field protected her. When the X-Men fought back, Cecilia at first hid by the sidelines, observing the battle and asking herself how the X-Men could defeat these foes. It was Maggott who reminded her that she was now part of the X-Men and inspired her to feel that way. Wanting to make her dead father be proud of her, Cecilia beat back her fears and charged into battle. Actually, she saved the day when she fell on the talisman that powered the Ru’tai reality, breaking it with her butt. Nonetheless, that day Cecilia’s doubts slowly began to fade away and she felt more like she belonged. (X-Men v2 #75)

When the X-Men were attacked by the Shadow King, he tried to corrupt the newer X-Men, tempting them with their secret desires. He offered Cecilia a new future with her own operating room and the knowledge the world’s best surgeons. Still, she was concerned about her fellow X-Men's fate and had not yet reached a decision when the Shadow King was eventually defeated by Storm and Psylocke. Afterwards, Cecilia took charge of helping the injured people of Storm’s village, thus redeeming herself for letting herself be tempted. (X-Men v2 #78)

Returning to an abandoned X-Mansion, Cecilia used what little tools she had to remove a bomb from Cyclops' chest. Attempting to save her career, she returned to work to have a unique last day. She treated a wounded Daredevil, learning his secret identity in the process, and a Legacy Virus-ravaged Pyro tricked her into releasing him from custody. The hospital fired her, and she reluctantly joined the X-Men. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #351) Later, she was caught up in the X-Men's battle with the Neo, a villainous group of mutants who claimed to have evolved beyond the level of other mutants. Reyes was trapped in the Neo's fortress below New York City and used a street drug called Rave to make her mutant powers more destructive, ensuring her survival. The X-Men rescued her, and the telepathic Professor X helped her kick her addiction to Rave during a detox period back at the X-Mansion. (X-Men v2 #106)

Later, she was seen as a prisoner at a mutant concentration camp run by the Weapon X program, called Neverland. There she attempted to use her medical expertise to help out the other prisoners.[10] She was apparently killed off panel when a brainwashed Agent Zero destroyed the camp, and her death was later confirmed in the letter column of New Excalibur #1. Mike Marts contradicted this in an interview on uncannyxmen.net, stating that if Cecilia would be dead they would show it on panel, and therefore Cecilia was not yet considered deceased at that time.[11]

In X-Men: The 198 Files, it has been revealed that Cecilia's older non-mutant brother, Colonel Miguel Reyes, had been assigned to head O*N*E security on the Xavier School grounds, with the purpose of finding out the fate of his sister.[12]

After M-Day and her escape from Neverland, Cecilia volunteers at local homeless shelters as well as working out of her apartment. According to Bobby Soul, she works off the record and under the table. The NYX teenagers bring an injured Tatiana to her for help. During their visit to her apartment she doesn't reveal to the teens that she used to be an X-Man. After treating Tatiana, she offers them a place to rest while she goes out for a few hours. Unaware Kiden Nixon is following her, she calls up Beast to ask a favor.[13] Later when Cecilia returns with groceries, she finds the teens have left.[14]

Sometime after these events, Cecilia moves to the X-Men's new base of operations; Utopia. When Magneto decides to bring back Shadowcat as a good will gesture, Cyclops asks specifically for her to help treat him of any injuries he might have suffered.[15]

After the events of Second Coming, Cecilia is partnered with Psylocke and sent to Mexico to locate the second of the Five Lights; the first mutants to manifest powers since M-Day. After sedating Gabriel, she informs his parents of what is transpiring and offers him help from the X-Men. Psylocke comes to the room and explains that something has happened, Gabriel's manifesting speed powers caused him to move so fast he is invisible to the naked eye. Psylocke taps into Cecilia's powers to create a force field around his room so they would not lose him before Hope Summers could arrive to help. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #527)

Gambit and X-23 arrive in New York City following a lead from London. Gambit is injured, with his wounds reopening later on. They visit Cecilia at her apartment, and she agrees to give Gambit stitches, but is perturbed at being disturbed and admits she left Utopia to avoid such "stupidity". X-23 picks up the scents of her friends from NYX in the apartment, and asks where they are. Cecilia states that she gave them permission to stay there before she went to Utopia, but they were gone by the time she returned. X-23 leaves to pursue a lead, and the city is soon rocked by a mysterious earthquake. Cecelia and Gambit help rescue and treat quake victims. Cecelia then accompanies Gambit as he searches for X-23, eventually finding her recovering in the care of the Future Foundation.[17]

Cecilia is added to a team of X-Men opposing the "worthy" empowered Juggernaut. She is instructed by Cyclops to protect a mob of anti-mutant protesters following the Juggernaut to end all mutants.[18]

Although she is still more comfortable healing humans than fighting superhumans, Cecilia Reyes is part of the new team composed by Wolverine. Alongside Northstar, Iceman, Beast, Gambit and the Shi'ar Warbird, she assists to Northstar's wedding and tries to help Karma, whose mind has been taken over Ms. Hatchi for yet unknown reasons.[19]

House of X

After Krakoa was declared a sovereign nation, the living island was declared a homeland for all Mutants that were invited to reside on its surface. Among those that accepted the offer was Cecilia Reyes who relocated to the newly formed country. (X-Men v5 #1)

From the Ashes


Personality and attributes

Unlike most X-Men, she has no interest in superheroics, and desires only to live an ordinary life, having been forced into the team by circumstance.

It was known that she had a brother by the name of Miguel Reyes who enlisted in the military and rose to the position of Colonel with him joining O*N*E. (X-Men: The 198 Files v1 #1)

She had said that she had hated Trish Trilby. (NYX: No Way Home v1 #4)

Powers and abilities

Raised in the Bronx, she was Latin American who originated from Puerto Rico where she became a medical doctor that specialized in trauma surgery. Cecilia came to be a capable medical doctor and an accomplished surgeon.

She has the mutant ability to project a force field around her body. Cecilia can generate a force field, described in her first appearance as a "psioplasmic bio-field" around her body which provides resistance to energy and physical attacks, and can shape or expand it to protect those nearby; however, impacts on the force field cause Cecilia pain. She also has shown the ability to wield her forcefield as a blunt force, pushing others out of her way. In X-Men (vol. 2) #100, she created spikes which could punch through a human body. While under the effects of the mutant-enhancing drug Rave, Cecilia is also able to use her force field offensively, forming it into a blade that can be used to attack enemies. The field can be raised consciously, but in her initial appearances, it is triggered by any external force used against it. While effective against external force, her field still leaves her vulnerable to attacks of insufficient force, such as gas, as seen when Colossus rendered her unconscious with a gas weapon.


  • Cecilia Reyes was created by Scott Lobdell and Carlos Pacheco where she made her first appearance in X-Men v2 #65 (June, 1997).

Alternate Versions

  • In Age of X: Alpha v1 #1 (2011), an alternate version of Cecilia Reyes appeared in the setting of the Age of X-Man reality set on Earth-11326 in the Multiverse.
  • In Days of Future Now, Cecilia survived the death camp Neverland and tried to help Wolverine to change the past to prevent "Days of Future Now" from ever happening. While watching over him, she was shot in the back by a Fantomex who was under the control of Sublime.
  • In X-Men: The End, she also had survived Neverland and has married Beast and they have three children (two boys and one girl), Ciaran, Francesca & Miguel McCoy.

In other media


  • In The New Mutants, Dr. Cecilia Reyes appeared in the setting of the live-action film where she was portrayed by actress Alice Braga. This version works for the Essex Corporation, who tasked her with monitoring potential recruits, until she is killed by the Demon Bear.


  • X-Men v2: (1997)
  • NYX: No Way Home v1:
  • X-Men: The 198 Files v1:

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