Kul Tiras

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Kul Tiras is a nation that features in Warcraft.



Kul Tiras was a human kingdom that was established in the world of Azeroth. Archaeological evidence indicated that the islands were once part of the Kaldorei Empire long ago. In addition, the area known as the Shrine of the Storm was a site of ancient power that had many names over the ages. After the Troll Wars around 2,700 years ago the humans of the kingdom of Arathor came to travel across the lands and settle the various regions on the continent. A group of human sailors from Gilneas in the mainland Eastern Kingdoms came upon the large island of Kul Tiras were they found large stores of metal ores and other resources. This saw them settling the region though shortly after their arrival they were attacked by the native Drust. This led to a war between the human settlers and the large hardy Drust that resided in Drustvar that ultimately culminated in the extinction of the native inhabitants Around this time, the first of the human settlers became Tidesages who revered the sea and guided others to the island. Afterwards, the sailors founded a mighty maritime outpost that they named Kul Tiras which in time came to be a city-state that developed a thriving economy on fishing and exports. In time, they came to build a mighty fleet of merchant vessel that came to sail the seas in search for exotic goods to trade and sell. Over the decades, these new cities continued to grow and developed their own unique customs. Many years later, Colonel Arom Waycrest had decided the time had come to end the bloodshed. He organized a final assault against the Drust and their city of Gol Osigr where he was assisted by both Ulfar's Thornspeakers and Athair. Arom faced their leader Gorak Tul himself and valiantly gave him the final blow. The Drust King's armies and constructs all faltered at once from this onslaught this losing them the war. From this victory, Arom was promoted to Lord and became the patriarch and founder of House Waycrest. He would eventually pass on, but his descendants would live in fame and power for a thousand years to come.

Around 1,200 years BDP, the kingdom of Arathor began to split apart. The once-small trading outposts and cities that had been established after the Troll Wars had grown into mighty city-states of their own. Eventually, Strom saw its influence over these regions slip away. Strom was left in the hands of a few ruling families too stubborn to abandon the old capital. It would eventually be renamed Stromgarde, and over generations, the various city-states became increasingly distant and insular. The island bastion of Kul Tiras continued its traditions of trading and shipping. The city-state boasted a massive navy - the greatest in all of Arathor. Its mighty fleets of merchant vessels sailed throughout the seas, its most daring captains exploring the coasts of the Eastern Kingdoms and returning with exotic goods and tales of strange lands in the remote corners of the continent. Kul Tiras's shipping and fishing economy eclipsed the maritime power of its northern neighbor, Gilneas. Unable to compete with Kul Tiras' burgeoning navy, Gilneas instead focused on bolstering its land-based armies and mercantile capabilities.

Kul Tiras came to be among the Council of Seven Nations and its leader Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore who had been a long-time friend of Anduin Lothar believed that vengeance on behalf of a destroyed nation was the correct course of action. Thus, he was in favor of joining into an Alliance of human nations that would eradicate the threat of the Horde and reclaim Stormwind for its survivors. Under the control of the new Grand Admiral, the Alliance navy intercepted the Horde fleet near the island of Zul'Dare, before the Battle of Hillsbrad Foothills. Proudmoore's vessels finding the crude Horde ships was akin to a wolf crossing paths with an injured lamb. Proudmoore's seasoned maritime fleet was able to easily outmaneuver the less sea experienced orc navy sooner than he anticipated. Orcish ships were blown to pieces by Alliance cannon volley, and the crews of sunken transports were swallowed by the waves. Proudmoore soon realized that he could destroy the entire Horde army at sea and bring a quick end to the Second War. However, the Horde fleet was not alone. Warchief Doomhammer, who had been wary of the humans' naval superiority, had ordered the Dragonmaw clan to supply the newly enslaved red dragonflight as support. Though reluctant to do so as battle mount training had not yet been completed, Nekros Skullcrusher sent three red dragons to protect the Horde fleet as it crossed to Lordaeron. He threatened to torture their mother Alexstrasza with the Demon Soul if they disobeyed. Reluctantly following the orcs from behind, the enslaved red dragons appeared after Proudmoore's navy attacked and had bathed several of the Alliance vessels in fire. Though the dragons were few in number, Proudmoore had no means to combat them at the time and was forced to call a retreat. As the Alliance fleet scattered, the Horde ships continued their advance toward Lordaeron. Kul Tiras forces were later stationed along the northern border of Khaz Modan, fighting to keep the orcs from advancing into southern Lordaeron.

After the Horde was completely driven from Lordaeron and Khaz Modan was liberated, the Black Tooth Grin clan with the Horde fleet had been sailing towards the Horde-controlled Stormwind when they were attacked near the island of Crestfall by the Alliance navy under the command of Grand Admiral Proudmoore. The battle had begun similar to the one near Zul'Dare, Proudmoore outmaneuvered his foes and hammered them with cannon fire. And just as before, the Horde had dragons. The beasts swooped down from the skies and engulfed the Alliance ships in sheets of fire.


In appearance, Kul Tiras was an island nation that was located by the western front of the Eastern Kingdoms by Baradin Bay and Dun Morogh where it was situated southeast of the Broken Isles. It was situated in a cold, mountainous region that was rich with metal ores and other valuable natural resources. The inner bay was protected by three great seagates, each reinforced with sea walls, bunkers, cannons, fortifications, and a garrison.

Locations in Kul Tiras included:

  • Drustvar :
  • Mechagon Island :
  • Stormsong Valley :
  • Tiragarde Sound :

Humans from Kul Tiras were a specific breed of man that were brawnier than their mainland cousins. All Kul Tirans were said to share a bond with the sea where from the tides they drew their strength.

Four families of nobilities were said to rule the kingdom with these being; House Waycrest, House Stormsong, House Ashvane, and House Proudmoore. Each house has a seat on a council that rules the nation. The strength of each seat varies in terms of political power, which leads to political intrigue between the houses.

Organizations within Kul Tiras included the :

  • Proudmoore Admiralty :
  • Ashvane Trading Company :
  • Storm's Wake :
  • Order of Embers : an elite order of champions originally founded to fight the Drust where its members were known as inquisitors.
  • Outriggers : an organization of Kul Tiran monster hunters based in Tiragarde Sound.
  • Kul Tiran Marines :

Most people in Kul Tiras looked to the sea for guidance rather than the Light. This saw the emergence of the Tidesages that were a religious group that worshipped the Tidemother. A leading council known as the Tidesage Council managed the organization with these sea priests having a deep connection with water. A fringe group of druids in Kul Tiras were the Thornspeakers who were Drust that disagreed with their leaders war against the humans and broke off to operate in the wilderness of the region.

Whilst known for its navy, the Kul Tiran military prided itself on maintaining a formidable cavalry.

The Kul Tiran fleet proudly stood as one of the finest of its kind in the entire world and considered the greatest naval power in all of Azeroth.

Only a few gryphons are selected to be sea scouts operating from flagships in the fleet. Their long-range reconnaissance is an integral part of Kul Tiran sea dominance.

The Kul Tirans made use of Storm Silver Ore in their construction as it was light weight and resistant to corrosion making it perfect for building ships.

While the Stormsongs build every ship of the fleet, the tidesages blessed every last Kul Tiran vessel, which was what really sets them apart from the ships visiting Kul Tiras. The nation's largest ships always carried a tidesage to navigate through storms, withstand heavy seas, and put wind in their sails.


  • Derek Proudmoore :
  • Katherine Proudmoore :
  • Jaina Proudmoore :
  • Tandred Proudmoore :
  • Arom Waycrest :
  • Arthur Waycrest :
  • Meredith Waycrest :
  • Lucille Waycrest :
  • Priscilla Ashvane :
  • Brother Pike :


  • Kul Tiras was created by Blizzard Entertainment and featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.

In other media


  • In Warcraft RPG, Kul Tiras was referenced in the setting of the non-canon RPG published by White Wolf Publishing. The Lands in Conflict sourcebook detailed that Kul Tiras was a large island off Khaz Modan's west coast, between Azeroth and Lordaeron, though is considered a land of this last continent. The unsettled areas are covered with rolling hills and sparse evergreen woods. Kul Tiras is temperate, though subject to sudden ocean storms. The nation is also very windy, which makes zeppelin rides perilous. Its greatest asset was also its greatest danger. Murlocs and naga crawl from the sea to torment sailors and fishermen. Pirates roam the waters preying on merchant vessels. The nearby islands of Crestfall, immediately off the northeast coast, and farther Tol Barad, in the same direction, are also parts of Kul Tiras. Wild game includes a few forest creatures such as foxes, squirrels, and the occasional black bear. Kul Tiras' shores possess good fishing and provide ample seafood. There are excellent lobster and king crab in Kul Tiras. The city of Boralus, the town of Drisburg, and the former estate of Duke Falrevere are also found on the island.


  • Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness:
  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos:
  • World of Warcraft:

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