Sodam Yat

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Sodam Yat in Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors v1 #4.

Sodam Yat is a male extraterrestrial superhero who features in DC Comics.




Sodam Yat was a male Daxamite from the world of Daxam.

The Sinestro Corps took out a sector house in 2263, so Kilowog rallied Sodam and the other Corps members on Oa, telling them they were going to take the fight to the Sinestro soldiers. Salakk took Arisia aside and asked her to keep close to Sodam Yat and watch his back. She asked if there was something special about him, and Salakk told her to just follow orders and one day she might get her answer. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #14) The sentient planet Sinestro Corps soldier Ranx attacked Mogo, knowing the Corps would not long survive without Mogo to direct power rings to worthy recipients and to mentally train new recruits. Killowog and the Lanterns under his command, including Arisia, arrived and rallied behind Mogo, but Sinestro Corps drill sergeant Arkillo beat them back with his soldiers. Despite the Green Lantern Corps efforts, Ranx ripped a hole in Mogo’s surface and sent in the Children of the White Lobe, the Sinestro Corps latest allies, so they could explode and destroy the power ring at Mogo’s core. Killowog sent corpsmen Yat, Kol, Stel and Chthatis off to Ranx to destroy the planet’s brain. Arisia wanted to follow Salakk’s orders and stay with Yat, but Killowog overruled her. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #15) At the onset of the Sinestro Corps War, Sodam Yat was among a group of Lanterns gathered by Kilowog to strike back against Sinestro's forces attacking in Space Sector 2263. The Guardians of the Universe were aware of Sodam Yat's role in Qull's prophecy in which they tasked Lantern Salakk from keeping the prophecy from coming to pass. Salakk singled out Arisia Rrab to keep an eye on the newly graduated Lantern Yat. During the Sinestro Corps' assault on the Green Lantern planet Mogo, Sodam took command of the team sent to stop Ranx the Sentient City from destroying Mogo. Sodam later destroyed the core of Ranx, ending the battle of Mogo. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #16)

After the events of the war, the Guardians requested Kyle Rayner to assist Sodam in adjusting to his new role as Ion. While speaking about Sodam's history and attitude as a Lantern, it was revealed that Sodam must now permanently wear a Power Ring to prevent the lead in his body from killing him. They were attacked by Alexander Nero, who had been freed during the initial Sinestro Corps assault on Oa but had not participated in the overall Sinestro Corps War. Kyle fought to less than his abilities to encourage Sodam to embrace his status as Ion. Sodam eventually defeated Nero by taking control of Nero's own constructs - something Kyle stated that he had never attempted. (Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Ion v1 #1)

He was among the Green Lanterns called by Hal Jordan to help stop the Cyborg Superman during the villains attempt to destroy Coast City once more. Though Henshaw was able to fight off the other Lanterns, he was unable to combat the sheer strength of Sodam Yat who knocked him down to allow Jordan to a blow to badly wound the supervillain leading to him fleeing the scene. (Green Lanterns v1 #57)

Among his people, he came to serve as a Senator where he formed the Isolationist Party though this came to fall into a minority within the government. Around this time, they were visited by the Eradicator who was following his directive in ensuring the survival of the Kryptonian race. This saw him use genetic engineering and cloning to form a new breed of Daxamite soldier that had all their strengths but none of their weaknesses. With this force, the Eradicator intended to send this army to conquer Earth and remake it into a New Krypton. Upon learning of this, Sodam Yat took a ship and fled to warn the Earth but his vessel crashed on the surface where exposure to the yellow sun briefly caused him to lose control of his abilities. He was confronted by the Justice League who managed to take him to the Hall of Justice where he warned them of the coming threat. (Justice League v4 #40)


Personality and attributes

Yat was responsible for forming the Isolationist Party though he did not do it out of xenophobia but rather because he felt that he needed to protect the universe from his race. To that end, he refused to use yellow sun derived powers as he believed it went against his beliefs. (Justice League v4 #40)

Powers and abilities

He was considered to hold the power of Superman and was his equal in strength. (Green Lanterns v1 #57)

He was able to channel the green energy of the Ion Entity. He thus has the ability to manipulate willpower from the the Ion entity. This redefines the limits of what he can do with his powers. His abilities were much like a normal Green Lantern, but with the increase in power from the Ion entity, the range of things he can affect was much larger. (Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Ion v1 #1)


  • Sodam Yat was created by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill where he made his first appearance in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual v1 #2 (December, 1986)

Alternate Versions


  • Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual v1: (1986)
  • Green Lantern Corps v2:
  • Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Ion v1:
  • Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors v1:
  • Green Lanterns v1:
  • Justice League v4:

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