Buckley (Proteus)

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Buckley was a Brinkstone security guard at the Proteus Project facility. He was the final person out of the Brinkstone rig's personnel to be taken by Charlie. Even as the castaways were arriving, Buckley was fleeing from the beast, and had actually reached the door and was in the process of opening it, when Charlie grabbed him and dragged him away just as Alex opened it from the other side. Later, Buckley's consciousness temporarily wrested control of the body he shared from Charlie, and turned back into himself. Encountering the group, he warned them that "Charlie's coming." Buckley's will proved unable to maintain control, and the shark retook control of the body, transforming from the Buckley-form to its original mutant shark form. His mind remained trapped until Alex burned Charlie to death in a fire, freeing Buckley's mind and allowing him to die.

See Also

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