X-O Manowar

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X-O Manowar is a male comic character who features in Valiant Comics.



Valiant Comics

Aric of Dacia was a male human Visigoth who was born in the 5th century A.D. during a time when his people were under Roman rule.

Acclaim Comics

Valiant Entertainment

Air of Dacia

In 402 AD, Aric of Dacia – the brash young heir to the Visigoth throne – led his fellow warriors into battle against the superior might of the Roman Empire. While the Visigoths fought valiantly, they were overwhelmed by the Romans and suffered a brutal defeat. Aric was further devastated when he discovered his father Rolf had been mortally wounded and his beloved wife Deidre, along with others, had been taken captive.

In hopes of freeing their loved ones, Aric and a group of Visigoth warriors attacked a strange transport they believed held their families. However, the transport turned out to be a shuttle operated by a merciless alien race known as the Vine. Overcome by the advanced weaponry, Aric and his best friend Gafti were captured and taken to a Vine colony ship in deep space. While attempting to escape, Aric and Gafti witnessed a Vine ceremony of worship for a suit of armor called Shanhara. Before Aric and Gafti could learn more, they were recaptured by the brutal Commander Trill and sent to work as slaves in the Vine's deadly gardens. Overcome with starvation, Gafti stole one of the alien fruits he was cultivating in the gardens. He was attacked by Vine guards, and when Aric rose to defend him, the guards severed Aric's hand as punishment for his insubordination. Years of subjugation ticked by, but Aric's quest to return to his loved ones never abated. Slowly, an escape plan was formed. The day finally came. Aric rallied his enslaved comrades, and they turned on their Vine masters. The men suffered heavy casualties, but managed to make it to the ceremony chamber in which Shanhara was held. Aric approached the mysterious armor, not knowing that it had killed all who had tried to wear it before. He reached out his hand, and the armor flowed around him, seeming to accept him as its new host and granting him extraordinary powers and abilities, even healing his lost hand.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

According to legend, the sentient X-O Manowar armor known as Shanhara grew from a secret plant eons ago on the alien empire's home world of Loa.

Shanhara could translate foreign and alien languages, tap into a world's historical and geographical records, interface with complex forms of technology, and even heal life-threatening injuries and illnesses.


  • X-O Manowar was created by Jim Shooter, Steve Englehart, Bob Layton and Barry Windsor-Smith where he made his first appearance in X-O Manowar v1 #1 (February, 1992).

In other media

Video games

  • In Iron Man and X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal, X-O Manowar appeared as a playable character in the setting of the crossover video game.


  • X-O Manowar v1: (1992)

External Links

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