Alpha (Men in Black)

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From top to bottom: Alpha as MiB chief; Alpha in his first form; Alpha in his second form

Alpha was the first chief agent of the Men in Black (though not a founding member), he was Kay's mentor. Some time before Jay's recruitment, Alpha acquired a forbidden alien device- the Verudian Cosmic Integrator- that had amazing abilities. He offered to share it with Kay, but when the latter refused and seemed as if he'd turn him in, Alpha zapped him and made his escape. Over the next 20 years, Alpha used the Integrator to travel the universe. The device apparently drove him mad, and he began stealing alien parts and grafting them onto his own body to 'improve' himself. When he stole the ever-beating heart of a Sintillian named Saben, he was confronted by Kay and Jay, who eventually destroyed him- or so it seemed.

Alpha actually survived, and reappeared to add the young symbiote Troy to himself, so as to gain his regenerative abilities. However, Troy's mother also merged with Alpha, creating a side-effect he'd not predicted- the regeneration of all the aliens that made up his parts, who broke free. Now a normal human again, Alpha crawled away.

However, it was only a matter of time before he began his body part-snatching again, this time making himself more alien than human. He created an evil quick-clone of Jay to do his bidding, but was defeated again by an army of good Jay clones. Later, he employed the services of Jeebs' vain and aggressive brother, Dak, to help take over the MiB satellite, Blackguard. This plan was foiled by Jay and Kay, with some unwilling help on Jeebs' part.

Alpha was blown into pieces in space by Kay, and these pieces merged with Dak, making the two one entity, and giving Alpha Dak's regenerative powers. The pair sought revenge on Kay and Jay by utilizing an ancient alien spacecraft lying beneath the Antarctic ice, and Alpha separated Dak so that the alien could battle Jay personally. Alpha's control of the ship was disrupted by the Worm Guys, and Alpha was last seen falling off a cliff.

Alpha's time in the Antarctic took a terrible toll on his body, and he was forced to replace many of his body parts with those of alien criminals. However, this gave Alpha his most powerful body to date. The MiB duped Jay into believing Zed had retired, then allowed Alpha to capture him and extract Zed's location. Alpha, however, also learned of Jay's doubts about the situation, and managed to avoid the trap MiB had set. His alien form was destroyed by Jay, who used Alpha's own bio-weapon against the former MiB chief. Alpha, now only a weak, frail human, was locked away in MiB's mental ward under heavy guard.

Unfortunately, some time later, Jay accidentally enabled him to escape. Jay used an electronic chess game to ask Alpha questions about a group of aliens, once associated with him, that were stealing oil. Alpha played along, but later disassembled the game and used its components to find a means of escape.

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  • Men in Black - The Series (Official Site, archived at Wayback Machine)
  • Men in Black: The Series: "The Alpha Syndrome" (1997)
  • Men in Black: The Series: "The Quick Clone Syndrome" (1998)
  • Men in Black: The Series: "The Heads You Lose Syndrome" (1998)
  • Men in Black: The Series: "The Blackguard Syndrome" (1999)
  • Men in Black: The Series: "The Cold Sweat Syndrome" (1999)
  • Men in Black: The Series: "The Out to Pasture Syndrome" (2000)
  • Men in Black: The Series: "The Opening Gambit Syndrome" (2000)
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