April Parker

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April Parker in her Spider-Girl form.

April Parker is a female comic character who features in Marvel Comics.




After the birth of May Parker, Norman Osborn secretly had the child cloned and kept one of thr children whereupon he placed her in a stasis chamber for many years. Whilst in stasis, Osborn genetically altered her DNA and managed to make her a hybrid with both Human and Symbiotes characteristics within her; as part of the engineering process he ensured that the symbiote was never sentient which prevented a second consciousness from forming within the girls mind. The ultimate aim of this project was to find a means for Osborn to be reborn into an immortal Goblin Creature. Following his death, the members of the Goblin Cult managed to update the DNA of the developing offspring and managed to make her appear similar to May Parker herself. The clone would have remained in stasis until Normie Osborn discovered the stasis chamber within a secret laboratory within Osborn Chemical.

Once Peter Parker arrived in the lab, Normie explained that the person within the stasis chamber had been placed by his grandfather with the notes stating the the person within was a trapped female who was the original May Parker whilst the child currently known as his daughter being the clone. Whilst attempting to analyze the stasis fluid, the chamber exploded in his face and knocked him unconscious though he later claimed that the subject inside was the one who attacked him despite Normie Osborn claiming that she was not dangerous. When Normie Osborn returned during some activity within the chamber, he discovered the clone was attempting to escape and was overpowered by her after which she departed the scene.

April and her "twin sister" May.

The hybrid began stalking the other May at her school and even attacked her when she was rushing out to become Spider-Girl, however, during the fight, she accidently threw herself down the school stairwell which allowed May to escape by leaping off the building. This other May began a fruitless search of looking for her counterpart and later foguht against her during a mission by the X-People to contain Sara Hingles powers. Despite attacking her, May saved the two of them during a fall into the street but later threw the hybrid off the building after which she snared her double within a web thus showing the difference between the two; Spider-Girl did not kill whilst the hybrid was willing to use deadly as well as lethal force to achieve her aims.

Through the chain of events, it was discovered that Norman Osborn had managed to use the symbiote hybrids to fuse his mind within the bodies of May Parker, Peter Parker and the symbiote hybrid as part of his plans. During the battle within the collective consciousness that had formed, the parkers ultimately proved to be victorious. With their enemy defeated, the hybrid decided to join her biological family. Taking on the name of "April" as a play on the words of her "sister" May, she officially joined the Parker family. Enrolling within the same school as her "sister", it was claimed that they were similar looking cousins. The two Spider-Girls were adjusting to their new life together and were also investgating the death of Gwen Reilly.


Personality and attributes

April in her Human form.

She often took to using her spider abilities to do simple household chores in record time as well as through creative ways such as standing on the ceiling whilst vacuuming the drapes.

Originally, April was perfectly willing to use lethal force in order to win a battle which was a noted difference between her and her sister May. In battle, she had proven to be a powerful fighter but lacks the experience that her sister May had accumulated during her life.

Powers and abilities

Though appearing to be an ordinary girl, April possessed superhuman abilities similar as her sister May and as such had a strength level allowing her to life approximately 5 tonnes as well as possessing a spider sense though lacked the experience to truly use it to its fully capabilities. Furthermore, due to her hybrid nature, she also had the unique powers of a symbiote. This meant that had enhanced physical capabilities that were even greater than her sister as well as shapeshifting powers that were provided to her by her symbiote half. This allowed her to generate webs, claws, snares and swing lines through her natural abilities alone.


  • April Parker was created by Tom Defalco and Ron Frenz where she made her first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Girl v1 #20 (July, 2008).
  • It should be noted that so far, its not known whether April is in fact the original May or the clone.

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games

  • In Spider-Man Unlimited, Mayhem appeared as a playable character in the setting of the mobile video game.


  • The Amazing Spider-Girl:

External Link

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