Azeroth (Warcraft)

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Azeroth is a planet that features in Warcraft.





Azeroth was a world that existed within the Great Dark that came to house a Titan core that was developing within it. During her development, the world-soul began to consume the power of spirit leading to unrest amongst the chaotic Elementals that inhabited the planet. As result, the four Elemental Lords constantly clashed with one another in a state of flux until one day Azeroth was visited by the Old Gods. Embedding themselves in the world, the void-spawned creatures along with their insectoid servants among the Aqir and N'raqi established the Black Empire. At first, the Elementals clashed with these intruders but were eventually enslaved and became servants to the Old Gods who looked to corrupt the Titan soul deep in the core of Azeroth. Eventually, the planet attracted the attention of the wandering Titans of the Pantheon who sought nascent members of their kind to usher into the cosmos. Arriving on Azeroth, they came to battle against the Old Gods and their servants where they began to impose order on the world by using the Pillars of Creation. Opposing them were the elementals who were powerful beyond mortal comprehension but even their combined might could not stop the Titans. After they were defeated, the Pantheon proceeded to shatter the Old Gods citadels where they killed Y'Shaarj but came to find that the parasitic beings were too embedded in the planet to destroy. Thus, they came to cast the remaining Old Gods into an eternal imprisonment deep within the earth and hit it from all. With the elementals defeated, nature itself came to calm and harmony formed in the world. The Titans then created a series of constructs that would shape the landscape according to their vision and done so in a way that would allow life to flourish on Azeroth. They also created hidden cities to house their constructs and created the Dragon Aspects to guard the world before the Pantheon departed to continue their journey across the cosmos.

Before leaving, the titans created an enormous lake filled with arcane energy, known as the Well of Eternity, at the center of the great landmass of Kalimdor. The Well accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth, and soon intelligent races evolved from the land's primitive life forms. The trolls were among the first and most prolific. Though the various troll tribes varied greatly in culture and traditions, they all shared a common religion centered around the elusive Wild Gods, or 'loa', mysterious and powerful beings that originated from Azeroth itself. The Zandalari, the most powerful troll tribe, established the temple city of Zuldazar and a great civilisation upon the summit of the sacred Zandalar mountain range, where many of the trolls' honored loa dwelt. Soon, however, splinter factions of the Zandalari left Zuldazar seeking war and conquest, establishing the Gurubashi and Amani empires. Later, the aqiri empire of Azj'Aqir rose in the west, forcing the trolls to better defend their major holdings. With pressure from their trollish enemies, the empire of the aqir collapsed and split into the qiraji, nerubian, and mantid kingdoms. After their war with the aqir, the trolls controlled most of Kalimdor. A group of dark trolls distanced themselves from their warlike brethren, instead dwelling in cavernous tunnel networks beneath Mount Hyjal and surrounding areas. Eventually, some of the dark trolls began migrating towards the heart of Kalimdor, establishing villages along the way and in time re-discovering the Well of Eternity. One of the dark troll tribes settled upon its shores, and the magic of the Well uplifted them into powerful and virtually immortal beings that would later become known as the Kaldorei, also known as the Night Elves.

Using the potent magics of the Well of Eternity, the elves broke troll influence in many regions and established a magocratic empire. At the height of kaldorei power, however, their reckless use of magic attracted the demonic armies of the Burning Legion. Queen Azshara and her Highborne summoned the Burning Legion into the world, sparking the War of the Ancients. The night elves not loyal to Azshara, along with their dragon and Ancient Guardian allies, were forced to destroy the Well, which caused a Great Sundering that split the ancient supercontinent of Kalimdor apart, creating several smaller continents: Northrend, Pandaria, the Eastern Kingdoms including Azeroth, Khaz Modan, and Lordaeron, and Kalimdor. Following the war, there was a schism among the elves. The night elves abandoned their arcane heritage, instead embracing druidism under the tutelage of the first druid, Malfurion Stormrage. The kaldorei, with the help of the Great Aspects, planted the World Tree Nordrassil on top of the last remaining waters of the Well of Eternity, in order to protect and heal Azeroth. However, the Highborne refused to give up arcane magic. Fearing their use of magic would cause another demonic invasion, the night elves banished the Highborne from Kalimdor. Renaming themselves high elves, the former servants of Azshara sailed across the Great Sea. They settled in the north of Lordaeron, establishing the mighty kingdom of Quel'Thalas. There, they rediscovered the Amani Empire, who still had a strong force over the land. Soon the two cultures clashed in what became known as the Troll Wars. With support from the young race of humanity, the high elves broke and scattered what remained of the Amani empire.

Great Wars

World of Warcraft


In appearance, Azeroth was a world that was composed of four major continents and a number of islands scattered around them. The Great Sea was located in-between the four landmasses and at its centre was the Maelstrom that was a massive chaotic whirlpool where resided the ancient Well of Eternity.

s comprised of four major continents, with a number of islands scattered about them. The Great Sea is located in between the four landmasses

Locations on Azeroth included:

  • Azeroth :
  • Kalimdor :
  • Lordaeron :
  • Northrend :

Creatures native to the planet included:

  • Dragons :
  • Basilisks :
  • Griffins :

Sentient races that inhabited the world included:

  • Trolls :
  • Elves:
  • Dwarves :
  • Tauren :
  • Goblins :
  • Nerubians :
  • Panderans :
  • Humans :
  • Orcs :

Organizations operating on Azeroth included:

  • Sentinels :
  • Wardens :
  • Council of Tirisfal :
  • Kirin Tor :
  • Brotherhood of Northshire :
  • Brotherhood of the Horse :
  • Knights of the Silver Hand :
  • Argent Dawn :
  • Scarlet Crusade :
  • Bilgewater Cartel :
  • Council of Tirisfal :

Kingdoms in Azeroth included:

  • Dalaran :
  • Kul Tiras :
  • Lordaeron :
  • Stormwind :
  • Stromgrade :
  • Gilneas :
  • Quel'Thalas :
  • Zandalar Mountains :
  • Khaz Modan :
  • Blackrock Mountain :
  • Badlands :
  • Dun Morogh :
  • Loch Modan :
  • Vashj'ir :
  • Durotan :


  • Ragnaros :
  • Azshara :
  • Cenarius :
  • Lunara :
  • Tyrande Whisperwind :
  • Malfurion Stormrage :
  • Illidan Stormrage :
  • Medivh :
  • Anduin Lothar :
  • Uther Lightbringer :
  • Turalyon :
  • Alleria Windrunner :
  • Danath :
  • Khadgar :
  • Kurdran :
  • Arthas Menethil :
  • Jaina Proudmoore :
  • Kael'thas Sunstrider :
  • Varian Wrynn :
  • Falstad Wildhammer :
  • Kel'thuzad :
  • Sally Whitemane :
  • Sylvanus Windrunner :
  • Valeera Sanguinar :
  • Zul'jin :
  • Thrall :


  • Azeroth was created by Blizzard Entertainment where it featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.

In other media


Video games


  • Warcraft:
  • World of Warcraft:

External Links

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