Blood Breed (Blood Blockade Battlefront)

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The Blood Breed are a race of vampires that feature in Blood Blockade Battlefront.



The Blood Breed were a powerful race of vampires that inhabited the Alterworld. Since ancient times, specially trained humans sought to eliminate the species with these being referred to as Fang Hunters.

For a time, Libra believed that there were only Thirteen Elder Blood Breeds in existence. This was until Leonardo Watch used his Eyes of the Gods to see that there were far more of these creatures.

The Brigade Argento criminal syndicate came to acquire the services of a Blood Breed bodyguard known as the Maestro who actually remotely piloted this body.


In appearance, the form of a Blood Breed varied though they tended to be somewhat humanoid in shape. They were able to feast on humans and turn them into servants that could be used against their former allies. Similar to the myths surrounding vampires, the species were noted to appear invisible by any mirror including cameras thus making them difficult to fight through remote drones. They had natural regenerative capabilities that were far above other races. The Elder Blood Breeds were even more skilled with this trait as they were able to control parts of their body that had separated. Even critical strikes that destroyed the head of the Blood Breed did not kill them as they were able to regenerate from the wound. Certain Blood Breeds were able to operate even without a head. If extremely damaged, the Blood Breed or the part of its body was able to place itself into a protective cocoon known as the Zhen Tai Dan (Chinese for 'True Womb Egg'). This a large oval shaped black skinned egg with multiple eyes with the Blood Breed regenerating inside. The egg was able to manifest numerous tentacles that lashed out to attack enemies. These tentacles limbs were able to move with such speed to deflect bullets from semi-automatic fire from armored police officers and even tear apart the arm of such exoskeletal suits. Furthermore, they were able to move quick enough to surprise a skilled fighter such as Zapp before he could conjure his blade.

One upper class of their kind were the Elder Blood Breeds that were much more powerful than an average member of their race. Initially, it was believed by Libra that there were only thirteen such elders but it was later shown that there were far more.

In comparison to other Alterworld being, the Blood Breed were shown to be savage and bloodthirsty.


  • Valsh Rozzo Valctovoel Girika :
  • Tonio Andretti :


  • Blood Breeds were created by Yasuhiro Nightow and featured in the setting of Blood Blockade Battlefront.


  • Blood Blockade Battlefront:

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