Timothy Cain

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Major Timothy Cain

Major Timothy "Able" Cain was apparently the overall commander of the UBCS. He was originally from Germany and had done an extended tour of duty with the U.S. Army in the Middle East before he came to work for the Umbrella Corporation. His experiences with war and death had led him to believe that life was cheap, and so he was known for treating his colleagues and subordinates coldly, all except for One, Cain's old war buddy who he hand-picked to lead the UBCS's field operatives after he was promoted.

When the T-Virus escaped from the Hive and infected Raccoon City as a result of Cain's men foolishly opening the sealed facility, Cain was put in charge of handling the situation. He saw to it that all Umbrella employees and their families were evacuated, and then sealed off Raccoon City by having his troops build a giant wall around the city so as to contain the infection. In the meantime, Cain decided that with Raccoon City in total chaos, this was the perfect opportunity to enact Nemesis Program, which he had worked on with Dr. Isaacs.

Ultimately, Cain's undoing came when he earned the scorn of Alice by shooting and killing Dr. Charles Ashford in an attempt to force her to fight Nemesis. He was thrown from his own helicopter by Alice, landing amidst a horde of zombies. Although he attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head, Cain discovered that his gun was empty, and he was eaten alive by the zombies, with the now-undead Dr. Ashford taking the first bite.


  • Resident Evil: Genesis by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Resident Evil: Apocalypse
  • Resident Evil: Apoclaypse (novelization) by Keith R.A. DeCandido
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