Captain Shiner (ThunderCats)

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Captain Shiner was an alien humanoid canine being that commanded a ship named the Vertus filled with members of his fellow race. As Captain, he operated as a mercenary where he took on assignments in exchange for monetary compensation. At some point, he was contacted by Mumm-Ra of Third Earth who desired the Sword of Omens that was in possession of Lion-O. To accomplish this, he sent a distress signal where he pretended his ship was a passenger liner that had gone off course onto the Sea of Stars. The emergency communique was sent to Cat's Lair on Third Earth where it was picked up by the ThunderCats whereby Lion-O, Snarf and Cheetara went to rescue them on the Feliner. Lion-O and Snarf entered the ship but found no occupants except for abandoned warm tea but it had been drugged causing the two to fall unconscious. It was then that Vertus's trap was sprung where they attempted to capture the Feliner as well that had Cheetara but she managed to escape. The captive Lion-O and Snarf were brought before Captain Shiner who revealed his true nature after which his employer Mumm-Ra appeared. He provided Mumm-Ra the captured Sword of Omens that the villain threw into space towards a black hole. Shiner then had Lion-O and Snarf placed in the engine room to manage the boron rods with the goal of the pair dying from constant exposure to the radiation. Panthro had, however, snuck aboard the ship where he managed to free his comrades after which they took control of the Vertus. They then forced Shiner to pilot the spaceship into the black hole in order to recover the Sword of Omens where they discovered it was an artificial construct with a giant power station at the center. The station was under the command of the artificial intelligence N.E.P.T.U.N.E. that detained them. All seemed lost until Jaga appeared before Lion-O and guided him in summoning the Sword of Omens that freed them from detention. After that, they all made their way to the Vertus with Panthro sabotaging N.E.P.T.U.N.E.s magnetic transformers causing the station to explode. Captain Shiner used his spacemanship skills to navigate their way to safety but his ship was badly damaged from a collision with an asteroid. He then ordered the ThunderCats to survive in escape pods whilst he went down with the ship. The ThunderCats were saved by Cheetara on the Feliner with it initially believed that Shiner had died but he survived onboard an escape craft.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, he resembled a thin framed canine humanoid with pinkish skin and red pupils with his left eye having a monocle. Typically, he was shown wearing a military gray uniform.

He preferred to be called a mercenary over a hijacker with him taking on assignments in exchange for money. Shiner had a code and duty that he followed such as ensuring that his ships occupants reached the escape pods whilst he himself decided to go down with the ship. In fact, prior to the destruction of the Vertus, he did a salute. Despite being on the wrong side, Lion-O admitted that he was a brave man and was saddened when he believed Shiner had died. Due to his station, he desired to be treated in accordance with his rank such as being given officer quarters. He used his command authority to ensure that others departed in the escape pods.

Powers and abilities

He commanded a large spaceship called the Vertus that was filled with fellow members of his species. This craft was able to generate light beams that transported from one location to another. According to Panthro, Shiner had excellent spacemanship skills that allowed him to maneuver his ship in conditions that could not piloted by others. He was a remarkable space sailor who was capable of surviving hopeless situations.


  • Captain Shiner was voiced by actor Bob McFadden.


  • ThunderCats:

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