Clock King (DC Animated)
The Clock King was formerly Temple Fugate, an efficiency expert. An extremely punctual and time-conscious man, Fugate lost an appeal in a critical case which cost him his company when attorney Hamilton Hill innocently encouraged him to take an unscheduled break. As a result of a series of mishaps, Fugate arrived at court too late. Consumed with a desire for revenge, Fugate began efforts to embarass and ultimately assassinate now-Mayor Hill years later as the Clock King. The Clock King's incredible sense of timing challenged Batman's wits, but the Dark Knight was ultimately able to defeat him.
Some time later, Fugate acquired a device that could accelerate or decrease someone relative to the normal timestream, enabling them to move at super-speed or be slowed to a crawl. Despite the technological advantage offered by the devices, the Clock King's second set of efforts to murder Mayor Hill were defeated thanks to Batman and Robin.