Glob Herman

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Glob in Age of X-Man: Nextgen v1 #4.

Glob Herman is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics.



Robert Herman

He grew up hating Mutants because his father and his friends all hated their kind. They were among those protestors that would often go to protests and speak out against the very existence of Mutants. As such, Glob grew up with such sentiments and was often dragged to participate in such events whilst his mother worked to bring money to the house. This all changed one day when Glob's mutation manifested leading to his father directed his venomous hate at his own son. He used every opportunity to hound Glob even wen his son tried his best to stay out of his fathers way. This eventually led to his mother waking him up one night at 2am where she drove him to Westchester to the X-Mansion to be enrolled at Professor X's school. She kissed her son on the head and told him never to come back home thus leaving him at the school. At first, he came to hate it as Glob still retained his fathers anti-Mutant rhetoric but in time he found acceptance among other Mutants at the school. (New Mutants v4 #12)


Personality and attributes

All his life, he had to deal with humans that had anti-Mutant sentiment even when he tried to avoid them. Even in such circumstances, these people went out of their way to find him and make his life a living hell. (New Mutants v4 #12)

Initially, he grew up hating Mutants due to his father but this changed when his mutation manifested causing Glob to be the victim of his fathers hatred. Thus, it took a bit of time but he eventually came to accept Mutants but in turn started to hate humans for their treatment of him. Thus, he initially found acceptance among other Mutants who hated mankind but in time saw that they were all feeding off each others hatred. Upon recognising this, he found some clarity in his life and decided to go on a different path then the hate filled one created by his father. (New Mutants v4 #12)

Powers and abilities


  • Glob Herman was created by Grant Morrison and Ethan van Sciver where he made his first appearance in New X-Men v1 #117 (October, 2001).

Alternate Versions

In other media



  • New X-Men v1: (2001)
  • Extraordinary X-Men v1:
  • Old Man Logan v2:
  • Age of X-Man: Nextgen v1:
  • New Mutants v4: (2020)

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