Infinite War

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The Infinite War is a conflict that features in Supreme Commander.




The Infinite War was a galactic conflict waged across the galaxy between the United Earth Federation, the Cybran Nation and the Aeon Illuminate. Humanity by this point had become an interstellar civilisation where during its expansion it formed the Earth Empire. Part of its strength came from the Symbionts who were humans that were paired with an artificial intelligence. They became critical to the establishment of colonies and general expansion of the empire. However, unknown to them, the Earth Empire instilled a loyalty programmed that would force the Symbionts to submit to their will.

In the wake of the Earth Empire's collapse, three new powers came to form from its ruined remains. These were the United Earth Federation, the Cybran Nation and the Aeon Illuminate who became embroiled in a long series of conflicts with one another that spanned a millennium as they fought for control over the galaxy.

Acting in a severe and often draconian manner, EarthCom made the difficult decisions that politicians, mired in corruption and their own self-interest, could not. Entire worlds were abandoned and much of the Quantum Gate Network was intentionally destroyed in an effort to isolate the retreating Prime Worlds from the rest of the galaxy. Despite the best efforts of the military, civil war erupted. After a hundred years, EarthCom was finally able to restore order and establish a new government, which was christened the United Earth Federation. Risen, phoenix-like from the ashes of the old Earth Empire, the United Earth Federation vowed to purge itself of bureaucratic corruption and remain pure to a single task: the rescue of mankind's war-torn worlds and an end to the Infinite War. By any and all means necessary. It has worked toward that goal by maintaining an iron grip on the new empire, creating a seemingly democratic but practically totalitarian government out of what might be considered the most successful military coup in human history.

The Infinite War came abruptly to an end by the unforeseeable emergence of a Seraphim invasion force through a Quantum Rift above the planet Earth formed by Black Sun's firing in October 3844. However, this only marked the beginning of another, even bloodier conflict. This event forced the Cybrans, Aeon, and UEF to forge a hasty alliance against the invaders. However, Brackman's computer, QAI, made with Seraphim technology, rebels and joins the Seraphim, along with a large part of the Aeon Illuminate which renames itself the Order of the Illuminate. The remainder is renamed the Aeon Loyalists, who are loyal to Princess Burke. The Seraphim and their allies are winning this conflict until they are driven back from Griffin IV. The Seraphim warriors are finally stopped when the inter-dimensional arch is destroyed and the Quantum Rift was closed, halting future Seraphim reinforcements. After this, they and their Order compatriots are hunted down, ending the millennia conflict that has ravaged humanity.


In appearance, the Infinite War was a conflict that was said to had been waged over the course of a millennium between the galaxy's great powers.

The Infinite War was fought uniquely using giant Mech-like Armored Command Units, operated by a single highly motivated pilot, that build factories, which in turn create fully robotic engineers and combat units.

The Infinite War takes place on various planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. Quantum Gate Networks allow for instantaneous travel between the planets.

The Infinite War has claimed billions of lives and has turned planets into nothing more than dead rocks floating in space.


  • C. Allen Riley II :
  • Gustav Brackman :
  • Rhianne Burke :
  • Samantha Clarke :


  • The Infinite War was created by Chris Taylor and Gas Powered Games where it featured in the setting of the Supreme Commander universe.


  • Supreme Commander:

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