Legion of Super-Villains

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The Legion of Super-Villains are a supervillain team that features in DC Comics.



Legion of Super-Villains in Superman v1 #147.

Among their ranks included Cosmic King, Lightning Lord and Saturn Queen who became bitter enemies of the Legion. (Superman v1 #147)

They were contacted by Lex Luthor in the 20th century where they provided him equipment to allow him to escape prison. They then journeyed to that time period in order to ally with him against Superman with the trio battling their Legion counterparts. (Superman v1 #147)

Another plot by them was to eliminate Dr. Larx Kenrik who was famous in the 30th century for his works in promoting peace. This involved arranging events where he presented the Universal Trophy to the Legion of Super-Heroes only to provide the trophy that had been coated in powerful explosives. Upon touching it, the trophy was to detonate thus killing Kenrik and Sun Boy with this act not only killing the doctor but also discrediting the Legion of Super-Heroes. This knock on effect was then to allow the Legion of Super-Villains to reign supreme. Crucial to the plot was Chameleon Chief who infiltrated the Legion headquarters to place the bomb but he was ultimately discovered and captured. This allowed for Chameleon Boy taking on his guise to enter the supervillains base and expose them leading to their defeat by the superheroes. (Superboy v1 #208)

Lightning Lord formed a new Legion of Super-Villains, with each of them swearing a blood oath to kill at least one Legionnaire. Lightning Lord swore on his oath to kill his brother Lightning Lad, which he said had been his destiny since he was born. Dream Girl had a prophetic vision about one of the Legion dying in the near future, and went on a retreat to the gambling planet of Ventura with Star Boy to take her mind off a grim future. Micro Lad robbed a casino’s bank in the name of the Imskian liberation movement, and when the Legionnaires confronted him, he shrank out of sight. They called in Shrinking Violet, who was eager to deal with the man who’d caused her so much pain in the past. She beat him to a pulp, further infuriated when he attempted to take her hostage again, but a dimensional portal opened up and whisked Micro Lad to safety. Colossal Boy, who’d only ever lived at home, and then at Legion hq, got an apartment with Yera. They settled into their new place, and Colossal Boy learned from the news that his mother Marte Allon had resigned as Earth President. Mon-El, Shadow Lass, Chameleon Boy, Ultra Boy and Timber Wolf helped restore the topography of Daxam, and while Shady and Mon-El were hopeful for the planet’s future the cynical Chameleon Boy reminded them that the Daxamites were currently extremely unpopular with the U.P. They received a distress call from Takron-Galtos about a renegade Daxamite destroying the facility and laying waste to the guards. They found Darkseid’s acolyte Ol-Vir was responsible, and had freed a number of visitors. He committed a ritual sacrifice to Darkseid, killing one of the guards with his heat-vision before the Legion could stop him. Mon-El called Ol-Vir a disgrace to Daxam, and threatened to break every bone in his body, while his fellow Legionnaires fended off the escaped prisoners. Ol-Vir initially scoffed at Mon-El, but the battle turned against him, and when a dimensional portal opened up and a voice offered him membership in the Legion of Super-Villains he decided he might as well accept, and flew through. The Portal also scooped up Ron-Karr and Chameleon Chief. Light Lass, happy to retire as a Legionnaire and let her brother play hero, joined her friend Sarah’s commune on Winarth. Light Lass said she was sick of adventure, and much happier farming and looking after children. Unbeknownst to her she was being tracked and observed by M. Wayne, a private investigator hired by timer Wolf. Radiation Roy ambushed her, and after knocking he rout with a blast of radiation, a dimensional portal opened up, taking them both back to the Legion of Super-Villains. (Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #1)

Light Lass awoke in chains in a cell, and Lightning Lord promised her he wanted to help her, not hurt her. He said he loved her, and all the proof she needed was that she was still alive. He asked her to join the Legion of Super-Villains and help him kill Lightning Lad, saying he’d been talking to the storm, and the storm had assured him she’d come to him. Light Lass turned him down, saying he was more insane than ever. Element Lad tracked the resurgence of the Legion of Super-Villains across several planets, brief his team, and realized he was in for a major test of his leadership. The League of Super-Assassins joined with the Legion of Super-Villains, and Lightning Lord sent them and Magno Lad to M-17W, a manufacturing center in the galactic core, to steal the plant’s fusion powerspheres. Shvaugn Erin alerted the Legion, and Dawnstar and Wildfire responded first, but Lazon gave Dawnstar radiation sickness with his light powers, and Magno Lad ripped Wildfire’s containment suit apart. Shadow Lass, Mon-El, Ultra Boy, Chameleon Boy and Timber Wolf arrived as support, but the villains escaped using a dimensional rift opened by Zymyr. Shadow Lass treated Dawnstar, while Chameleon Boy brought Wildfire a new containment suit. They pursued the villains, but were ambushed by Terrus, who attacked their spaceship with a meteor shower. Lightning Lord called a meeting of his Legion to discuss their plans, and Ol-Vir asked if great Darkseid would approve of what they were doing, saying their actions should always be in accord with his dark lord. Esper Lass used her psychic powers to calm him down. Esper Lass said he was a lunatic, and Lightning Lord agreed but stated having a Daxamite on their side was worth it. Sun Emperor stated that insane people were dangerous before grabbing servant girl Thora, forcing a kiss on her and incinerating her, shocking several of his teammates. Cosmic Boy checked in with the Legion Academy, and alerted Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl about the danger. They were on Medicus One, with Saturn Girl receiving prenatal treatment and her delivery date fast approaching. Lightning Lad worried about the safety of his sister, not knowing she was already in captivity. Zymyr opened a spacewarp that stole the polymer screen around Earth that served environmental functions and controlled space traffic. Element Lad, Lightning Lad, and despite everyone else’s objections, Saturn Girl, responded. Saturn Girl went into labor, and Tyr was disappointed to be fighting a pregnant woman, but contented himself with the fact that she’d be easy to kill. Zymyr ended the confrontation, warping his teammates away, and Element Lad and Lightning Lad rushed Saturn Girl to the Medicus One Maternity Ward. Dr. Gym’ll told Lightning Lad he’d been paging him, and that if he was not planning on pulling any more moronic stunts it was time to get in the delivery room. Element Lad, who’d been pacing back and forth in worry, fainted. Queen Projects and Karate Kid flew back to Orando after their honeymoon, but the Legion of Super-Villains were waiting for them, and Magno Lad, Hunter and Mist Master brought their spaceship down. They took the heroes legion rings and sent out the alarm signal, saying the Legion would come running to their own doom. (Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #2)


Each of its members were said to possess one fantastic superpower. (Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen v1 #63)


  • Cosmic King : male Venusian alchemist with the power to transmute matter into other substances. (Superman v1 #147)
  • Lightning Lord : a male who was the brother of Lightning Lad with the pair getting their electric abilities from a lightning monster. (Superman v1 #147)
  • Saturn Queen : a female telepath from Saturn who used her abilities to hypnotise her foes. (Superman v1 #147)
  • Chameleon Chief : a shapeshifter with the power of super-disguise. (Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen v1 #63) Though possessing similar powers as Chameleon Boy, the Chameleon Chief was also able to change the shape of other objects. (Superboy v1 #208)
  • Echo : a male wearing a blue costume who referred to himself as the master of sound who could direct powerful sonic attacks. (Adventure Comics v1 #355)
  • Beauty Blaze : a blonde haired female who wore a fire medallion on her chest and had the ability to control fires and flames which she could direct as attacks against her enemies. (Adventure Comics v1 #355)
  • Sun-Killer : Kodama was a male human from Earth who could project solar energies and became devoted to serve Saturn Queen. (Adventure Comics v1 #522)
  • Questor : Xart Prax was a male Coluan who had technologically enhanced super-intelligence. (Legion of Super-Villains v1 #1)
  • Immortus : a seemingly mechanical being constructed on Zuun possessing a body shaped of pure Inertron making him indestructible and powered by an antimatter furnace that gave him his strength as well as speed. (Legion of Super-Villains v1 #1)
  • Akka : a female from Sklar who was skilled in extreme martial arts and combat with superhuman reflexes. (Legion of Super-Villains v1 #1)
  • Micro Lad : Lalo Muldron was a male from Imsk who had his peoples natural ability to shrink to microscopic size with him being killed by Akka for questioning Saturn Queen. (Legion of Super-Villains v1 #1)


  • The Legion of Super-Villains were created by Robert Bernstein and Al Plastino where they made their first appearance in Superman v1 #147 (August, 1961).
  • They appeared as teenagers in Adventure Comics v1 #372 (September, 1968).

In other media


  • In Legion of Super Heroes, the Legion of Super-Villains appeared in the animated television series where they appeared in the episode "Lightning Storm". They were led by Lightning Lord with their ranks consisting of Hunter, Esper, Tyr, Wave, and Ron-Karr. Publically, they called themselves the Light Speed Vanguard who portrayed themselves as a team of superheroes who sought to outperform the Legion of Super-Heroes but in reality they were financially motivated protectors with them being extortionists and assassins.


  • Superman v1: (1961)
  • Adventure Comics v1:
  • Legion of Super-Heroes v3:
  • Legion of Super-Villains v1:

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