Man-Bat (DC Animated)
Formerly Dr. Kirk Langstrom, the Man-Bat was one of Batman's earliest foes. The creature was the result of an experimental formula developed by Langstrom and his father-in-law Dr. March. March, being "just a theorist" according to Langstrom, was afraid to actually use the formula, but Langstrom wasn't. He drank the formula, transforming into the half-human, half-bat abomination known as the Man-Bat (a term that was coined by Batman for his computer files on the creature) and raiding pharmaceutical companies for the chemicals needed to change back into a human and, eventually, more of the chemicals needed to actually become the beast again, thanks to Langstrom's addiction.
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The character's name was spelled "Manbat", but he was clearly the Batman: The Animated Series version of Man-Bat.