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The Neyaphem are a team that feature in Marvel Comics.




The Neyaphem were an ancient tribe of humans Mutants that lived 15,000 years ago on Earth. In time, they came to be the arch-enemies of fellow tribe known as the Cheyarafim. They were described as being an advanced form of Human and were Mutants from Biblical times. Their existence meant that they were a advanced civilization that predated that of the Egyptian empire as the Neolithic Revolution and domestication of animals only dated back to 9000 BC. They developed buildings that shared designs with that of the Aztecs, Mayans, Egyptian and Moche's motiffs. Though this was thousands of miles away from those civilizations as well as many centuries prior to their formation. They were led by Azazel who attempted to challenge 'God' by imposing their rule and dominion by way of enslaving or removing the 'toxicity' of what they believed was the Human race. This brought them into conflict with the Cheyarafim with the calamitous conclusion leading to the Neyaphem being banished into the Brimstone Dimension with their final battle being on the island of Isla de Demonas. Once there, they remained trapped for thousands of years where they lived in isolation and had not had the company of anyone but themselves. Remains of numerous bones of their civilization remained behind on the island. Evidence of the civilization would remain even within the modern age when ruins of these ancient Mutant civilizations existed within sites such as the Bermuda Triangle. Knowledge of their existence still remained within historical records, depending on where someone knew where to look. During their time there, Azazel attempted to find a means of returning back to Earth which led to him being able to pass through the dimensional on brief occasions where he disguised himself as a Human.

It was then that Azazel's offspring received a compulsion to gather at Isla des Demonas with Nightcrawler joining them. Once there, they began to use their powers to create an opening to reality to allow the Neyaphem to return to Earth. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #429) With the portal open, they were confronted by the X-Men leading to a battle between the two. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #430)


In appearance, the Neyaphem were a tribe of human Mutants whose features resembled those of demons. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #430)

The blood of the Cheyarafim was known to burn members of the Neyaphem. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #430)


  • Azazel : a red-skinned male Mutant who was the leader of the Neyaphem when they were imprisoned in another dimension. He came to mate with Mystique and was the biological father of Nightcrawler. Azazel was also responsible for siring other Mutant teleporters including Abyss and Kiwi Black. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #432)
  • Ginniyeh : a mutant with telepathic and shape-shifting abilities. She was a soldier of Azazel like Jillian, Ophis, and others. Sewing her eyes shut so as to better focus with her telepathy, Ginniyeh loyally served Azazel until she was massively dehydrated by Iceman.
  • Jillian : a blue skinned female Mutant with wings and a tail. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #430) She is capable of flight and carries a spear. Jillian, Yidrazil, and others accompanied Azazel as they were teleported to his island on Earth. There they encountered the X-Men, who had come looking for Nightcrawler. In the middle of the confrontation, Jillian, Azazel, and the others were sent back to their dimension, with the X-Men not far behind. In a standoff with the mutant team, Jillian, who is contemptuous against angels, attacked Archangel. She was fought off and beaten back by Husk and Nightcrawler. After Azazel stopped the battle between his army and the X-men, they were escorted away. Jillian admitted to Nightcrawler she found him attractive. After Azazel's plan failed, she and the other Neyaphem remained in their dimensional prison.
  • Ophis : When Abyss' power began demolishing Azazel's castle, Wolverine broke free, killing Ophis in the process. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #434)
  • Yidrazil : a bald headed female who wore a blindfold after sewing her eyes shut who had telepathic abilities where she was able to sense the truth in others. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #432)


  • The Neyaphem were created by Chuck Austen and Philip Tan where they made their first appearance in Uncanny X-Men v1 #429 (October, 2003).
  • The term Neyaphem was a variable spelling of the name Nephillim, the term given to the half Human, Half Angel children of Fallen Angels.


  • Uncanny X-Men v1: (2003)

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