Nicholas Rush

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Nicholas Rush is a male television character who features in Stargate.



Nicholas Rush was a male human born in the modern age where his father worked in the shipyards in Glasgow. (SGU: Air)

Whilst working two jobs, he came to earn a scholarship to Oxford. (SGU: Air)

At some point, he was noted to had gotten married with his wife being Gloria Rush. She was a concert violinist who taught lessons privately to her students. (SGU: Human) Dr. Rush came to work at Cornell University where one of his colleagues was Dr. Andrew Covel with the two working together for a short time. Both of them later came to be recruited into the Stargate Program. (SGU: Alliances) Whilst working for the program, his wife came to be diagnosed with cancer where the prognosis was terminal. Nicholas came to devote himself to a project that looked into the mysteries behind the ninth chevron on the Stargate with this seeing him work alongside Dr. Daniel Jackson. Later on, his wife was noted to had died from her disease with Nicholas Rush experiencing a dramatic change in his personality. (SGU: Human)

Several weeks later, Rush and several others determined that the ship's water supplies were disappearing at an impossible rate. The ship stopped at an ice planet, allowing Colonel Everett Young and Lt. Matthew Scott to collect more water. Meanwhile, Rush joined the effort to discover the source of the drain, which was revealed to be a colony of dust bugs Scott had accidentally brought back with him from the desert planet. He deliberately kept this information from Young, as Young needed to focus on retrieving more water, against Eli Wallace's protests, then sternly informed Eli that grown-ups sometimes needed to lie for the greater good. While Scott was in the crevasse trapped, he expressed more concern for the ice than for the safe rescue of Scott. He also helped to develop and enact a plan to remove the bugs from the ship. (SGU: Water)

During a routine exploration of the ship, Rush and Master Sergeant Ronald Greer discovered the Destiny interface chair, a device similar in purpose to the Repository of knowledge encountered by Lt. General Jack O'Neill. Rush advocated having someone sit in the chair, reasoning that its more primitive design might not be fatal to humans as the later model was, and that the data it contained could grant them full control of the ship. Colonel Everett Young forbade any access to the chair, and asserted that the only person Rush would get to sit in it would be Rush himself. Rush attempted to force the issue by faking the discovery of a planet similar to Icarus Base, but Young remained steadfast in his refusal and Rush's deception was soon uncovered by Eli Wallace. (SGU: Life)

When Sgt. Spencer committed suicide, Rush was the first to find his body. Seeing it as an opportunity, he took Spencer's gun and hid it in Colonel Everett Young's room to frame him for murder. Rush knew the charge would never stick, but would create enough reasonable doubt to remove Young from command. This put Camile Wray in charge and gave him the freedom to research the Destiny interface chair. This in turn gave Dr. Jeremy Franklin the opportunity to sit in it, rendering him catatonic. Young blamed Rush for Franklin's state, under the belief that Rush was hoping for someone to sit in the chair out of desperation. When Eli Wallace uncovered Kino footage that showed Spencer's suicide and Rush's theft of the weapon, which Rush had tried to delete from the archive, he reported it to Young. Young confronted Rush alone on a planet with a damaged alien ship, and attacked him when Rush proved wholly unapologetic about the frame-up. Young knocked Rush unconscious and left him on the planet. (SGU: Justice)

After coming to, Rush's first act was to explore the Blue alien fighter. In doing so, he triggered a homing beacon which summoned more of the Blue aliens. They took him prisoner, probing his mind for information on Destiny. When Colonel Everett Young took control of one of the aliens through the communication device, the mothership Rush was on confronted Destiny. It attacked, and one of its fighters kidnapped Chloe Armstrong. Young attempted to use the communication device to free Chloe, but ended up freeing Rush instead. Rush instructed Young in the use of the alien mind probing technology, learning the identity of his rescuer but also breaking the communication link. Rush used the mind probe on the alien to find Chloe's location and teach himself to use their technology, then killed the alien. Unable to get back, Young tried to destroy the mothership. Rush, meanwhile, escaped the ship with Chloe shortly before it went to FTL. In private, Young and Rush decided to bury their rivalry for the sake of the crew. Rush, however, still did not trust Young to be in command, and schemed with Camile Wray to remove him. (SGU: Space)

When the opportunity came, Rush and Camile Wray launched their plan to isolate the military and force them to surrender. While Colonel Everett Young and Lt. Matthew Scott were using the Ancient shuttle to destroy an alien fighter that was attached to the hull, Rush started to transfer control from the Control interface room to a Research lab. This caused the shuttle's Docking clamps to fail. Rush was forced to stop the transfer prematurely so they could dock, losing control of life support as a result. He then bargained to have Eli Wallace brought over to his side, requiring Eli's assistance in bolstering the shields for an impending alien attack. The true reason behind his mutiny was that the aliens implanted a transmitter inside his chest, and he feared that Young might kill him trying to remove it. Young managed to end the mutiny during the attack and ordered the transmitter removed. Chloe used the Long-range communication device to switch with Dr. Brightman, who with the aid of Lt. Tamara Johansen was able to remove the device. Destiny managed to weather the assault and escaped into FTL. (SGU: Divided)


Personality and attributes

He felt that he had earned the right to make decisions without explaining myself to anyone. (SGU: Air)

It was shown that he suffered a change in his personality following the death of his wife. This was because he saw her as being his conscience and that a part of him died with her. Nicholas claimed that her death gave him courage but in reality it made him callous. He came to believe that this led to him being capable of making hard decisions where he claimed that he had good reasons for his decisions. Rush as shown to prefer to die rather than fail in his tasks. (SGU: Human)

One of his wife's great regrets in life was that she never had children. (SGU: Human)

Powers and abilities


  • Nicholas Rush was portrayed by actor Robert Carlyle where he featured in the setting of the Stargate universe.

In other media

Comic books


  • Stargate Universe:

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