Nimrod (Superman)

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Nimrod is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.




Maxim Zarov

He came to learn of the invulnerable alien known as the Superman and came to be excited at the prospect of hunting as well as killing an alien. Zarov tracked down his search of Superman to Smallville, Kansas and where he came to suspect that the Man of Steel's secret identity was Clark Kent. From there, he came to learn that Kent had moved to the city of Metropolis and learnt where he resided. Zarov staked out at Kent's apartment in Metropolis to catch the owner in the act; however, to Zarov's confusion, he later learns from the landlady that Kent was reportedly killed in a explosion. But immediately, Zarov was then confronted by Superman himself. Zarov tried several weapons against Superman, but only manages to injure himself and was taken away to a hospital awaiting to be taken into police custody. Badly injured, he had to have a facial plate that covered his head when he was approached by a mysterious man offering him advanced weapons from other worlds through which he could get revenge against the Man of Steel. (Action Comics v2 #10) Joining a cabal of such people, he came to see his mysterious benefactor recruit a new member in the form of a Phantom Zone criminal called Xa-Du. (Action Comics v2 #13)

Afterwards, Vyndktvx was involved in a massive attack on Superman that spanned various points in the timestream. In the future, he was alongside the Anti-Superman Army where he aided in tracking Superman who he determined was weakened from red sun radiation. Whilst his teammates rushed to chase down the Man of Steel, Nimrod was in no rush as he knew that his quarry had no place to escape and that booby trapped tesseract mines would create new predatory environments for the hero. Meanwhile, in the present, Vyndktvx tasked Nimrod with taking a headshot against Mrs. Nxly who was actually the 5th Dimensional Imp Princess Nyxlygsptlnz. (Action Comics v2 #15) Nimrod was then dispatched to the Metropolis hospital to kill the comatose Mr. Triple X. However, before he could do so, he was stopped by the visiting Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane. The former wrestled with the hunter whilst the latter came to knock Nimrod out. (Action Comics v2 #16)


Personality and attributes

During his first encounter with Superman, he attempted to shoot a rocket-propelled projectile at his target only for it to ricochet that burnt Maxim's face. Maxim Zarov went by the code name of Nimrod and also went by the title of Hunter of the Mighty. (Action Comics v2 #10)

Zarov considered himself the hunter of the mighty and had killed everything that had ever lived on Earth. This led to his excitement at the prospect of killing a man from another world. (Action Comics v2 #10)

He believed that every animal left a track that it could not hide. (Action Comics v2 #10)

Powers and abilities

Maxim Zarov was an ordinary human being with no inherent special powers. (Action Comics v2 #10)

At first, he made use of an arsenal of human made weaponry ranging from machine guns to rocket-propelled rounds. (Action Comics v2 #10)

Under Vyndktvx's leadership, Nimrod was provided numerous highly advanced weaponry from across the timeline. Among these included a teleport rifle that were antiques by the 31st century(Action Comics v2 #16)

It was shown that he carried a large knife for close quarter fighting. (Action Comics v2 #16)

Nimrod came to join the ranks of the Anti-Superman Army that worked to eliminate the Man of Steel. (Action Comics v2 #6)


  • Nimrod was created by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales where he made his first appearance in Action Comics v2 #6 (April, 2012).


  • Action Comics v2: (2012)

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