Patolli (Black Clover)

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Patolli is a male anime and manga character who features in Black Clover.




Patolli in Black Clover v1 #21.

Patolli (Japanese: ユリウス・ノヴァクロノ, Hepburn: Yuriusu Novakurono) was a male Elf born long ago in the lands when his tribe co-existed with humans of the Clover Kingdom. As a young boy, he was a subject of Licht who led the Elf tribe and looked up to his leader. He had been 5 years old when he witnessed Licht receiving a Grimoire where he asked his mother about the significance of the four-leaf clover. Afterwards, he accompanied Licht and Rhya when the two discussed fears over an impending attack on their tribe by the humans. By this point, a magical tornado appeared with a human woman trapped inside with Licht rushing in to save her. They were later joined by the woman's brother a human wizard named Lemiel Silvamillion Clover who was a noble in the growing Clover Kingdom and that his sister was Tetia. Initially, Patolli was sceptical about the humans but Licht developed a friendship with the pair. Over time, Licht even formed a romantic relationship with Tetia who became pregnant with his child. The announcement led to celebrations being held but in that time the Elves came seemingly under attack from humans leading to them being massacred. A dying Patolli experienced nothing but hatred for the humans for their betrayal where a voice offered him a chance at revenge. The Elf accepted and a spell was cast that would reincarnate the slain Elf Tribe in human bodies after many years whereupon they could take their vengeance.

The reincarnation magic led to Patolli's soul taking residence within a human body with this being a young boy named William Vangance who lived in the Clover Kingdom. Upon awakening, the body transformed into its Elf form with Patolli finding that he now bore a resemblance to his beloved leader Licht. He came to find that he was unable to use William's grimoire and went to the grimoire to receive his own where he gained a four-leaf clover tome. With this power, he looked to revive the rest of his kin and seek revenge by destroying the humans with him mistakenly believing that Licht had cast the reincarnation spell. In this time, Patolli and William came to forge a friendship with one another as they grew to understand the other. Afterwards, Patolli came to reincarnate Rhya, Vetto, and Fana in the bodies of humans whereupon he established a cult called the Eye of the Midnight Sun. They came to recruit humans who were told that they would be reincarnated as their true selves. In reality though, their intended purpose was to be used as sacrifices and to collect the magic stones to finish the reincarnation ritual.

As Licht, he sent Heath Grice to retrieve a magic stone from Sosshi but later came to hear of his defeat. Despite that, he was not disturbed over the fact that the Black Bull magic squad had come into possession of the stone. Afterwards, the Eye of the Midnight Sun staged an attack on the Royal Capital where Valtos was tasked with using teleportation magic to lure Fuegoleon Vermillion into a trap. Alone, he encountered William Vangeance who turned into Patolli leading a battle between the pair. The elf came to steal Fuegoleon's pendant which was a magic stone and removed the captain's right arm leaving him grievously injured with him being left in a coma-like state. Afterwards, the Magic Emperor Julius Novachrono and Asta came upon the Eye of the Midnight Sun's hideout with Patolli appearing before them in a blaze of light whereupon he disappeared after taking the sephirot along with all but one of the restrained mages. However, before he could escape, he was attacked by Novachrono whose attack badly injured Patolli's arm leading the right limb badly disfigured. Later on, he was at his headquarters where he expressed regret for not being able to rescue George and Catherine. However, Valtos came to assure 'Licht' that their two captured members were loyal and would not reveal anything to the enemy. Patolli promised to make himself in order to rescue their comrades and intended to continue their goal in dismantling the Clover Kingdom.

Afterwards, he along with Valtos looked to check up on Sally's experiments after she had returned to one of her old laboratories. Whilst there, he came to find the site having been discovered by members of the Black Bulls where he came be angered to see her having been defeated and killed the rogue mage Neige in response. He then began to target Gauche Adlai and Theresa Rapual who had uncovered the lab where he injured the pair. After retrieving Sally, he then proceeded to introduce himself as the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun where he shed a tear at his subordinate's injuries and apologised for her pain. It was then that he encountered Asta a new recruit into the Magic Knights who possessed an anti-magic Grimoire. The presence of the Grimoire only angered Patolli who recognised it as having belonged originally to Licht and demanded to know why the human held it. Asta attempted to attack him but Patolli was easily able to get past him and was going to strike the human only to be blocked unexpectedly by Yami Sukehiro. He came to be keen to fight against Yami as he always wanted to fight a dark magic user. A Black Bull member who had teleportation magic attempted to use this as an opportunity to evacuate the injured with 'Licht' sending an attack his way only for Yami to block it. This led to the Elf moving so fast as to appear behind Yukehiro and attempted to strike the human down only for this attack to be blocked as well. As they continued to fight, 'Licht' briefly spoke about his past at how a people once blessed by mana were massacred due to envy and greed. However, Yami had no interest in the story and instead wanted to know if 'Licht' was responsible for attacking Fuegoleon to which the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun confirmed his suspicions. In anger, Yami unleashed a dark magic attack that left a cut on 'Lichts' face but this was fixed by his own healing magic. He then assigned the task of capturing Asta to Valtos whilst he continued his battle with Yami. Valtos though would fail in his task and 'Licht' in an attempt to strike a critical blow against Yami was instead struck with a counterattack that left a heavy wound on him. The Elf then looked to eliminate his foes with a final attack only for this to be reflected back at him by Gauche using his mirror magic leaving 'Licht' defeated. However, before he could be restrained, the Third Eye arrived at the scene in support of their leader with Fana healing 'Licht' who was then teleported back to base to recover from his injuries.

A few days later, Fana was healing Patolli's injured arm, so Rhya has to attend a captains meeting disguised as William. Several weeks later, William meets with Julius atop the palace wall and apologizes before transforming into Patolli, who formally introduces himself as Licht. Patolli explained some of his connection to William and his plans for the kingdom before commencing his attack on Julius. When Julius intercepts the light blades, Patolli closes the distance and lashes out with his light whip, destroying the nearby tower but missing Julius. Patolli analyzes Julius's predictive ability and overtakes the Wizard King, appearing behind him and slashing his chest. The two land back on the wall and Patolli listens in as Julius heals himself explains about himself and his Time Magic. Patolli then tries the same strategy, but when he appears behind Julius, the Wizard King moves to behind the elf and destroys the incoming counterattack. As the battle continues, Patolli's cheek is cut by his attack being returned at an accelerated speed. When he jumps to the side, he is almost restrained by Julius. Landing on the tower rubble, Patolli wonders about Julius's grimoire, and as if reading his mind, Julius points where is grimoire is floating overhead. After Julius talks about how his coverless grimoire, his unique magic, and his path to Wizard King, he attacks the puzzled Patolli. Realizing that Julius is the last obstacle for his plans, Patolli moves up into the air and releases the seal holding back his magic power. As the sphere of Light Magic expands and takes the shape of countless swords, Patolli vows to kill all of the humans of the Clover Kingdom. Patolli unleashes his Arrows of Judgment, and when Julius stops time and reverses the spell, Patolli takes the opportunity to stab Julius with one of the swords. He then mocks the Wizard King for having foreseen the attack but choosing to save the citizens instead of himself. Patolli steals the two magic stones Julius had as Yami arrives and calls out Vangeance. Patolli tells him that William is asleep while a tear falls from his left eye. When Yami orders Marx to fetch Owen, Patolli tells him that it is too late, and bids his respect for Julius. Patolli then jumps over to Valtos and the two disappear, narrowly avoiding Yami's Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash.


Personality and attributes

For his clothes, he wears a Kippah on his head, a black shawl, and robes alternating between a dark and light color. Under these, he has light trousers, a padded shirt, dark boots, and several belts.After his reincarnation, he was born back in a body that resembled his mentor and started to take the name Licht (リヒト, Rihito) until the real Licht was reborn.

Patolli's prior death and resurrection led to him having nothing but hatred for humans. He blamed them for the seeming betrayal of the Elf tribe and wanted to get revenge against them. The only exception was William Vangeance who Patolli stated was his only human friend. Despite this being the case, it did not deter Patolli from his mission in eliminating all of humanity for the crimes done to his people. The members of the Eye of the Midnight Sun were largely human where as their leader he promised that they would be reborn into their true selves. However, in reality, he hated them and intended to sacrifice them in order to bring back the Elves.

As such, 'Licht' on the surface seemingly displayed great compassion for his followers and once lost his composure when one of them was injured in his presence. It was this trait that led to the Eye of the Midnight Sun to be fanatically loyal to him. According to him, people that were victimised were not targeted because they were weak but rather because they were strong. Such groups became targets of jealousy, fear, discrimination, persecution and theft.

After learning of Zagred's manipulations, Patolli came to fall into madness and despair which the devil used to not only steal Patolli's grimoire but also turn him into a dark elf.

Deep within his consciousness, it was revealed that all the insecurities and despair he held within himself stemmed from his actions after his reincarnation. Patolli was unable to handle his guilt where he refused to admit he was in the wrong. It was only through Asta's intervention that Patolli gained the resolve to face his actions until the end. This combined with his reunion with Licht came to further strengthen his resolve to now save people instead of kill.

Afterwards, he experienced a deep change in his personality where he came to be a more kinder and remorseful individual. This was to the extent that he was willing to sacrifice himself to save the Clover Kingdom from the very actions he caused. He was also grateful to Rades Spirito for reviving him as he felt that it gave him an opportunity to atone for his actions.

Since childhood, Patolli had looked up to Licht (リヒト, Rihito) and in their old life was almost always seen by his side.

Initially, he expressed nothing but hatred for Asta (アスタ, Asuta) which actually stemmed from him possessing Licht's grimoire. This changed when Asta delved into Patolli's mind and encountered his true self where he human found the Elf to be of a same age as himself. It was through Asta that Patolli's sense of guilt and shame came to an end where he resolved himself to helping others.

Powers and abilities

As an Elf, he was born with a great deal of magic power that was greater than that of a human. The immense amount of magic power was an indicator of him being a member of the Apostles of Sephirah. He had built-up enough magical power to wipe out all humans in the kingdom if not for the seal that was put on him.

In Licht's body, Patolli was extremely fast, being able to appear suddenly behind opponents without warning. Julius Novachrono notes that Patolli's spells are able to outpace his own Time Magic. Following his rebirth, he gained a four-leaf Grimoire (魔導書グリモワール gurimowāru) and became a wielder of the rare mystical power of Light Magic (光魔法 Hikari Mahō) which he used to achieve various effects. This allowed him to create and bend light to his will, move at insanely fast speeds, blind others for a while, recovering with his Healing Ray of Light, and creating weapons such as swords, arrows, whips, and balls of energy. After Patolli fell into despair, his grimoire became a five-leaf clover grimoire and was taken by Zagred.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Light Healing Magic: Healing Ray of Light (光回復魔法『癒しの光粒』 Hikari Kaifuku Mahō "Iyashi no Kōryū") : with this spell, he emitted light from his hands and the beads of light surround the wound whilst it healed.
  • Light Creation Magic: Bright Judgment Whip (光創成魔法『裁きの光鞭』 Hikari Sōsei Mahō "Sabaki no Kōben") : using this spell, he was able to create a long whip of light that extended from the user's hand and had unpredictable movements when swung. It had enough power and speed to destroy a cave in seconds.
  • Light Magic: Light Sword of Judgment (光魔法『断罪の光剣』 Hikari Mahō "Danzai no Kōken") : a light magic spell that created multiple shards composed light that had four lines going through each shard and could be sent hurtling at a target to pierce them.
  • Light Magic: Heaven-Splitting Flash (光魔法『裂天の閃光』 Hikari Mahō "Retten no Senkō") : using this spell, he created multiple orbs of light that fired beams of light at targets from them.
  • Light Magic: Light Shaft of Divine Punishment (光魔法『神罰の光芒』 Hikari Mahō "Shinbatsu no Kōbō") :
  • Light Magic: Arrows of Judgment (光魔法『審判の矢』 Hikari Mahō "Shinpan no Ya") : with this spell, Patolli generated a magical sphere of light around himself which expanded and then flattered into the shape of countless blades of light. These blades were then able to rain down automatically on targets below him. Alternatively, he could cause the blade to manifest and take hold of it for him to use in close-range attacks.
  • Forbidden Magic: Evil Eye (禁術魔法『邪眼』 Kinjutsu Mahō "Jagan") :

As a reincarnated Elf, his soul was reborn within a human that was William Vangeance and the two co-existed with one another. After falling into despair, Patolli was turned into a dark elf (ダークエルフ dāku erufu) and driven by negative emotions. In this state, his massive magic power increased even further and his speed increased dramatically. This allowed him to use Demon Light Magic (魔光魔法 Makō Mahō) that allowed him to generate and manipulate a sinister form of Light Magic. It was notable being faster, stronger, and denser than his normal light magic with it able to affect magic and spells from the underworld. After recovering mentally, he retained the ability to use this form of magic.

Rades Spirito later came to his magic to bind Patolli's soul into Licht's soulless vessel thus reviving Elf and preventing his soul from going into the afterlife.

Among the elves, he was a member of the Apostles of Sephirah (セフィラの徒 Sefira no To) who were ten powerful members of their kind. As Licht, he came to be the leader and founder of the Eye of the Midnight Sun (白夜の魔眼 Byakuya no Magan). Many of its members were humans where he claimed that they would be reborn into their true selves.


  • Patolli was created by Yūki Tabata where he featured in the setting of Black Clover.
  • The VIZ and Funimation English dub of Black Clover referred to him as Patry.

In other media



  • Black Clover:

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