Mr. Satan is a male anime and manga character who features in Dragon Ball.
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Mark (Japanese: マーク, Hepburn: Māku)
Mr. Satan (Japanese: ミスター・サタン, Hepburn: Misutā Satan)
After hearing Perfect Cell's announcement of the Cell Games, Mr. Satan announces to the world that he will enter the tournament and defeat Cell. A few days before the games begin, Mr. Satan pleases a huge crowd of fans by punching through one of four buses he had dragged in by himself and ripping a large book in half. Satan was actually rich at this point, so the car he rode in to the Cell Games Arena had a chauffeur. He was apparently selling some kind of 'Satan goods', and they were quite profitable. At ringside, Goku tries several times to warn Mr. Satan against confronting Cell, but the World Champion believes he is more than equal to the task of taking down the deadly bio-android. Throughout the Cell Games, Mr. Satan is convinced that Cell is a mere trickster, having never seen ki attacks before and believing them to be mere light shows. Mr. Satan face Perfect Cell and lose quickly in embarrassing fashion. The ZTV reporter on-hand to chronicle the Cell Games repeatedly ridicules Goku and the other Z Fighters, firmly believing that Mr. Satan is the only one who stands a chance of triumphing over Cell. After showing off his strength by destroying fourteen out of fifteen tiles, Mr. Satan attacks Cell with his Dynamite Kick, but Cell launches him from the ring with a single effortless flick of his hand, at which point Goku steps in and the tournament commences. Claiming that he simply slipped out of the ring, Mr. Satan sit out the rest of the Cell Games, watching Goku, and subsequently Gohan, fight Perfect Cell. Mr. Satan is repeatedly questioned by Jimmy Firecracker of the television crew about returning to the ring to face Cell again, but each time the World Martial Arts Champion insists he is suffering from agonizing stomach pains that are preventing him from a rematch.
An arrogant braggart, Mr. Satan challenged Cell to battle during the Cell Games, and was swatted away like a fly. As the battles against Cell escalated, Hercule was vocally critical of the reality of the Z Warriors' power, but showed his kinder core nature when he helped the head of Android 16 communicate with Gohan (by throwing it into range). Mr. Satan claimed credit for the defeat of Cell, and became known as the world's foremost hero as a result.
However, as the years passed, Hercule became increasingly nervous over the prospect of possibly fighting the Z Warriors, as shown by his hair falling out. He retained his title as world champion only through pay-offs (such as those to Android 18) or kindness (such as given by Mister Buu). His daughter, Videl, eventually surpassed him in fighting skill. Despite his self-centered nature, Mr. Satan became friends with Mr. Buu, helping catalyze the split that formed Evil Buu. He also helped save the universe when he psychically asked the people of Earth to donate their energy (to Goku, but they thought he was asking for it himself) for the Spirit Bomb that finally destroyed Buu.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Mr. Satan Mr. was a tall man of a rather muscular and hairy physique and tends to adopt an imposing appearance when seen in public. His black curly Afro, mustache, and well-trimmed sideburns are among his most recognizable traits, as well as his cleft chin. Mr. Satan typically is seen in his martial arts uniform or in fitted suits, but has been known to wear more luxurious clothing when resting or making public appearances. His gi is often accented with either a red or white cape depending on which gi he dons, and his notably hairy chest and arms are usually displayed openly.
Although one of the weakest of Earth's champions, Hercule Satan continued to be the world's favorite hero for many more years.
Powers and abilities
- Mr. Satan was created by Akira Toriyama where he featured in the setting of the Dragon Ball universe.
- He was only called Mr. Satan in Japan; the French and American dubs called him Hercule. The uncut American dub combined the names to get Hercule Satan, alias Mr. Satan.
Alternate Versions
In other media
Video games
- Dragon Ball Z:
- Dragon Ball GT:
- Dragon Ball Super:
External Links
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