Shiva (Exo-Squad)

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General Shiva is a Neosapien commander that features in Exo-Squad.




Shiva was released from imprisonment on Easter Island under orders from Phaeton himself. The loyal general believed that his leader had plans to execute him and was ready to die but in battle. After challenging a Neo Lords and swiftly defeated, he was brought before Phaeton. Once again expecting death, Shiva was surprised to find out that Phaeton had a use for him namely leading the Neosapien Fleet against the Exofleet in order to recapture Venus. Such a move would allow Phaeton to breed more Neo Lords as well as create more weapons in order to win the Neosapien War. Shiva was skeptical about the plan as he believed his forces would be intercepted long before they reached Venus and leave Earth vulnerable, however, a solar flare was expected 78 hours later that would disrupt sensors across the entire sector thus giving Shiva the opportunity he needed. Accepting this, Shiva decided to lead his forces against the Terrans once more whilst under the supervision of a Neo Lord.

On his flagship in the Neosapien Fleet, Shiva heard the rallying inspiration call from Phaeton himself who claimed that a monument would be built in Shiva's name for the battle so that future broods would know of his courage. Shiva himself was dubious on this but followed his orders loyally despite the questioning of his Neo Lord overseer. He successfully engaged the Exofleet and ignored the decoy that appeared at Earth in order to ambush the Terran fleet. Despite retaliation, the Neosapien Fleet did not break rank and was amazingly disciplined which brought heavy casualties to the Exofleet. However, desperate measures finally forced Shiva's fleet to engage in evasive actions in order to avoid a volley of missiles. After breaking formation, the Neosapien Fleet erupted into chaos as ships were being destroyed and some crashed into one another. Shiva would command one last attack, launching all E-frames and going into battle himself with a mission to destroy the Resolute 2. However, his E-frame was damaged and he crashed on Venus where he suffered grevious injures. He was found by a group of Terran children who took him as their "prisoner" and demanded to know his rank to which Shiva simply said that he was only a "soldier". The children felt sympathy for the Neosapien and attempted to get him to a doctor at the Venus capital, however, Shiva asked to be allowed to die in honor and free from Terrans. As he dead, he envoked a great deal of sympathy from the children who wept tears at the courage they saw from an "enemy" and they formed a grave for the proud enemy soldier that passed away as well as serve as a monument in his name.

Though he was killed on Venus, Phaeton made use of genetic engineering to resurrect Shiva in the form of a clone.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

He was noted as one of the greatest general within the Neosapien Commonwealth.


  • Exo-Squad:

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