Spock is a male extraterrestrial television character who features in Star Trek.
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Spock was the half-human and half-Vulcan son of Ambassador Sarek and his wife Amanda Grayson.
He also had a half-brother named Sybok from his father's previous marriage to a Vulcan priestess. After Sybok's mother had died, both him and Spock came to be raised as brothers. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
As a child, Spock was betrothed to T'Pring in accordance with traditional Vulcan marriage procedure. (TOS: Amok Time)
In 2237, at the age of seven, Spock decided prematurely, and without parental knowledge or approval, to undertake the kahs-wan in the Vulcan wilderness in an attempt to prove himself. His pet sehlat, I-Chaya, tagged along against his master's wishes and defended Spock from a le-matya. The intervention of an older cousin saved Spock from the le-matya but I-Chaya was left badly wounded. Faced with the choice of a painfully extended life or a peaceful release for I-Chaya, Spock logically opted for the latter. That decision marked his choice of following Surak's philosophies of logic and emotional control. In 2269, the accidental creation of an alternate timeline created a universe in which Spock was killed in his childhood. Using the Guardian of Forever, Spock returned to the Vulcan of his youth and assumed the role of Selek, the nearly-forgotten cousin who saved his life during the kahs-wan ordeal. (TAS: Yesteryear)
As a boy, he often disappeared into the mountains for days at a time and refused to tell his father where he had gone or what he was doing. He even came to ignore Sarek who had forbade his son from such trips and came to silntly endure any punishment given to him for his disobedience. (TNG: Unification I)
Following the end of the Federation-Klingon War in 2257, Spock took an unspecified leave of absence from Starfleet. He had accumulated a number of months during the five-year mission which, according to Pike, took a toll on the whole crew as well as Spock. Upon reviewing Spock's personal log entries on the Enterprise, Michael Burnham learned that Spock had been having visions ever since he was a boy, and that he had had premonitions of the mysterious red bursts that the USS Discovery was likewise investigating, which Spock believed were related to his childhood visions of 'the Red Angel'. (DIS: Brother)
After the battle against Control, Spock returned to his position as science officer aboard the Enterprise in 2258. He was sworn to secrecy, along with the rest of the crew of Pike's starship, to never again speak the name of his adoptive sister or the ship she served on aloud in public again. Four months after the Discovery's departure, the seventh red burst appeared near Terralysium, confirming to Spock that his sister had made it to the future. (DIS: Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2)
In 2259, T'Pring, his betrothed, proposed marriage to him, which he accepted. (SNW: Strange New Worlds) Later that year, the pirate Captain Angel, lover of Spock's half-brother Sybok, came aboard, manipulating Spock at an attempt to free Sybok from the Ankeshtan K'til Retreat he was currently confined to. Angel ultimately took control of the Enterprise and tried to blackmail T'Pring into releasing Sybok, using Spock as leverage. Spock and Christine Chapel foiled her plans by pretending to be in love with each other and temporarily ending his betrothal to T'Pring. They renewed their bonding afterwards. (SNW: The Serene Squall) When an alien consciousness from the Jonisian Nebula brought the fairy tale The Kingdom of Elysian to life on the Enterprise, Spock was used for the character of the Wizard Pollux. He didn't remember the events after the ship was returned to normal. (SNW: The Elysian Kingdom) Spock was part of a mission to the USS Peregrine, which had made a crash landing on Valeo Beta V. Inside the ship, confronted with young Gorn who had just hatched and hunted the landing party, Spock allowed himself to give into his unchecked emotions and rage to provoke and draw out the Gorn. Afterwards, he had still trouble controling his anger as well as his pain and that his mind was weak, but was assured by Christine Chapel that it was not a weakness, but him being Human. (SNW: All Those Who Wander)
After Pike's promotion to fleet captain, Kirk assumed command of the Enterprise in 2265, with Spock as his first officer. An early mission proved disastrous when Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell, a close friend of the new captain, developed enhanced psionic abilities when the Enterprise encountered an energy barrier at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. Spock examined the tapes of an earlier ship, the SS Valiant, that had encountered the same barrier and was destroyed. As Mitchell's powers increased, Spock believed he had become extremely dangerous and feared that he would destroy the Enterprise. He therefore advised Kirk to either strand Mitchell on the uninhabited and desolate Delta Vega to isolate him from galactic civilization or kill Mitchell before it was too late. Kirk hesitated but initially attempted the former, but the scope of Spock's concerns were eventually borne out and Kirk was forced to kill Mitchell. (TOS: Where No Man Has Gone Before)
The Enterprise repelled the first Romulan incursion of Federation space in over a century on stardate 1709.2. Spock and the bridge crew became the first Starfleet officers to make visual contact with Romulans who finally revealed their Vulcan-like appearance to Starfleet. Lieutenant Stiles briefly suspected Spock of being a Romulan agent until Spock saved his life in the course of battle. (TOS: Balance of Terror)
While commanding an away mission aboard the Galileo on stardate 2821.5, the shuttlecraft crashed on the surface of Taurus II. Giant hostile creatures killed two crewmembers while the shuttle was stranded there. Spock, aided by Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, eventually launched the shuttle. Knowing that it could not break free of the planet's gravity, Spock ignited the shuttlecraft's remaining fuel to use it as a flare. His gamble paid off; it alerted the Enterprise which turned around and rescued the team. (TOS: The Galileo Seven) After being thrown back in time to Earth of 1969 and interacting with that planet's US Air Force, Spock was able to recreate a time warp with a slingshot maneuver around the sun. (TOS: Tomorrow is Yesterday) When Kirk was court-martialed for causing the death of Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Finney, Spock proved that Finney had altered the Enterprise's computer tapes to frame Kirk, by beating the computer at chess four times in a row, something which would ordinarily be impossible. (TOS: Court Martial) Spock, along with Kirk, helped disable Landru, a computer that controlled the lives of a civilization on Beta III and allowed no free thought or creative thinking. (TOS: The Return of the Archons) Spock helped Kirk to retake the Enterprise after Khan Noonien Singh, a 20th century Augment dictator whom the Enterprise's crew had found in stasis, commandeered the starship. He flooded the ship with gas, disabling Khan and his followers. (TOS: Space Seed)
Spock emerged from the black hole in the year 2258 of the alternate reality. Since Nero had emerged twenty-five years earlier, Spock was immediately intercepted by the Narada upon his arrival. Both Spock and the Jellyfish were captured by Nero who had been waiting for him. Spock's life was spared by Nero, although Nero marooned him on Delta Vega where he could witness the destruction of Vulcan from the planet's surface. After Nero used some of the red matter from the Jellyfish to create a black hole in Vulcan's planetary core, Spock watched helplessly from Delta Vega as his homeworld was destroyed. Shortly thereafter, Spock rescued a Starfleet officer from a hengrauggi, only to discover that the young officer was James T. Kirk himself, that reality's Spock having marooned him on the planet for mutiny. The elder Spock was surprised that Kirk was not captain of the Enterprise. When Spock heard from Kirk that Captain Christopher Pike had been captured, Spock knew that Nero was responsible, describing the Romulan as "particularly troubled." Through a mind meld, Spock explained to Kirk his presence in this time period and the reasons behind Nero's actions. He then walked with Kirk to the Starfleet Delta Vega outpost, where they met Montgomery Scott. Using Scott's equation for transwarp beaming (which Scott had not actually figured out yet), Spock was able to transport Kirk back to the Enterprise along with Scott. When asked why he would not come with them, Spock stated that his other self must not know of his existence, implying that it could cause some kind of temporal paradox. Knowing his younger self would never take the course of action that could stop Nero but that Kirk would, Spock instructed Kirk to use Regulation 619 to force his younger self to give up command to him by proving he was emotionally compromised. He informed Kirk he knew his younger counterpart was emotionally compromised due to the destruction of his homeworld. Kirk followed his advice and, by emotionally manipulating the alternate Spock, managed to take command of the Enterprise. (Film: Star Trek)
Personality and attributes
He had a half-brother named Sybok who came from his father's previous marriage to a Vulcan priestess. The two were raised together as brothers after Sybok's mother had died. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
In accordance to Vulcan tradition, he was betrothed as a child to T'Pring per his peoples marriage procedure. (TOS: Amok Time)
He commented that Balok of the First Federation was reminiscent of his father. (TOS: The Corbomite Maneuvuer)
Powers and abilities
As a child, he was noted to had suffered from L'tak Terai that was a Vulcan learning disability which included spatial and order dysphasia, affecting learning, reading, and writing with it being similar to dyslexia where he had inherited this from his mother. (DIS: Light and Shadows)
As a Vulcan, he suffered from the pon farr that was a time of mating for his people. (TOS: Amok Time)
Such was his intellect that he was capable of isolating the divergence and micro-shift for any chronitonic radiation. (PIC: Penance)
It was known that he had written a book that were his memoirs which talked about his experiences in being one of the first Vulcan cadet in Starfleet. In it, he was noted to had written that, ""Exhilaration enhances the absorption of knowledge". (PIC: The Star Gazer)
- Spock was created by Gene Roddenberry where he was portrayed by actor Leonard Nimoy and featured in the Star Trek universe.
Alternate Versions
- In Star Trek: The Original Series, the episode "Mirror, Mirror" revealed an alternate version of Spock who was an inhabitant of the Mirror Universe. This version possessed a goatee and was a member of the tyrannical Terran Empire where he came to be the first officer of the I.S.S. Enterprise.
- In Star Trek, an alternate version of Spock appeared in a divergent reality that was known as the Kelvin timeline. This event came about due to the accidental transport of Nero into the past leading to his vessel destroying the U.S.S. Kelvin. As a result, this created a change in events and brought the emergence of a different timeline with a different chain of events. As a young boy, Spock was often the target of abuse from his schoolmates because of his Human ancestry. On one particular occasion in which three of his classmates accused his father of being a traitor for marrying "that Human whore," Spock lost emotional control and was so angered that he violently beat up the lead tormentor, exhibiting such rage that, despite their advantage in size and numbers, the other two made no attempt to help their friend. Previously, he had counted that the incident was the thirty-fifth time those particular schoolmates had attempted to elicit an emotional response from him. When Spock then spoke to his disappointed father about his mother, asking Sarek why he had married a Human, Sarek coldly remarked that his decision to marry her had been the logical choice, given that he was an ambassador of Vulcan to Earth. After completing advanced training which he began during childhood in the Vulcan Learning Center, Spock applied to both the Vulcan Science Academy and Starfleet Academy. He was also considering completing his training in the kolinahr – the Vulcan ritual of purging all vestigial emotions – and asked his mother whether she would think less of him for discarding emotion in that way. His mother simply remarked that she would always be proud of him, no matter what choices he made. He later was admitted to the Vulcan Science Academy, but declined the offer after the board remarked that his admission to the Academy was especially commendable considering his 'disadvantage' of being half-Human. Spock went on to attend Starfleet Academy, and came to be known as one of its most distinguished graduates. By 2258, he had attained the rank of commander, and acted as an instructor at the Academy.
In other media
Video games
Comic Books
- Star Trek: The Original Series:
- Star Trek: The Next Generation:
- Star Trek: Discovery:
External Links
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