Stargate Command

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Stargate Command is a military organization set in the Stargate universe.




Stargate Command (SGC) was a military organization formed by the United States Airforce following the reactivation of the Stargate. Stargate Command (SGC) was a publicly undisclosed military unit organized under the Department of the Air Force, and based at the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Although on-base support personnel wear patches of Air Force Space Command (AFSPC), it has not been clarified whether or not Stargate Command itself is a component of that organization or a separate entity. It was tasked with operating the Stargate on Earth and coordinates exploration and diplomatic relationships through the Stargate.

Subsequently, Major General W. O. West ordered USAF Colonel Jack O'Neill and a team of military personnel accompanied by Daniel Jackson through the Stargate from the Colorado Creek Mountain to Abydos, where they encountered Ra. Ra was a member of an alien race that used Stargates to transport slaves and goods throughout the galaxy. (Movie: Stargate)

The program went dormant until 1997 when the Goa'uld Apophis dialled the Earth Stargate and arrived into the Embarkation Room with a group of his Serpent Guards. While his First Prime, Teal'c of Chulak took Senior Airman Carol Weterings prisoner. Apophis' guards responded by attacking and killing the four male personnel who were playing poker near it with one Serpent Guard dying in the process. The remaining troops along with Apophis himself later fled, taking an unconscious Weterings with them. When it was confirmed that Apophis had not arrived via the Abydos Stargate but instead a planet called Chulak, it was realized that the Stargate was capable of connecting with multiple destinations. O'Neill, having been retired since the Abydos Mission, was eventually recalled to active duty and assigned to head the rescue mission where he successfully convinced Teal'c, Apophis's First Prime to defect from the service of the Goa'uld and join the SGC teams. After learning from Teal'c that the Goa'uld were a serious threat, Stargate Command was formed with a contingent of SG teams, of which the primary team, SG-1, consisted of Colonel Jack O'Neill, Dr. Daniel Jackson, Captain Samantha Carter and Teal'c. Their standing orders, along with the SGC, were to acquire weapons or technology that could help Earth in the fight against the Goa'uld, including establishing alliances. (SG1: Children of the Gods)

The current U.S. government administration came to be dissatisfied with the efforts of the Stargate program in bringing back superior technologies. (SG1: The Nox)

U.S. officials at Langley were looking to study a Goa'uld symbiont but were unable to acquire the only sample in custody as the specimen was needed for Teal'c to survive as it maintained his body's immune system. However, the Jaffa suggested that a raid be conducted on his home planet of Chulak to acquire a Goa'uld larvae for study. (SG1: Bloodlines)

Colonel Maybourne looked to detain the Tollan for interrogation in order to plunder their advanced science and technology. (SG1: Enigma)


In appearance, the SGC was a secret government program created by the United States military. (SG1: Children of the Gods) After its formation, it was said that the Stargate Program cost 7.4 billion dollars a year to operate. Only the President and the Joint Chiefs were aware of the program's existence. (SG1: Politics) The secrecy of the Stargate Project at the time meant that it was on a 'need to know' basis. (SG1: The Broca Divide)

The purpose of the program was the acquisition and return of superior alien technologies. (SG1: The Nox)

The SGC was typically commanded by an active-duty U.S. Air Force commissioned officer with the grade of major general, and was staffed by a mixture of military and civilian subject matter experts, military support personnel and several SG teams.

Equipment used by SGU included:

  • F.R.E.D. : the Field Remote Expeditionary Device
  • M.A.L.P. : the Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe

Earth's efforts to construct starships of its own using reverse-engineered alien technology.

Hostile aliens such as the Goa'uld are usually prevented from entering the SGC through the Stargate by use of 'the iris'. This is a device that creates a barrier a few micrometers in front of the event horizon of the Stargate, keeping any matter from fully rematerializing, thus preventing the passage of dangerous objects and/or entities. The iris also prevents the formation of the unstable vortex usually seen when the wormhole is first established. It can be opened for the return of an SG team, but is closed if there is an alien attack. The Iris is made up of a Trinium-Titanium alloy, having replaced the original Titanium iris. (SG1: A Matter of Time)

If the SGC is threatened with invasion, the facility has a self-destruct mechanism, which has been activated more than once. It requires at least two high-ranking officers to initiate or deactivate. Alien takeover of the SGC is referred to as a 'Foothold situation'. (SG1: Foothold) However, according to Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter, the self-destruct is not powerful enough to destroy the Stargate, and has only a minimal chance of disconnecting an active wormhole. It would however bury the gate under 1000 meters of rock, thereby stopping any more incoming travelers. Even with these shortcomings, it remains the best backup plan available in the event of a hostile alien takeover of the SGC. (SG1: Threads)

Over time, the SGU possessed a range of spacecraft available that included:

  • X-302 hyperspace fighter :
  • F-302 fighter-interceptor :
  • Prometheus-class : the BC-303
  • Daedalus-class : the BC-304 was a class of battlecruiser developed by humanity as a successor to the Prometheus with more advanced alien technologies were integrated into the original design. (SG1: Moebius, Part 1)

Bases that were tied to the SGC included:

  • Area 52 : the location of Stargate Command situated in the Cheyenne Mountain. (SG1: Politics)
  • Area 51 :
  • Alpha Site :
  • Beta Site : the second base established by the SGC. (SG1: Death Knell)
  • Gamma Site : off-world research base equipped with F-302 fighter-interceptors but was destroyed via self-destruct. (SG1: The Scourge)
  • Icarus Base : off-world research base on P4X-351 tasked with unlocking where the ninth chevron leads. (SGU: Air)
  • Midway : a space station located in the extragalactic void between the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxy with it being the central feature and transfer point for the McKay/Carter Intergalactic Gate Bridge. (ATL: Midway)

It was based inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado. (SG1: Politics)


  • George Hammond :
  • Jack O'Neill:
  • Hank Landry :
  • Samantha Carter :
  • Daniel Jackson :
  • Janet Fraiser :
  • Walter Harriman :
  • Charles Kawalsky :
  • Elizabeth Weir :
  • Teal'c :
  • Jonas Quinn :
  • John Sheppard :


  • Stargate Command was created for the Stargate: SG-1 television series and did not feature in the original movie.


  • Stargate SG-1:

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