Straw Hat Pirates

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The Straw Hat Pirates are a team that feature in One Piece.




The first Straw Hat Pirate crew.

Straw Hat Pirates (Japanese: 麦わら海賊団, Hepburn: Mugiwara Kaizoku-dan) were a crew of pirates that had been assembled by Monkey D. Luffy. Their origins stemmed from Luffy's desire to become the king of the pirates with him setting forth to getting a crew as he looked to sail for the Grand Line in search for the One Piece. At first, he wandered alone from one small boat to another until he arrived in Shells Town where he helped rescue Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro. Later on, he came to look for a map for the Grand Line where in this time he encountered the thief Nami during a confrontation with the pirate captain Buggy the Clown. The nascent crew would later end up on Syrup Village where they encountered Usopp and helped stop the sinister plot of Captain Kuro of the Black Cat Pirates. In gratitude for saving her home, Kaya came to gift the pirates a full-sized ship called the Going Merry (ゴーイング・メリー号, Gōingu Merī-gō) with Usopp joining the crew. As they set sail, they came upon the Baratie (バラティエ, Baratie) that was a floating restaurant headed by Zeff (ゼフ, Zefu). In this time, they would help defend the restaurant from Don Krieg (クリーク, Kurīku) who had looked to rebuild his pirate fleet and intended to use the Baratie as part of his fleet. The pirates came to work alongside the chef Sanji who ended up joining Luffy's crew as a cook where he intended to find the All Blue. In the aftermath, Nami came to steal what treasure her teammates had and fled to her home on Conomi Islands. This was because she wanted to pay off her island's debt to the pirate captain Arlong and free her people. Luffy and his friends pursued her where they ended up battling the Arlong Pirates where they came to defeat the fishman and his crew. This led to Nami re-joining Luffy as they set sail to make their way to the Grand Line. After defeating three people with high bounties, Luffy receives his first bounty from the Marines with a 30 million bellies made on him. For their journey, the Going Merry stopped at the city of Loguetown that was the home of Gol D. Roger and where the Pirate King had been executed. Whilst there, they looked to get supplies before heading to the Grand Line. Their arrival though was noted by Marine Captain Smoker who looked to arrest the pirates.

As the Straw Hats sail through a storm, Nami realized that they will be going up Reverse Mountain to access the Grand Line. Nami revealed that they were in the Calm Belt, one of two strips of ocean surrounding the Grand Line, where there were no winds or currents. Thus, there was no means of going forward with Nami urging the crew to row back to the storm, but the Sea Kings infesting the water then rise up. The Straw Hats struggle to get away, and once they escape, they turn their attention to successfully riding the dangerous current up Reverse Mountain. Their rudder soon broke, with Luffy shielding the Going Merry from hitting the mountain as the Straw Hats successfully sail down into the Grand Line. When they come down, they immediately run into a giant whale named Laboon, who was blocking their path. The Merry ended up running into the whale, which breaks its masthead. Luffy punched the whale in the eye in retaliation for his seat being destroyed. Laboon then opened his mouth, swallowing the Going Merry, although Luffy managed to escape. Luffy tried hitting Laboon to get his friends out, but before the whale dives underwater, he spots and enters a trapdoor on the whale's back. Meanwhile, the other Straw Hats find themselves sailing towards an island inside Laboon. They soon encountered a giant squid, which was taken down by a man named Crocus. After an initially tense confrontation, Crocus points them toward an escape route. Right then, Laboon begins ramming himself into Reverse Mountain, causing further injuries to his head. As this happens, two mysterious people named Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday prepare to take Crocus out to Laboon and use him to feed the people of their town. However, Luffy is sent tumbling through the corridors by Laboon's thrashing, and he ends up crashing into Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday, sending them flying into the area where the Straw Hats and Crocus were. Crocus went to calm Laboon down before confronting the two rogues and took two bazooka shots aimed at Laboon as Luffy defeats the rogues. They return to Crocus' island, where Crocus explained about Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday to the Straw Hats. He then revealed that Laboon had come to the Grand Line with a pirate crew and was asked to stay with him at Reverse Mountain as the crew could not risk taking the whale with them. Over 50 years had passed since then, but Laboon still believed that the crew would come back. The Straw Hats exited Laboon's body and threw Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday into the water. The two agents swore revenge on the pirates before swimming away. At Twin Cape, Crocus revealed that he had heard that the crew with Laboon had not died, but rather had left the Grand Line. He told this to Laboon, but the whale seemed to refuse to believe him and started ramming his head against Reverse Mountain, as though trying to get to the crew.

Luffy took the Merry's mast and plunged it into one of Laboon's open wounds, causing the whale to lash out against him. The two traded blows, and Luffy proclaimed that he was now Laboon's rival, promising to see and fight him again once his crew sailed around the Grand Line. This made Laboon happy, and Luffy painted his Jolly Roger on the whale's forehead, telling him not to bash his head against the mountain any longer. Meanwhile, Nami was shocked as her compass stopped working. Crocus tells Nami that to navigate the Grand Line, one would need a Log Pose to chart the differing magnetic fields of each island, all the way to the last island Laugh Tale. Luffy had acquired a Log Pose that Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday had left on the Merry, but it ended up breaking when he and Sanji got in a fight. However, Crocus agreed to give them a Log Pose out of gratitude for helping Laboon. Meanwhile, Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday swam up to the Twin Cape to try to get their Log Pose back, as they needed to get back to their island and report to their boss before they got into trouble. However, the Unluckies then came to try and kill them. After recovering from the attack, the two rogues went to the Straw Hats and asked them to take them to Whisky Peak. They were unable to divulge their identities, but the Straw Hats reluctantly agreed to help. They then set sail for Whisky Peak, bidding farewell to Crocus and Laboon, and Crocus wondered if Luffy was the one he and Roger had been waiting for.

Straw Hat Crew out in the ocean in the starting leg of the Grand Line. They are quickly introduced to the abnormality of the place, as they experience the ever-changing weather and tides, which constantly keep the crew on their toes. Eventually, the weather stabilizes and the crew spots an island on the horizon, and on it, the town Whisky Peak. Upon reaching the town, Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday thank the crew and jump ship, much to the crew's confusion. Since the Log Pose needs time to reset, the crew have no choice but to dock at the mysterious island. Much to their surprise, the residents welcome them as if they are heroes. Soon they meet the town's leader, Igarappoi, who treats them to a party. The crew quickly takes to the place, eating, drinking, and flirting into the night, until eventually they all fall asleep. However, Igarappoi, as well as a few other operatives in disguise, turn out to be agents of the elusive criminal syndicate called Baroque Works, but both Zoro and Nami had faked passing out, thwarting their surprise attack. This syndicate operates only with the assignments delegated to its agents by the leader, who, like every other member with the number agent status, remains secret and anonymous. When the town bounty hunters, the Millions, are discovered, they hunt and attempt to murder Zoro who, without much effort, picks them off little by little, leaving an anxious Mr. 8, Mr. 9, Miss Monday, and Miss Wednesday to be dealt with. Zoro was then ambushed again by other bounty hunters where he quickly dispatched them, before overpowering Miss Monday. He then faced by Mr. 8, Mr. 9, and Miss Wednesday; the latter of whom tried to hypnotize and attack Zoro, but she missed because of her mount, Karoo. After escaping Mr. 8, Zoro was found by Mr. 9, who restrained Zoro's left arm using an iron wire. Miss Wednesday then showed up holding Luffy hostage, but was then hit by Mr. 9, after Zoro used him as a shield for Mr. 8's attack. Zoro then brought the final hit on Mr. 8 thus defeating him.

Soon after, Mr. 5 and his lady partner Miss Valentine arrive, but are not present to aid the other, less capable agents of the organization. They reveal that the leader of Baroque Works (Mr. 0) has discovered a spy, who has somehow successfully infiltrated the ranks, and that they have been sent to eliminate them. The spies are none other than Mr. 8 which was the alias of Igaram the town's leader and Miss Wednesday who was really Princess Nefertari Vivi of the Arabasta kingdom. Mr. 9 and Ms. Monday, despite being rather unaware of the situation to their own admission, decide to hold off the Mr. 5 pair so that Vivi can escape, but were swiftly defeated. In a twist of fate, the pirates that Vivi was meant to kill in her role as a double agent are now her protectors, when Igaram promises Nami 1,000,000,000 Beli to ensure her safety back to Arabasta. Zoro came to Vivi's rescue, however, Luffy arrives at the scene and attacks him, mistakenly believing that the townsfolk Zoro killed were actually friendly. After fighting for a bit, they unintentionally defeat the pair of agents and stop fighting when they were smacked by Nami. At this point, Vivi explains that her kingdom is falling to ruin, as a civil war has been devised by Baroque Works and that if she can confront the rebel army with the information on the true cause of the war, she can end it. The leader of Baroque Works, according to her, wants to take over Arabasta and turn it into an 'ideal nation' ruled by him, and she revealed their identity to be Crocodile who was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Unfortunately, by revealing his name, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami were now added to the Baroque Works hit list by the nearby Mr. 13, causing Nami to throttle her. Afterwards, Igaram appeared dressed as Vivi and explained that he would act as a decoy. He departed from Whisky Peak, only to have his ship be blown up as soon as he leaves, seemingly killing him. The Straw Hats and Vivi run to the Going Merry only to find Miss All Sunday, the highest ranking female Baroque Works agent, waiting for them. As it turned out, she was the one who let Vivi find out the boss's identity, yet she was also the one who revealed that she and Igaram were double agents and blew up the ship, so the crew were unsure of her loyalties. Ms. All Sunday gave them an Eternal Pose to Nanimonai Island, which was supposedly very close to Arabasta, but Luffy destroyed it, claiming that she did not decide their course. As Ms. All Sunday departed, the crew left for Little Garden, the next island of the Grand Line.

With a newly acquired Princess Vivi on board, the Straw Hats soon find themselves on the island of Little Garden, which is a misnomer as the island is anything but little. It is stuck in a prehistoric time and teeming with huge dinosaurs and massive plant life. While Usopp and Nami feel uncomfortable leaving the ship, Vivi and Luffy decide to go explore the island. They soon meet Dorry, a giant warrior from Elbaf who befriends them. A little while later, Sanji and Zoro get into a fight about who could get the most meat first. They soon leave the ship in search of animals they can use to win the bet. Left alone on the ship, Nami and Usopp learn why the island is called Little Garden. It is called Little Garden because of those who inhabit it. They are terrified when Brogy, another giant, shows up and decapitates a tyrannosaurus rex. He decides to bring them home with him, much to their alarm, under the impression he wants to eat them. Elsewhere, Baroque Works agents Mr. 5, Miss Valentine, Mr. 3, and his partner Miss Goldenweek come together and reveal the 100,000,000 Beli bounty on each of the giant's heads, and it is suggested by Mr. 3 that they kill them, along with the Straw Hats. Back at Dorry's campsite, Dorry explains that he and Brogy are forever destined to continue their one hundred year long war, which was started over a reason Dorry had long forgotten. This inspires Usopp to fight for his dream of being a proud warrior of the sea. When Dorry and Brogy are just about to continue their bout, Dorry suffers internal injuries from an explosion after drinking some of the Straw Hats' beer, which was tampered with by Mr. 5 using his Devil Fruit abilities. Dorry tries to attack Luffy, thinking he was responsible, but Luffy quickly beats him using Gomu Gomu Rocket by targeting his stomach. Realizing that the god of Elbaf was not on his side, Dorry still decides to go and pins Luffy under a giant rock when Luffy tries to stop Dorry from going to fight Brogy. Meanwhile, Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek capture Zoro first, and then Nami after she is separated from Usopp while running from a dinosaur. After Usopp meets with Luffy and Vivi, Vivi suspects that Baroque Works is likely behind Nami's disappearance, since out of the two of them, Nami is on their hit list while Usopp is not, and they are also responsible for the exploding beer that injured Dorry. Eventually, Dorry loses to Brogy due to his injuries. Brogy noticed a deficiency in Dorry's performance but was too late in identifying the perpetrators when Mr. 3 appeared and imprisoned him with wax. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine then succeed in capturing Vivi despite failing to use Karoo to lure her away from Luffy, which they realize they did not need to do since Luffy was imprisoned by the rock, and quickly defeated him, Usopp and Karoo.

Mr. 3 imprisoned Zoro, Nami, and Vivi in his giant candle set which will slowly turn them along with Brogy into wax sculptures. Just as Zoro is about to cut off his legs to break free, Luffy, Usopp, and Karoo arrive to save their friends. However, when Luffy damages Mr. 3's giant candelabra after his feet are trapped in the wax, it only accelerated the process, giving Luffy, Usopp, and Karoo less time to save the others. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine then engage Usopp and Karoo and all the two can do is run away since Usopp's Gunpowder Star is useless against Mr. 5, while Mr. 3 prevents Luffy's further attempts from destroying his candle set. Luffy is then brought under Miss Goldenweek's hypnotic control. Despite all of Luffy's attempts to free himself from the hypnosis, Miss Goldenweek continues to use her Colors Trap ability to re-hypnotize Luffy. Eventually, Usopp, as he is dodging Mr. 5's Breath Blast Bomb, realizes the situation and uses his Flame Star to burn Luffy's shirt to free him completely, forcing Mr. 3 to form his mecha-like armor, the Candle Champion, to hold off Luffy. Once Usopp realizes that despite the density Mr. 3 makes his wax, it could still be melted away, and though their friends' bodies have been completely covered, they still have a small amount of time left. Though the Mr. 5 team takes down Usopp before he can try to shoot the candle set with his Flame Star, Usopp gives Karoo a rope with instructions to run around with it along the candle set. As he is taking the strain from Miss Valentine's weight, Usopp tells Luffy to set the oil-soaked rope on fire, as it is the only way to melt the wax quickly enough to save their friends. Grabbing onto Mr. 3's hair, Luffy uses the fiery portion of it to light the rope tricking Mr. 3 into melting the wax. Once the candle set is destroyed, Nami and Vivi defeat Miss Valentine. Before Mr. 5 can shoot Vivi, Usopp tricks Mr. 5 into eating his Tabasco Star and is saved by Zoro before an angry Mr. 5 can kill him. Meanwhile, Luffy and Karoo pursue the Mr. 3 team, and though Mr. 3 tries to trick Luffy by creating clone statues of himself, Luffy, through sheer instinct, knocks him out, while Karoo defeats Miss Goldenweek. Meanwhile, Sanji enjoys tea in Mr. 3's candle house and receives a call from Mr. 0, who mistakes him for Mr. 3. He is ordered to go to Arabasta by way of the Eternal Pose which is being sent by the Unluckies, Mr. 13 and Miss Friday, who attack Sanji and are defeated upon making the delivery. Dorry turns out to be okay as he was only knocked out as both his sword and Brogy's axe were dulled from being constantly used over the last century. Meanwhile, the Marines have intercepted a garbled message in the call between Mr. 0 and Sanji. Smoker is able to make out four key words, "Princess Vivi," "Straw Hats," "Mr. 0," and "orders directly." They were able to capture Mr. 11, a Baroque Works frontier agent and trick him into confirming the existence of a criminal organization headed by Mr. 0. Smoker decides to follow the clues and head for the Kingdom of Arabasta. Once Sanji returns, Dorry and Brogy bid farewell to the Straw Hats by slaying Island Eater, a giant goldfish who eats ships leaving the island, sacrificing what remained of their weapons in the process. With that, the Straw Hats head for Arabasta using the Eternal Pose they got from the Unluckies.

Luffy and Usopp create Mr. Snowman and Snow Queen, but they get destroyed in their bickering.

The Straw Hats befriend Nefertari Vivi, defeat Wapol, recruit Tony Tony Chopper, meet Dorry and Brogy, and head to Arabasta. Dalton is appointed as ruler of the renamed Sakura Kingdom. When they dismantle Baroque Works and take down Crocodile, the government covers it up. Crocodile is arrested by Tashigi and Smoker in Arabasta, both of whom are promoted for their efforts. The drought ends and peace returns to the country. Princess Vivi returns after having disappeared a few years prior. Nico Robin joins the Straw Hats.

Enel is defeated by the Straw Hats. Gan Fall returns as God of Skypiea. The war between the Skypieans and Shandia ends.

Foxy's Davy Back Fight winning streak, after 920 victories, is broken.

The Going Merry sinks.


In appearance, the Straw Hat Pirates were a close knit group of individual who operated as a pirate crew. Their name was derived from Luffy's signature hat that had been given to him by Red-Haired Shanks with them first being referred to as the Straw Hat Pirates by Smoker in Arabasta. Though pirates, they did not engage in the stereotypical activities of pirates with them all being kind-hearted individuals for the most part who only fight in self-defense or vengeance for their friends.

All current Straw Hat members have at least one talent in which they were virtually perfect, and several had astonishingly inhuman strength. As outlaws, they all have bounties on their heads, and are wanted by the World Government. The World Government and the Navy consider them one of the most dangerous pirate crews in the One Piece world, due to their spectacular evasion of the supposedly unavoidable Buster Call on Enies Lobby.

Each member of the Straw Hats had a dream they wanted to achieve. These dreams are their reasons for joining Luffy's crew, and essentially the driving force behind their lives. Each Straw Hat's dream was inspired by tragedies in their lives that involved at least one person they idolized or cared for deeply. Whatever the reason, each of the Straw Hats' dreams involves traveling the Grand Line, and each Straw Hat member refuses to die before achieving his or her dream. The members of the crew valued their friendships above all else. Despite their comic annoyance with each other from time to time, they also often enjoy their time together and love being a member of the crew. One of the major themes of the series is how committed they are to each other. If one single member is hurt by an outside force, the other members will become enraged and take drastic action to avenge their friend. One of the best examples of this can be seen during the crew's stay in Arabasta, when Chopper asks Zoro on why he joined the crew. Zoro replies that even though it is about their own dreams, that there is something more that they are all striving to achieve.

All the current Straw Hats have bounties over their heads with a total bounty of "700,000,050" Belli.

Despite having a small number of members, the Straw Hats were an extremely powerful crew with great potential. In fact, it was predicted that they would eventually become a considerable threat to the World Government itself. In the span of 2 years, their captain Monkey D. Luffy came to stand among the Four Emperors with the Straw Hat Pirates officially recognized as one of the four strongest pirate crews in the world.

The first vessel used by them was the Going Merry (ゴーイング・メリー号, Gōingu Merī-gō) that was gifted to them for defending Syrup Village against the Black Cat Pirates.

They later had to take another ship named the Thousand Sunny (サウザンドサニー号, Sauzando Sanī-gō). It is a brigantine-type ship designed and built by Franky with help from Yokozuna, Iceburg, and the remaining Galley-La foremen who were among the best shipwrights in the world.


  • Monkey D. Luffy :
  • Roronoa Zoro :
  • Nami :
  • Usopp :
  • Sanji :
  • Tony Tony Chopper :
  • Nico Robin :
  • Franky :
  • Brook :
  • Jinbe :


  • The Straw Hat Pirates were created by Eiichiro Oda where they featured in the setting of the One Piece universe.

In other media


  • In One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation.
  • In One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates appeared in the setting of the live-action Netflix television series adaptation.


Video games


  • One Piece:

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