Ten Commandments (The Seven Deadly Sins)

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The Ten Commandments are a team that features in The Seven Deadly Sins.



The Ten Commandments (Japanese: 十戒 Jikkai) were a group of the Demon Clan that were chosen to be the handpicked servants and warriors of the Demon King. Ruling the Demon Realm (魔界, Makai), the Demon King came to divide half his power that he distributed to ten of his greatest warriors to help conquer all existence. This distributed power took the form of a Commandment (戒禁, Kaigon) each of which had a particular power and given to one of the newly formed Ten Commandments. At some point, the demon Gowther was trapped in a prison in the Demon Realm by the Demon King and his doll Gowther operated as a member of the Ten Commandments. Three thousand years ago, the Ten Commandments fought alongside the other demons against the four races of the world in the great and ancient Holy War. Around this time, they were led by Meliodas until he grew disgusted by the conflict and ended up betraying his comrades. This saw him Meliodas killing two of the members of the Ten Commandments namely Aranak and Zeno. He then came to join the alliance of races spearheaded by the Goddess Clan after falling in love with the goddess Elizabeth. Meanwhile, the giant Drole and the fairy Gloxinia came to be stranded in the Demon Realm where they became corrupted by the power offered to them leading to them becoming new members of the Ten Commandments despite not being demons themselves.

Ultimately, the Holy War came to an end when the Coffin of Eternal Darkness was used to seal away the Demon Clan. Thus, the Ten Commandments were all imprisoned in Purgatory except for Fraudrin who managed to escape and spent the years in Britannia in search of a way to free his kin.

Thousands of years later, Fraudrin was able to manipulate Hendrickson into breaking the seal and freeing the Ten Commandments. Though freed, the seals imprisonment had completely drained them of their magical power and decided to head towards Edinburgh where they left the terrified Hendrickson behind. Arriving at their destination, they were surprised to find the castle in ruins with a giant hole through it into the land with Zeldris believing that Meliodas was responsible for this act.

They then decided to split into groups of two and scattered across the lands where they were tasked with replenishing their magical power.

Their presences in Britannia awoke two of the Demon Clan's Albion; one at Camelot and the other at the Fairy King's Forest, which were destroyed by Meliodas and King. Sensing the Albions' destruction, Galand was delighted to know that there are still powerful people even in the current age and decided to take action despite them still having yet to recover their full power. He traveled all the way to Camelot in 72 high jumps and encountered three members of the Seven Deadly Sins. He easily overwhelmed them and annihilated almost half a portion of Camelot and its citizens and slaughtered its Holy Knights in battle. However, Gowther's power Invasion deluded Galand about having killed Meliodas, Diane, Slader, and Merlin. Later on, the Commandments continued to rest and recover their magical power through eating the souls of humans they devoured and were shocked when they sensed Meliodas regain his full demonic powers at Istar. Meliodas later appeared through Merlin's teleportation and casually greeted the Ten Commandments who were surprised by his sudden appearance. Zeldris and Fraudrin were going to attack him but Galand told all of them to stay out of it as Meliodas is his prey to kill. Meliodas battled and defeated Galand in less than ten seconds before warning Zeldris that the Seven Deadly Sins will defeat the Ten Commandments with everything they got, warning them of their doom if they stepped out of line. In response, Zeldris and Fraudrin attempted to attack Meliodas from both sides, but he was teleported back to Istar. Galand was angered and humiliated by his defeat at the hands of the 'Accursed Demon'.

As Galand complains and demands that Melascula find Meliodas, he is cut off by Zeldris as he tells him and the other demons that their goal is the domination of Britannia and commands the others to move out in groups of two (or more) in order to recover their magic power as quickly as possible and to use whatever methods they deem necessary to eradicate the other four races. Fraudrin then asks if this was a declaration of war against Meliodas which he replies saying that this is not war but an extermination. Still angered by his defeat and the thought of Meliodas being 'beyond' him, Galand tries to claim to have been able to defeat Meliodas any time he wanted. However, before he can finish his sentence he is stopped and warned about lying by Drole, questioning if he had forgotten that the Ten Commandments would incur their own curses on themselves if they break their own laws. Galand then lowers his head in response but still curses Meliodas in his mind. The Ten Commandments then disperse; Zeldris and Estarossa, however, remain behind. Derieri and Monspeet arrive at the town of Bellford where they promptly eat many people's souls. Drole and Gloxinia arrive at Vaizel at the construction site of a new "brawl colosseum", because Gloxinia finds the site and activities surrounding it interesting. Meanwhile, Fraudrin arrives at the town of Ferson, where he is promptly attacked and seemingly defeated by members of the Pleiades of the Azure Sky, and then taken to the research tower in Zeldon, while Grayroad watches. Meanwhile, Melascula, who teamed up with Galand, begins to resurrect the dead all over Britannia in order to wipe out the living people.

Upon noticing that one of her zombies is resisting her magic, Galand and Melascula arrive to see what is happening. From there a great battle ensues between them and the Fox's Sin of Greed Ban and eventually the Lion's Sin of Pride Escanor which ultimately results in their defeat. Drole notices this, as well as what happened to Fraudrin, and relays this to his partner, as they patiently wait for all the unsuspecting prey to arrive at the "Fight Festival" they are holding to draw strong souls to them as a more efficient way of recovering their lost magic power. Meanwhile, Fraudrin is being held captive by the Pleiades who intend to prove that humanity can best the ancient demons and even defeat a member of the legendary Ten Commandments. Fraudrin then reveals that he is not an actual member of the Ten Commandments, but a replacement for the missing member, Gowther. Grayroad then appears, disguised as Dogedo to retrieve Fraudrin. Denzel Liones, the leader of the Pleiades, lets them leave being cautious of Grayroad's Commandment. Fraudrin and Grayroad then walk out, with Fraudrin stabbing Deldry in the gut as revenge for their last battle. Before going, however, Fraudrin questions why he is leaving them alive, blaming his time in a human as making him soft, and decides to kill them all and destroys their base. As it crumbles, Fraudrin and Grayroad leave the scene as they were ready to continue their mission with them later being seen resting in a cave.

Drole and Gloxinia decide to organize a Great Fight Festival as an efficient way to gather strong souls together. Meanwhile, Derieri and Monspeet have completely wiped out the populations of nine cities and towns in northern Britannia. Estarossa and Zeldris apparently parted ways at some points, as Zeldris went on to conquer Camelot's royal capital single-handedly. Drole and Gloxinia's festival is short-lived, as they are unexpectedly attacked by a participant whose power suddenly spiked tremendously. Afterward, Meliodas attacks them both, and despite their best efforts, it seems he is going to kill them. But, before he can finish them off, all the other Commandments (except Galand) arrive to aid them. After a grueling battle, in which Melascula is incapacitated unexpectedly by Ban, Estarossa seemingly kills Meliodas, and the eight remaining Commandments set out to solidify their conquest of Britannia. The month following Meliodas' defeat, the Ten Commandments have Britannia under their thumb. They send out legions of lesser demons to terrorize people and stamp out any resistance and it has become common practice to sacrifice Holy Knights and other with strong souls as a form of appeasement. Some people do this to protect themselves and their families while others do it out of genuine adoration of the Ten Commandments. Eventually, they set their sights on conquering Liones, however, one after another they are defeated by members of the Seven Deadly Sins. Estarossa and Zeldris are sent flying by Escanor, and later Fraudrin is dealt with by a revived Meliodas, who definitively slays him. Grayroad, in turn, is captured by Merlin. Drole and Gloxinia are nowhere to be found during this great battle, attending to other matters and finally deciding to abandon the Commandments and return with their respective clans. Melascula is finally defeated by all the Sins and stripped of her powers, before being captured by Merlin. The only members still active are Estarossa and Zeldris, as Derieri and Monspeet decided to not heed Zeldris' calling to gather the Commandments and live in peace after being defeated by Meliodas.

Later, when Meliodas decided to become the new Demon King to break Elizabeth's curse, he affirmed that to achieve this he must acquire the same power as the Demon King, which he can achieve by absorbing all ten Commandments in himself. Already disposing of Grayroad's Commandment, Meliodas allied with Estarossa and Zeldris, who already possessed the Commandments of Gowther, Drole and Gloxinia and instructed them to recover the other Commandments. Estarossa is able to locate a petrified Galand and kill him to take his Commandment. Currently, Zeldris yielded his Commandment is Meliodas to become the new Demon King, like the ones of Gowther, Grayroad, Gloxinia and Drole absorbing them in itself. At the same time, Estarossa would seek for the rest. He finds Derieri and Monspeet and tries to take their decrees by force, but they fight him. Monspeet sacrifices himself to kill Estarossa and let Derieri escape. Estarossa, however, was not hurt and flies after Derieri to kill her for her Commandment but finds an "even greater prize" after finding Elizabeth away from Meliodas but is attacked by Tarmiel and Sariel of the Four Archangels and is forced to take in the Commandments of Truth and Silence in order to defeat them. To keep him from killing everyone, Elizabeth agrees to go with him and the two fly off. Estarossa, whose soul is warped from possessing three Commandments at once, believes himself to be Meliodas and when Elizabeth tries to remind him of his true identity, he suddenly falls to Heaven's Theater where Elizabeth remembered how she and Meliodas used to come there in secret, but she is soon choked by Estarossa who has gone berserk from the power. Believing that Meliodas will simply take Elizabeth back, whom he loves, Estarossa decides to devour her, so she will be with him forever but shortly after that, Derieri, King, Sariel, and Tarmiel all arrive and begin to attack him but their memories of Estarossa and Mael begin to warp around, and they notice the abnormalities in their memories and Gowther's forbidden spell begins to break and soon everyone who knew Mael start to remember the truth: Estarossa of the Ten Commandments never existed to begin with and his true identity is in fact, Mael of the Four Archangels. While others try to stop him, Mael kills Derieri and absorbs her Commandment, Purity. After almost being swallowed by the four Commandments, with the aid of Gowther, he released them, and he returned back to normal again.

At Camelot Castle, the Assault Force manages to penetrate through Meliodas's barrier into the exterior where they are greeted by the sole remaining member of the Ten Commandments, Zeldris, along with the transformed Cusack and Chandler who are opposed by Merlin, Escanor and Ludociel. Due to the efforts of Merlin, Escanor and Ludociel, the three demons are defeated just as everyone's memories of Estarossa go back to being of Mael and it gives Zeldris, Cusack and Chandler the chance to regenerate their wounds and seeing their chances of victory, Chandler and Cusack decide to merge back into the one being they both are halves of: the Original Demon. The Original Demon overpowers Escanor who is slowly weakening due to it being past noon, but the fight is interfered when King's Chastiefol comes flying at him but is canceled out by Zeldris who explains to King that they are not the only ones heading to Camelot, to which they realize the four Commandments that Mael expelled from his body are joined together and heading towards Camelot. As the four Commandments near, Melascula's Commandment forcibly leaves her and joins up with the four as the five dive into Meliodas' cocoon and join with the over five, giving Meliodas all of the Commandments. Merlin refuses to let it end as she attempts to stop time in the cocoon to Zeldris and the Original Demon's displeasure as they attempt to attack Merlin but are held back by Escanor and King's weapon which are quickly dealt with, but Ludociel takes on the Original Demon in Escanor's place as Mael appears and begins to battle Zeldris who loses his composure when he realizes that their defeat will mean that Gelda will remain sealed forever before he collapses and everyone celebrates the end of the Holy War until Hawk realizes that the cocoon is empty. Everyone is frozen in shock and fear while Zeldris weakly laughs and said that the 'Demon King' had better keep his promise as Meliodas appeared as the new Demon King, having successfully absorbed all of the Commandments. Meliodas begins to congratulate the Sins, Elizabeth, and the 'rare beast', Hawk, on their efforts until Elizabeth notes that he is not Meliodas while Zeldris tells Meliodas to keep his end of the deal by telling him where Gelda's seal is, only for Meliodas to say he is disappointed with how Zeldris has allowed his heart to be captured by a mere vampire, which shocks him, until Zeldris realizes that their father, the Demon King, is possessing Meliodas' body to his shock and is confused as he was told that the Demon King wanted Meliodas to be his successor, to which his father explains that he was never going to give up his throne to anyone and all he wanted to be a younger, stronger body and goes on to explain that the Commandments are fragments of his own power so by absorbing them all into his body, Meliodas had become the Demon King's new vessel.

Following the Demon King's defeat, Zeldris came to depart with Gelda leading to the Ten Commandments being officially disbanded.


In appearance, the Ten Commandments were a group of demonic warriors in service to the Demon Clan. They were referred to as being an elite force of the Demon race. Though serving the Demon Clan, its membership was not restrict to demons alone and could include members of other races. Each possessed incredible magical power and ability where alone they could devastate armies of mortals.

A key aspect of these warriors was the bestowing of a Commandment (戒禁, Kaigon) that were gifted these powers by the Demon King. These were said to not be simple magic but rather a curse that afflicted those around them. The power was absolute and could not be opposed even by its wielder who could be cursed by its power. It was said that the only way to lift the curse was if the victim defeated the wielder or died. Commandments could be removed if they were killed or with their consent.


  • Estarossa : Estarossa of Love was originally a male member of the Goddess Clan named Mael until his memories were erased and made to think he was the Demon King's eldest son named Estarossa who attained the Commandment of Love.
  • Zeldris : Zeldris of Piety was a male demon who was the son of Demon King and brother to Meliodas where he attained the Commandment of Piety.
  • Derieri : Derieri of Purity was a female demon with a toned woman and long spiky orange hair who wore no clothing but was covered in demon markings where she was noted for her strength and holding the Commandment of Purity.
  • Monspeet : Monspeet of Reticence was a male demon with dark purple hair and a small moustache whose magic power allowed him to switch two objects with each other and also produce powerful black flames as well as held the Commandment of Reticence.
  • Grayroad : Grayroad the Pacifism was a gray demon of the queen caste that had the ability to reproduce where gained the Commandment of Pacifism.
  • Galand : Galand the Truth was a red-armoured demon who had the Commandment of Truth.
  • Melascula : Melascula the Faith was originally a small poisonous snake that bathed in the miasma of the Demon Realm 300 years ago thus becoming a large hooded snake that attained a humanoid form where she attained the Commandment of Faith.
  • Drole : the King of the Giant Clan who was trapped amongst the demons three thousand years ago and succumbed to the promise of power where he gained the Commandment of Patience.
  • Gloxinia : the king of the Fairy Clan who was trapped amongst the demons three thousand years ago and succumbed to the promise of power where e gained the Commandment of Repose.
  • Fraudrin :
  • Aranak :
  • Calmadios :
  • Zeno :
  • Gowther :
  • Meliodas :


  • The Ten Commandments were created by Nakaba Suzuki where they featured in the setting of The Seven Deadly Sins.

In other media


  • In The Seven Deadly Sins, the Ten Commandments appeared as antagonists in the setting of the anime television series adaptation.


Video games


  • The Seven Deadly Sins:

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