Tess Mercer

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Tess Mercer.

Tess Mercer is a female television character who features in Smallville.




Lutessa Lena Luthor was born from an affair between Lionel Luthor and Pamela Jenkins but her father gave her up to St. Louise's orphanage that was being run by Granny Goodness. Under Granny's tutelage, Lutessa was being trained to become the leader of a group of warrior women that held great potential with her mentor holding Lena as her favorite. During this hard time, she found it difficult to live in the orphanage due to the abuse she suffered from her trainer. As such, she attempted to escape on at least one occasion using a key hidden in her room but was discovered by Granny ho stopped her. All memories of Lutessa's birth parents and childhood were later removed by Granny Goodness. However, Lionel Luthor returned to her life when she was five years old and had found a home for her where he threatened to close down Granny Goodness's orphanage if she resisted this move. Granny Goodness ultimately complied and removed all of the memories of the orphanage from Lutessa's mind and sent her to live with her new parents where she was adopted by the childless Mercers in Louisiana where she was renamed Tess Mercer.

Four weeks after Lex Luthor disappeared, Tess went to the Arctic to take command of LuthorCorp and search for signs of their missing CEO. She turned out to be the successor designated by Lex to guard all his interests in case something happen to him and immediately took control of the search project, but was forced to leave the area when they were ambushed by Oliver's team. She then made her way to Smallville to take up residence at Lex's mansion and in the process had her first encounter with Lois Lane. Tess began to look insistently at clues about the Lex's whereabouts and finally ended with a box containing the Crystal of Knowledge and a photo of a footprint that does not belong to Lex. Tess took possession of all Lex's business, including the Daily Planet and on her first day, she was saved from the burning remains of a bus explosion by her new employee, Clark Kent. After she introduced herself to him, Tess showed herself to be flattered for meeting him, revealing that Lex told her a lot about Clark. It became apparent that it was no coincidence that Tess was in the bus at the time of accident because she was chasing a girl with metahuman powers to recruit her for her new team of heroes that she was putting together and finally intercepted the prison bus in which the girl was put after Clark caught her.

After Oliver falls poisoned mysteriously, it was revealed that Tess and Oliver knew each other from before and that the two had maintained a relationship in the past. Tess helped to cure Oliver and later he questioned her about how much she had changed and about her alliance with Lex. Tess showed continuing resentment towards him for having cheated her, but however revealed to him that Lionel killed Oliver's parents. During her research about the crystal she found in the Arctic, Tess tracked down one of Lex's scientist for help and was reluctant to believe that the crystal was an alien technology, but when an experiment on it, sent a beacon attracting an alien princess to Earth, she began to believe it. After the crystal was stolen, Tess became suspicious of everyone who knew about it and later received an email saying that she was not ready yet. At the same time, Oliver tried to rekindle his relationship with Tess and invited her to dinner but however, despite sleeping together, Tess told Oliver that she was not interested in a romantic relationship and rejected him.

Season 11


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Tess was Caucasian female in her twenties. Her height is about 5'9", and her build is slim, athletic and voluptuous. She has fair skin with long curly red hair and green eyes, often with a coldly seductive smile.

Tess is a fine example of what can happen to an individual who has been betrayed, abandoned, abused and used by those they loved. While being the woman that Oliver Queen dubbed "Mercy" when he was dating her to the one we saw have a license plate that read "No Mercy" - Tess trained herself to become strong, independent, and a fighter.

Based on this conviction, when she read about the Traveler in the Luthor journals, she believed it was her role to help him become a hero and battle the ultimate Destroyer. Still unsure of Clark's role, she later believes that Major Zod would help save humanity, which is why she released him and his fellow Kandorians from the Orb. (Episode: Crossfire)

Powers and abilities

While human, Tess Mercer kept herself in top form and maintained a regular exercise regime while also practicing kickboxing techniques. (Episode: Instinct)


  • Tess Mercer was an original character created by Smallville where she was portrayed by actress Cassidy Freeman.
  • The characters name was a homage to two other characters from Superman's lore namely Eve Teschmacher and Mercy Graves.


  • Smallville:

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