Thom Kallor

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Starman in Justice Society of America v3 #2.

Thom Kallor is a male comic character who features in DC Comics.





Star Boy in Adventure Comics v1 #282.

Thom Kallor was a male extraterrestrial from the planet Xanthu and native to a point in the far future. He was once an ordinary being when once he was travelling through space in his ship that passed through the trail of a comet. The encounter led to him gaining powers from the exposure to the comet's energy which manifested when his ship crashed on the return to his homeworld. Despite the crash, Kallor emerged unharmed which was witnessed by his family as he demonstrated superhuman powers. His father put him through a series of tests that showed the range of powers he gained including superstrength, invulnerability, flight, heat-vision and similar such traits. Thom's parents decided to put his new wondrous abilities towards good use and created a costume for him to operate as the superhero called Starboy. During this time, he travelled to the 30th century Earth where he came to join the ranks of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Around this time, a pair of Xanthu criminals attempted to escape capture with one journeying back in time to the 20th century with Starboy in pursuit. This led to Starboy encountering the young Superboy early in his career where together they helped apprehend the criminal. Superman then accompanied Starboy to his future to help in capturing the remaining criminal who was hiding in the underground copper tunnels on Xanthu. During this time, Lana Lang had blackmailed Starboy in order to pretend to be smitten with her in an effort to make Superboy jealous though the Boy of Steel uncovered her plans. (Adventure Comics v1 #282)

Lightning Lord formed a new Legion of Super-Villains, with each of them swearing a blood oath to kill at least one Legionnaire. Lightning Lord swore on his oath to kill his brother Lightning Lad, which he said had been his destiny since he was born. Dream Girl had a prophetic vision about one of the Legion dying in the near future, and went on a retreat to the gambling planet of Ventura with Star Boy to take her mind off a grim future. Micro Lad robbed a casino’s bank in the name of the Imskian liberation movement, and when the Legionnaires confronted him, he shrank out of sight. They called in Shrinking Violet, who was eager to deal with the man who’d caused her so much pain in the past. She beat him to a pulp, further infuriated when he attempted to take her hostage again, but a dimensional portal opened up and whisked Micro Lad to safety. (Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #1)


Thom Kallor was born of Xanthuan descent on a deep space white dwarf observatory where the environment gifted him the ability to increase gravity. The first time his powers were triggered he caused the laboratory to crash down on a distant planet with himself and his parents barely surviving. Afterwards, he went from one doctor to another with countless tests being done on him to determine the nature of his abilities. It was only much later that he came to be diagnosed with mental issues and began to receive medical treatment that kept him sane. (Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special Magog v1 #1)

For months, he began to operate as the new Starman and operated as a superhero in Opal City. Due to his mental trauma, he could not remember his past and suffered from a form of schizophrenia with him regularly returning to the Sunshine Sanitarium. During this time, he requested the help of the Justice Society of America where he came to join the superhero team. (Justice Society of America v3 #1) He next joined them in helping stop a mysterious villain that was targeting the descendants of the Golden Age superheroes. (Justice Society of America v3 #3)

The Sinestro Corps War raged on Earth, and while Starman and an army of superheroes battled the Corps the Anti-Monitor prepared to unleash an anti-matter wave to destroy Earth. With Earth’s destruction, the entire 52 would fall, and he would once again rule all that was. The Green Lantern Corps ruptured the heart of Anti-Monitor’s Warworld, the Sinestro Corps central power battery, and created a shield around Warworld and the Monitor. The ensuing blast nearly destroyed the Anti-Monitor, and he was finished off by Superman-Prime, who betrayed him for having destroyed his home, Earth-Prime. Green Lantern Hal Jordan defeated Sinestro in personal combat, and the Sinestro Corps, lacking any leadership, fled Earth. The heroes rejoiced and began rebuilding the damage the Sinestro Corps did. (Green Lantern v4 #25)


Personality and attributes

Originally, he came to be known by the identity of Starboy. (Adventure Comics v1 #282) Whilst in the past, he took the identity of Starman that was a legacy title held by numerous superheroes on Earth. (Justice Society of America v3 #1)

He suffered from schizophrenia whereby he was afflicted with paranoid delusions and a disconnect from reality with there being no cure for this condition though 30th century medication allowed him to be normal. (Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special Magog v1 #1)

At one point, he had a girlfriend on his homeworld of Xanthu who was a girl with short blonde hair named Zynthia. (Adventure Comics v1 #282)

Powers and abilities

As an inhabitant of the 31st century, he was taught superstring dark matter theory in third grade that was highly advanced science for the 21st century. (Justice Society of America v3 #2)

He can also reverse this effect and make objects extremely light making them float away, unrestricted by gravity. (Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #1)

Kallor's ability to increase gravity and manifest miniature black holes allowed him to not only travel through time but also other parallel worlds. (Justice Society of America v3 #20)

His uniform was constructed from technology that worked on the same fundamental forces of space/time manipulation that was designed by three different versions of Brainiac 5. It operated as a map of the Multiverse and thus as a guide for his ability to travel to parallel worlds in the new cosmos. (Justice Society of America v3 #20) This was done so through the creation of black holes that formed stargates to other parallel Earths making it function as a kind of wearable Cosmic Treadmill. (Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special Magog v1 #1)

On Xanthu, he once operated from a laboratory that was donated to him by the people of his world when he operated as a superhero. Within it, there was various examples of the planet's super-science such as the super-loom that could weave costumes for people. (Adventure Comics v1 #282)


  • The Starboy Thom Kallor was created by Otto Binder and George Papp where he made his first appearance in Adventure Comics v1 #282 (March, 1961).

Alternate Versions

In other media



  • In Justice League vs. the Fatal Five, Thomas Kallor as Starboy appeared in the setting of the 2019 animated film where he was voiced by actor Elyes Gabel. He was a gravity-manipulating hero who suffered from a near crippling form of mental illness which was treated by medication in the 31st century. At some point, he came to be a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes where he participated in numerous adventures alongside his team mates. One of these saw him aiding in fighting the Fatal Five where they captured the Emerald Empress as well as Validus who were imprisoned in the past on Oa. This saw their compatriots steal a Time Sphere to travel back into the past to free their comrades where in desperation Starboy attempted to stop them. He was transported into the modern age where he crashed on Earth's surface with his medication being destroyed thus causing a flare-up of his mental condition. This combined with his out-of-control powers resulted in him being apprehended by Batman who took him to Arkham Asylum. However, he escapes after seeing the Fatal Five on the news, which triggers some of his memories. He later encounters the Justice League and Jessica Cruz and befriends the latter before sacrificing himself to stop Emerald Empress from destroying the sun.


  • Adventure Comics v1: (1961)
  • Legion of Super-Heroes:
  • Justice Society of America v3:
  • Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special Magog v1:

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