Villainy Inc.

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Villainy Inc. in Wonder Woman v2 #180.

Villainy Inc. is a team that features in DC Comics.





Villainy Inc.


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

After the Imperiex War, Queen Clea came to assemble Villainy Inc. where they sought out to conquer fabled Atlantis after it had disappeared from the earthly plane. In a desperation search to find it, Clea came to believe she located it within the dimensional nether realms and led her supervillain to control it. However, they instead ended up in the long lost savage land of Skartaris where they proceeded to lay claim to it using their powers. Villaiy Inc. then searched for a treasure trove of ancient Atlantean technology located in the legendary city of Shamballah. This saw them searching for the Master Computer that maintained Skartaris and interrogated the sorceress Jennifer Morgan for this information. (Wonder Woman v2 #180)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

An earlier formation of Villainy Incorporated consisting of Doctor Poison, Blue Snowman, Cheetah and Zara, known enemies of Wonder Woman, was once defeated by Superman, Batman and Robin, and The Flash. (Batman/Superman: World's Finest v1 #20)

Years later, a new formation of the team of villains was gathered by the queen of the Olympian gods Hera to try to defeat Wonder Woman and help spread the International Milk Company. Although unknown to Villainy Inc., Hera expected them to fail in their first task. The team was led by Doctor Cizko and included a faulty Wonder Woman duplicate, a returning Doctor Poison and the disgraced Professor Calculus, who helped fund the team by playing the markets with his Probability Engine. (Wonder Woman v1 #788)



  • Queen Clea :
  • Cyborgirl : LeTonya Charles was the niece of Dr. Sarah Charles, who requires emergency surgery after a reaction to the 'super-steroid' Tar. Her cybernetic implants give her all the same abilities as Victor Stone (Cyborg) but she has none of his sense of responsibility. (Wonder Woman v2 #179)
  • Doctor Poison :
  • Giganta :
  • Jinx :
  • Trinity :
  • Blue Snowman :
  • Cheetah :
  • Eviless :
  • Hypnota :
  • Zara :
  • Professor Calculus : disgraced mathematics professor dismissed from Etta Candy's undergraduate alma mater Holliday College, Professor Calculus is a brilliant, disheveled master of data and statistics. He uses an invention called the Probability Engine to predict future outcomes with perfect accuracy, and serves as Villainy Inc.'s chief strategist. (Wonder Woman v1 #787)
  • Sweetheart : a fractured but powerful duplicate of Wonder Woman created by the Image-Maker, the despotic ruler of the extradimensional Mirror World. Abused by Dr. Psycho, who bestowed her with her demeaning name and cowed her into a servile role attired as a 1950s housewife, Sweetheart ultimately rebelled against her abusuer, sacrificing herself to help Wonder Woman defeat Villainy Inc. (Wonder Woman v1 #784)


  • Villainy Inc. was created by William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter where it made its first appearance in Wonder Woman v1 #28 (March–April, 1948).

In other media


  • In Wonder Woman: Bloodlines, Villainy Inc. appeared in the setting of the 2019 animated film. It was described as being a start-up company looking to profit from technological advancements and was secretly being bankrolled by Veronica Cale. Doctor Cyber and Doctor Poison were the two chief operatives of the group who were looking to find the location of Themyscira in order to plunder it of its technology. Among their efforts saw them find and revive the Gorgon Medusa for use as a weapon. However, Medusa betrayed them, destroying Cyber and killing Poison before using the latter's drug to become bigger and stronger and go on a rampage until Silver Swan helped Wonder Woman defeat the monster.


  • Wonder Woman v1: (1948)
  • Wonder Woman v2:

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