Virgil Swann

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Virgil Swann is a male television character that features in Smallville.




Dr. Virgil Swann was a male scientist who developed an expertise in the fields of astronomy and satellite communication. In 1965, he met with Genevieve Teague who helped him decipher strange recurring dreams he was experiencing. Around this time, he shared in the theory that the meteorites contained transmissions with him recording them in an effort to translate these messages from the stars. By 1977, Dr. Swann was considered an expert and pioneer in the field of satellite communication and astronomy. However, he donated his millions and sought life as a recluse where he intended to study life on other planets. Among the worlds he studied was the distant planet known as Krypton. Whilst based in Manhattan, he studied space and sought out life beyond Earth from his position at Manhattan. Such was his renown that he was nominated as Time Magazine's Man of the Year in 1977. Due to his position in global communications, Dr. Swann managed to make use of his SWANNSTAR satellite that he used to explore extraterrestrial communications. In fact, he donated a large share of his company's profits to the U.S. space program in exchange for unprecedented access to the results of their findings in regards to alien encounters. At an unknown point, he was rendered a quadriplegic with him being forced to rely on respiratory devices and a wheelchair for transportation in order to survive. During his life, it was said that he had been involved in a relationship with Dr. Bridgette Crosby. He later at some point had a daughter that was named Patricia Swann. He also established the theory that the 'Traveler' was a being that was coming to Earth. Thus, he founded a secret society known as Veritas consisting of powerful families with the intention of studying this entity. Among the members included into their ranks were Lionel Luthor, Genevieve and Edward Teague, Robert Queen and Laura Queen along with Bridgette Crosby. From 1987, the group had private meetings at the Swann mansion to determine their role in the coming of the Traveler. Some believed that this being was to be protected whilst others sought control of the entity and possibly use the Traveler to defend Earth. Swann himself kept a cautious but open mind as he reserved judgment on the Traveler. In 1989, Dr. Swann managed to intercept a transmission from the planet Krypton prior to its destruction. However, it took him many years of study before he was able to decipher the content of the transmission. He later determined that it contained a mathematical key whereupon he discovered that message translated to state: "This is Kal-El of Krypton, small our son, our last hope Please protect him and deliver him from evil . We will be with you, Kal-El, every day of your life." From that point on, he devoted his time to the study of Kryptonians. He kept a diary of all the Kryptonian symbols and information on the Traveler. This along with his details on Veritas were recorded in his diary that he left to his daughter Patricia.


Personality and attributes

He was noted to be a bright individual who had an expertise in mathematics and science.

Powers and abilities


  • Virgil Swann was an original creation for the Smallville television show where he was portrayed by actor Christopher Reeve.
  • Dr. Swann was named after longtime Superman artist Curt Swan.
  • After the actors death, the character was similarly killed behind the scenes in the live-action series.
  • The Season 11 comics that continued the Smallville universe stated that Virgil Swann was the founder of S.T.A.R. Labs. It was created to aid the Traveler to learn about and explore his powers.


  • Smallville:

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