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Mount Wundagore in Spider-Woman v7 #4.

Wundagore is a place that features in Marvel Comics.




Wundagore Mountain was a location that was situated in the Eastern European nation of Transia.

In ancient times, the immortal monster hunter Ulysses Bloodstone travelled to the frozen Vanda-Gor mountain after hearing tales of a sorcerer-god from beyond the stars who preyed on the people residing there. He decided to end the creatures reign of terror where he fell into a trap laid by a Skrull stranded on the Earth and who desired to take the Bloodstone as a means of returning back home. Thus, the Skrull sorcerer had used magic to enslave the dead who had fallen to him where they were sent against Ulysses Bloodstone but they were all slain along with their master. (Bizarre Adventures v2 #1)

The history of Chthon and the Darkhold were strongly tied to the mountain of Wundagore. In the Sixth Century, a cult of Darkholders led by the sorceress Morgan le Fey attempted to summon Chthon but found him to be uncontrollable. While the Darkholders were incapable of banishing him altogether, they bound him to Mount Wundagore, in what would one day become Transia

In the late 1940s, Herbert Wyndham, the man who became the High Evolutionary made his laboratory base at the foot of Wundagore Mountain with the assistance of Dr. Horace Grayson (the father of the superhero Marvel Boy). Wyndham found uranium in and around Mount Wundagore and funded a national non-profit trust with the money gathered from his uranium mine, which has become Transia's main source of income. A number of smaller villages are now located at the base of Mount Wundagore.

Years later, a young Philip Masters (the Puppet Master) obtained clay from the mountain that had been granted mystical power by Chthon's presence; he would use this clay in his attempts to conquer the Fantastic Four.

A colleague of Herbert Wyndham's, Jonathan Drew with his wife Miriam and daughter Jessica arrived during this time. The werewolf Gregor Russoff, a Darkholder whose grandson (birth name Jacob Russoff, legal name Jack Russell) would become the Werewolf by Night, attacked and killed Drew's wife, Miriam. Jessica was placed in suspended animation.

The High Evolutionary also created a race of artificially evolved humanoid animals called the New Men, whose elite members were entitled the Knights of Wundagore. The New Men were the results of Wyndham's first experiments in accelerated evolution. When Wyndham learned from Magnus that Wundagore Mountain, on which his advanced genetics research citadel was based, was the prison of Chthon, he decided to train his creations in chivalry and battle tactics and equip them with advanced weaponry and armor. Wyndham later converted his citadel into a spaceship, and he and most of his New Men left to explore the stars. They eventually settled on a planet, which they named Wundagore II, with the High Evolutionary staying on the planet's moon in order to look after them.

A pregnant gypsy woman named Magda arrived at Wundagore, on the verge of giving birth (unknown to all, she was the wife of the man who would become Magneto). While Magda was giving birth with the assistance of a bovine female midwife, Lady Bova of the New Men, Chthon sent a part of his essence into one of Magda's twin children, Wanda, whose mutation was transformed into the ability to manipulate chaos and probability and, later, to manipulate reality itself. Once healthy enough, Magda left her children with Lady , and fled into a snowstorm - never to be found again. Magneto later searched for her remains after learning this story, but was never able to find out what happened to her. He built a grave in her honor.

Several years later, Robert Frank and his pregnant wife Madeline (formerly the superheroes Whizzer and Miss America) came to Wundagore. Madeline died giving birth to a stillborn child. When the Whizzer asked to see his child, Lady Bova, to spare Frank’s grief presented the late Magda's two children to him as his children, but when the Whizzer learned of his wife's death, he fled. The twins were returned to suspended animation until the High Evolutionary brought them to Transian gypsies named Django and Marya Maximoff, who raised the children as their own. Jessica Drew was also freed from suspended animation at this time; she would become the first Spider-Woman. The twins grew up to become the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, and would later confront Chthon at Wundagore with the assistance of the Avengers.

Later still, the High Evolutionary returned to Wundagore and re-established a citadel there. He evolved more New Men, and for a time Quicksilver lived there and ruled the New Men. Quicksilver and the New Men repelled attacks on Wundagore by the Acolytes led by Exodus as well as the rogue New Man, the Man Beast.

Hawkeye in a search for Scarlet Witch travelled to Wundagore Mountain where he seemingly discovered an amnesiac Wanda Maximoff. (New Avengers v1 #26)

Wundagore was attacked by Modred the Mystic, who slaughtered the New Men there, apparently leaving Lady Bova as the only survivor.

The facility was destroyed by Abigail Brand, head of the Sentient World Observation and Report Department. She believed an invasion from an alternate universe was happening inside. The X-Man Forge, who had taken over the structure, remained inside as it was destroyed in the explosion.


In appearance, Wundagore was a mountain range situated in the eastern European country of Transia. (Mighty Avengers v1 #21)

Locations on the mountain included:

  • Darque Hold : a cavernous chamber within the mountain which was said to be where Chthon had written the Darkhold tome of black magic. (Mighty Avengers v1 #22)
  • Citadel of Science :

It was known that the mountain contained deposits of Uranium. (Mighty Avengers v1 #23)

An animal native to the mountains was the Latrodectus Wundagore (Wundagore Widow) that were a type of spider. (Spider-Woman Origin v1 #1) By the side of the mountain grew the Wundagore Everbloom with local myth stating that the plants petals could unlock the doors of time. (Vision v1 #1)


  • Chthon :
  • High Evolutionary :
  • Bova :
  • Scarlet Witch :
  • Quicksilver :


  • Wundagore was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where it made its first appearance in Thor v1 #134 (November, 1966).

In other media


  • In X-Men, Mount Wundagore appeared in the 1990s animated series episode "Family Ties" with it being the home of the High Evolutionary and his New Men.

Video games

  • In Marvel Heroes, the Fog of Wundagore appeared as an item available in the MMORPG video game with the description saying that some called these mists eerie. Another artefact called Wundagore Clay references Mount Wundagore and said that clay from there could be used to shape a ferocious protector due to its sorcerous power.


  • Thor v1: (1966)
  • Spider-Woman v1:
  • Avengers v1:
  • New Avengers v1:
  • Mighty Avengers v1:
  • Bizarre Adventures v1:

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