Charles Ashford

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Dr. Charles Ashford was the father of Angela Ashford, a wheelchair-bound scientist employed by the Umbrella Corporation. He created a special mutagenic substance that could revive dead or dying cells, and although he wanted to use it purely for medicinal purposes, Umbrella took his research away from him and perverted it, creating from it the insidious T-Virus. Before this happened, though, Dr. Ashford managed to use the base T-Cells to cure his crippled daughter Angela. He was also the chief programmer for the Red Queen, whose holographic representation he modeled after Angela.

When the T-Virus escaped the Hive and began to infect Raccoon City, Dr. Ashford was among the many valuable employees Umbrella had evacuated before quarrantining the city. Angela was supposed to be evacuated as well, but she never got out in time. Certain that his daughter was still alive, Ashford went behind the back of Major Timothy "Able" Cain (who was firm in his belief that Angela was in fact dead) and contacted numerous Raccoon survivors, including Alice, Jill Valentine and Carlos Olivera, and agreed to help them escape the city in return for them rescuing his daughter. Although they succeeded, Major Cain intervened, all because he wanted to pit Alice against Nemesis. Ashford was briefly reunited with his daughter before Cain shot him in order to force Alice to fight Nemesis. Later, though, Ashford came back as a zombie and was among those who swarmed the injured Cain and killed him.

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