Imperium (DC Animated)

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The Imperium were a parasitic extraterrestrial race that featured in the cartoon series Justice League.




The Imperium were an ancient race that attacked the Green Martian civilization a thousand Earth years ago. This effectively led to the destruction of their civilization as each and every Martian was exterminated. In the process, the Imperium gained the shapeshifting powers of the Martians. They remained silent in space for the centuries that followed. Once Humanity sent a manned expedition to Mars, its pilots were infiltrated by the Imperium who made their way to Earth. Once there, they began plans to take over this new world.


Members of the race appeared as a bipedal protoplasmic alien race with a liquid styled whitish skin with black/gray patches in their bodies. They gained the capacity to alter their bodies making them appear as a member of another race which made them skilled infilrators with a level of strength somewhat greater then an ordinary Human.

The race were a nocturnal species who had an aversion to sunlight which actually burnt their skin and actually killed them. This was why when they attacked a planet, they choked its atmosphere in gases in order to prevent the rays from the sun from harming them. In addition, they were a parasitoid race which absorbed qualities from species they conquered.

The leader of the Imperium appeared different as a large balloon shaped purpled skinned creature with numerous tentacles. These tentacles were capable of penetrating the skin of another being and causing tremendous pain. Furthermore, the leader of the Imperium was able to attempt to absorb its enemies into its body.


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