Wonder Woman
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− | [[File:WonderWomanV5-4Textless.jpg|thumb|right|260px| | + | [[File:WonderWomanV5-4Textless.jpg|thumb|right|260px|Diana of Themyscira in Wonder Woman v5 #4.]] |
'''Wonder Woman''' is a female comic superhero who features in [[DC Comics]]. | '''Wonder Woman''' is a female comic superhero who features in [[DC Comics]]. | ||
==Biography== | ==Biography== | ||
===Golden Age=== | ===Golden Age=== | ||
+ | [[File:WonderWomanV1-1.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Princess Diana in Wonder Woman v1 #1.]] | ||
'''Diana''' | '''Diana''' | ||
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+ | Unknown to her, she actually had a twin sister named [[Nubia (DC)|Nubia]] who had also been crafted from clay by Hippolyta and given life by Aphrodite. However, after being given life, the infants awaited the pantheon to come and give gifts to Hippolyta. However, the god of war Mars appeared where he stole the young Nubia from her cradle and disappeared from the world. Even the efforts of Aphrodite was unable to find the missing child with Hippolyta suffering from intense grief over the loss of her daughter. (Wonder Woman v1 #206) | ||
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+ | One day, an airplane piloted by Captain [[Steve Trevor]] crashed on Paradise Island where he was found alive but unconscious by Diana and fellow Amazon and friend [[Mala (Amazon)|Mala]]. Diana was responsible for nursing the man back to health where in the process she came to fall in love with him. A competition was later held amongst all the Amazons by Queen Hippolyta in order to determine who was the most worthy of all the women to hold the responsibility of returning Steve Trevor back to Man's World and to fight for justice whilst there. Hippolyta though forbade her daughter Diana from entering the competition but the Amazon Princes took part nonetheless in secret. Wearing a mask to conceal her identity, Diana came to win the competition and revealed herself to everyone. This came to surprise Hippolyta who ultimately accepted her daughter's decision and gave in to her wish to go to Man's World. She then was awarded a special uniform made by her mother for her new role as Wonder Woman and safely returned Steve Trevor to his home country. (All-Star Comics v1 #8) | ||
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+ | Diana returned Steve Trevor to the United States and adopted the identity of an Army nurse named [[Diana Prince]] so she could be close to Trevor as he recovered from his injuries. (Sensation Comics v1 #1) Now known as glasses wearing Diana Prince, Princess Diana began to operate as Wonder Woman publicly and forged papers that allowed her to become the recently promoted Major Trevor's and Col. Phillip Darnell's confidential assistant. (Sensation Comics v1 #1) | ||
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+ | Wonder Woman would return to Paradise Island and was accompanied by the Holiday Girls who were greeted by Queen Hippolyta. They had arrived for the Kanga contests where contestants were allowed to soar through the skies on flying kangas as they chased special balloons as part of a sport. During this time, Etta Candy strayed too far and ended up on the planet '''Rykornia'''. This world was home to the '''Rykorians''' that were a race of plant people led by '''King Tassel'''. Initially, they took Etta hostage who came to use a mental radio to ask Diana for help. Using the Invisible Plane, Wonder Woman arrived on Rykornia with Tassel allowing her to leave seemingly in peace. King Tassel offered Rykornian seeds as recompense for the incident with Diana and Etta accepting as they departed the alien world. It was later learnt that the seeds were a trap as they took root on Earth and created new Rykornian plant people that began to occupy Earth. The strong Rykornian plants could not be cut down by human technology with the aliens looking to take over Earth by seeding more of their kind. Alerted to the incident, Diana had the Amazons build a machine capable of uprooting the Rykornian plants entirely. King Tassel and his advisor '''Lord Cob''' were horrified at the machine with the Rykornians fleeing into their planets not knowing that this allowed the Amazon to easily capture them in her machine. They were then returned to Rykornia where they abandoned any plans for Earth due to the Amazon machine. (Wonder Woman v1 #25) | ||
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+ | Later on, Diana accompanied her friend '''Myrna Dearfield''' who was the wife and confidant of Nuclear Physicist '''Alton Dearfield'''. They went to a suburban county orphanage as Myrna wanted to adopt a child. Ultimately, she came to adopt the red-headed '''Thomas Yerxes''' who went by the name '''Teasy''' and was said to be a known troublemaker. Introducing Teasy to her husband, Alton then entrusted his new atom-neutralising formula to Myrna who was to take it home to keep it safe. Teasy later though accidentally started a fire that nearly destroyed the formula but Myrna managed to call Wonder Woman who helped stop the fire but they found Alton's discovery to be missing. Army officers came to suspect that either Myrna or Teasy had stolen the formula but Mrs. Dearfield was willing to take a lie detector test only to go missing. Steve Trevor at first believed they ran away to escape capture but Wonder Woman suspected the '''Yellow Mask Gang''' to be responsible as they were international racketeers who would be interested in the anti-atomic formula. Wonder Woman tracked the kidnappers and with the help of Teasy found their hideout in a farm house. However, the door was rigged to electrocute anyone opening it leaving Diana unconscious and captive of '''Tirza''' the female leader of the Yellow Mask Gang. However, Wonder Woman freed herself where she managed to capture Tirza and her gang. The formula was then recovered with Myrna being reunited with her husband and her adopted son Teasy. (Wonder Woman v1 #25) | ||
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+ | She and the Amazons came to receive a distress call from King '''Crystallar''' of the White Star planet who claimed that they were being terrorised by the '''Golden Women''' of the Red Planet. This led to Wonder Woman and a number of Amazons travelling into space to aid the beleaguered people but were captured by the Golden Policewomen. They mistakenly believed the Amazons to be from the White Star planet and had broken the ban from leaving their world leading to their arrest. It was then discovered that Crystallar of the '''Green Genii''' people had deliberately created a misunderstanding between the Amazons an the Golden Women in the hope that the two sides would fight one another. Upon learning, Queen '''Supreema''' of the Golden Women went to free the Amazons but Wonder Woman and her kin had escaped. The Amazons ended up being captured by the Green Genii who revealed their true nature and after Diana destroyed the '''Inhilerator''' it allowed them to rise up against the Golden Policewomen where they laid siege to the '''Gold Castle'''. Wonder Woman intervened where she helped stop the fighting by capturing the Green Genii's leader with her lasso and forced him to surrender. With the threat defeated, Diana parted in friendship with Queen Supreema and returned back to Earth. (Wonder Woman v1 #210) | ||
===Silver Age=== | ===Silver Age=== | ||
+ | [[File:WonderWomanV1-178.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Diana Prince in Wonder Woman v1 #178.]] | ||
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+ | Wonder Woman and the Justice League of America nominated Green Arrow as their new member when they received a message from the alien Carthan, who had kidnapped the Arrow. he told the team he had placed three engines of destruction around the world, and that it was up to them to disable them and free Arrow. Carthan was only posing as a villain, he had been exiled from his planet Dryanna by tyrant Xandor, and the engines prevented him from leaving Earth. Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter disabled the engine in Keystone City that was causing insects and animals to grow to giant size. The rest of the Justice League of America disabled the other two engines and freed Arrow, but Carthan imprisoned the team in a hollow diamond so he could explain that he was not a villain. Batman, who was not trapped, knocked him into the control panel of his ship, and Carthan could not dissipate the diamond. he showed Green Arrow the stress point of the diamond, and the archer used his skills to shatter the prison with a diamond-tipped arrow. (Justice League of America v1 #4) A gang of criminals later came to escape imprisonment with the Justice League of America being challenged by them. Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Arrow confronted King Clock, Professor Menace and Captain Cold in an ice palace. After avoiding Clock's quicksand clock trap they forced the villains to flee. On the verge of capturing them Green Arrow shot arrows that caused an explosion, and his teammates thought he purposely sabotaged their capture. Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern dealt with the Getaway Mastermind, Electric Man and the Puppet Master, who caused deadly weather to slow down the heroes. As they pursued the villains plane, Green Arrow arrived, show more arrows that caused an explosion and knocked out the Leaguers. At headquarters, the League accused him of being a traitor. He told them that he observed that Captain Cold, King Clock and Menace were robots rigged to explode, so he destroyed them before his teammates got in range. The Getaway Mastermind's ship had an explosive forcefield, so he activated it before the Justice League could reach it and be killed. The exonerated Arrow had already captured all the villains, but told the League he knew there was a real traitor among them. Green Lantern had been captured by Dr. Destiny and replaced by him, so they subdued 'Green Lantern' and took him to the police. They walked into Destiny's trap, as he had a ship nearby that hit the League with an anti-gravity and will-deadener ray. He prepared to put them aboard a rocket ship, and with their wills gone they'd be helplessly floating in space forever. His prisoner Green Lantern escaped, because using the will-deadener on the League sapped power from the ray aimed at him. The League apprehended Destiny and closed the case. (Justice League of America v1 #5) | ||
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+ | Wonder Woman and the other members of the Justice League had an incident of bad luck on standard cases, but did not realize their difficulties were caused by Prof. Amos Fortune, who was testing his Stimoluck that caused either good or bad luck in anyone it was aimed at. Letters to the Justice League came in requesting the League's help, and they found two worthy causes. Flash, Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter handled one case in which Hazel Deeping sought the fortune on her farm hidden by her grandfather because she needed the money to aid her grandparents. The grandfather left a clue in the form of a poem, but by the time they realized the treasure was in the farm's antique gateposts Fortune, with his luck boosted by the Stimoluck, had purchased them from Deeping. Fortunately the League had also found a valuable painting by Gilbert Stuart and a reservoir of oil on the farm. Aquaman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman went to Sea Dunes to solve a series of robberies to a museum. The museum was built from an old castle and impenetrable, but the custodian Charles Hobart was using a fishing reel to steal pieces from the barred window. The put him in custody, but spotted Fortune taking off with other pieces Hobart had stolen and hidden in a cliff face. They pursued him, but Fortune managed to capture all the members of the Justice League through sheer luck, and he tied them to a Wheel of Misfortune that would destroy the human glands that gave people good luck and would cause the League to forever after have bad luck. The Wheel only affected human physiology, so Martian Manhunter was able to escape, disable the machine and defeated Amos Fortune. (Justice League of America v1 #6) | ||
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+ | Later on, the world faced giant untouchable stone aliens that began stealing military weapons and tried to eradicate Brasilia, Tokyo and Central City, but were foiled by Wonder Woman along with the Justice League. Green Lantern probed their minds and brought the League to their world, an Earth separated from ours because it existed one minute into the future. The Aliens set off a cobalt bomb at the same time our Earth tested a nuclear bomb, weakening the barrier between world. The Alien's cities were going to merge with the three Earth cities they tried to destroy, because two objects occupying the same time and space would be disastrous. They could not move their own cities because the cities were rigged to explode if tampered with, a failsafe against invasion. Green Lantern used his ring to completely separate the Alien's Earth from ours, preventing catastrophe. (Justice League of America v1 #15) | ||
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+ | Wonder Woman and the Justice League had dreams where parts of their teammates costumes attached themselves to them and gave them their teammates powers and weaknesses. In their dreams they overcame this and defeated a giant Italian statue, giant seashells and Joker and Chac. When they woke these dream adversaries became real, as did the objects that handicapped them. Their enemies had learned from their dream defeat, but by switching up tactics the league defeated them. They reasoned that Dr. Destiny was involved, and although he was in jail he'd built a Materioptikon in his dreams. The League had him sent to a psychiatrist in hopes of removing his dream powers. (Justice League of America v1 #34) | ||
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+ | Lois and Clark interviewed the famed sculptor Anton Lupescu at his cabin outside Metropolis, but he seemed to go into a trance that forced him to finish an immense ice sculpture. Once he finished it he collapsed, reviving briefly with full memory of why he d fallen into a trance. He tried to tell Clark why his sculpture must be destroyed before it came alive and dragged him off. Clark changed to Superman and teamed with Wonder Woman, who was visiting Metropolis, to battle the Ice Monster. They saved Anton, but the Monster escaped. Superman and Wonder Woman returned to Anton s cabin only to find him gone, kidnapped by the Ice Monster. His housekeeper Mrs. Quinch told them that Anton had revealed all to her. The Skyrnians, an extraterrestrial polar race whose planet was undergoing global warming, were looking to repopulate on Earth, so one of them sent his consciousness into Anton and made the Ice Monster sculpture a receptacle for his mind. The heroes found Anton being forced to carve another Monster. The Skyrnian divided his consciousness between the two sculptures, but Superman and Wonder Woman defeated them by moving and planning at superspeed, baffling the alien. After destroying the Ice Monsters Superman stored the Skyrnian's consciousness in a thermal container. He commented that their plans to repopulate Earth were doomed from the start because Skyrn was thousands of light-years from Earth, and the Earth they thought was suitable for them was in an ice age. (DC Comics Presents v1 #9) | ||
===Post-Crisis=== | ===Post-Crisis=== | ||
− | Following the [[Crisis on Infinite Earths]], a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. | + | ====Origin==== |
+ | [[File:WonderWomanV2-1Textless.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Princess of the Amazons in Wonder Woman v2 #1.]] | ||
+ | Following the [[Crisis on Infinite Earths]], a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Diana was the daughter of Queen Hippolyta and the first child born on Paradise Island in the three thousand year history that the immortal Amazons lived there. The Amazons had been created around 1200 B.C. when the Greek goddesses drew forth the souls of all women who had been murdered by men and placed them on the island. One soul was held back from creation, the one that would be born as Diana. That soul originally belonged to the unborn daughter of the first woman murdered by a man (whom Hippolyta was the reincarnation of). In the late 20th Century, Hippolyta was instructed to mold some clay from the shores of Paradise Island into the form of a baby girl. Six members of the Greek Pantheon then bonded the soul to the clay, giving it life. Each of the six also granted Diana a gift: Demeter, great strength; Athena, wisdom and courage; Artemis, a hunter's heart and a communion with animals; Aphrodite, beauty and a loving heart; Hestia, sisterhood with fire; Hermes, speed and the power of flight. Diana grew up surrounded by a legion of sisters and mothers. When she was a young woman, the gods decreed that the Amazons must send an emissary into Man's World, Diana who was bored of her surroundings and seeked adventure jumped at the opportunity to leave while following the mission to bring peace upon the world. Queen Hippolyta ordered a contest to be held, but forbade Diana from participating. Diana disobeyed and did so anyway in disguise, easily winning the contest and being named the Amazons' champion. She was given a uniform fashioned from the standard of someone who had visited the island a few decades earlier. (Wonder Woman v2 #1) | ||
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+ | Wonder Woman gathered the attention of Barbara Minerva, the Cheetah, who secretly desired to steal the Lasso of Truth from Diana. She lied to Wonder Woman about having found the lost Girdle of Antiope to get close to her, but after touching the Lasso her truth was made clear. Diana was frustrated and enraged over her naïve trust of Minerva. That same night, Barbara decided to take the Lasso by force and attacked Wonder Woman as the Cheetah. Diana managed to fight her off, and decided it was time to return home to Paradise Island again. (Wonder Woman v2 #9) | ||
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+ | When Diana returned to Boston, she learned of the death of Myndi Mayer—someone had apparently shot her in the face with a shotgun in her own home. A man named Steve London was framed for the death, but Diana learned that the man responsible for killing her was a man named Skeeter Boyd. Skeeter died trying to escape from Wonder Woman, grabbing hold of an electrified fence and frying himself. He had not, in fact, actually killed Myndi—an overdose of alcohol and cocaine had killed her before he delivered the blast. Diana was left to question how something like this could happen, ignorant of the effects of addiction and drug overdose. (Wonder Woman v2 #20) | ||
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+ | At home, many of her Amazon sisters were crying out for vengeance, believing their queen to have been murdered. Diana asserted herself as the rightful leader of the Amazons, no matter what they decided to do. As they were debating, an oracle announced that the gods had returned. No sooner did she do so when Diana was summoned to Mount Olympus. The gods announced that something was terribly wrong with the order of things. They too had seen Pariah and did not understand his importance. Zeus had expended much of his power just summoning Hermes from the Earth, and it had taken the combined energy of the rest of the pantheon to summon Diana there. They told her that Donna Troy had also turned up. Just then, a new set of gods emerged—it was the Roman pantheon, led by Jupiter himself. The Roman gods announced that they had a human champion that would battle against the Greeks' Wonder Woman—that champion was none other than Captain Marvel. Diana was forced to defend herself against a possessed Captain Marvel while Hermes and Mercury engaged in round two. Wonder Woman defeated Captain Marvel, while Circe began to unveil her master plan, unleashing chaos across the globe. (War of the Gods v1 #1) | ||
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+ | On her return home, Diana was elated at being reunited with her sisters with her mother Hippolyta explaining recent events to her. Circe had led the renegade Amazons of Bana-Mighdall to Paradise Island, stirring them up with dreams of conquest. They caught Hippolyta's Amazons completely off guard, and for two days there was nothing but bloody battle in the city. After it was too late, Circe's schemes became apparent. She used her magic to transport the entire island to another dimension, where the Amazons were set upon by demons. Both tribes of Amazons had to band together or die, and for ten years in that realm they fought against the demons. As a reward, Hippolyta bequeathed a section of the undeveloped part of the island to her sister's tribe. Now they were back, and the nightmare was over. Diana recounted everything she had done in the months since their absence—Hippolyta was not pleased. She felt Diana had wasted many opportunities to affect man's world as a whole. Hippolyta announced that she was not sure if she could trust Diana to represent the island anymore. Upset, Diana wandered away from the city with some friends, where she met Artemis for the first time. Diana was intrigued, if not particularly impressed, with the brash, arrogant young Amazon from the tribe of Antiope. As they were talking, word came that Hippolyta had made a decision—there would be a new contest, and perhaps a new Wonder Woman. (Wonder Woman v2 #90) | ||
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+ | Artemis was given the Wonder Woman outfit to wear. She was also given the Sandals of Hermes, which let her fly, and the Gauntlet of Atlas, which increased the strength of the wearer by a factor of ten. She also had her bow. Diana created a new black suit and headed back to Boston, too angry with her mother to listen to anything she had to say. Diana helped Artemis battle some minions of the White Magician before visiting her friends in the hospital. Donna Milton was fully recovered, but Julia Kapatelis was paralyzed. Artemis went to New York City where a public relations firm picked her up, offering to make her a well-known presence. Artemis promised to succeed where Diana had failed. Diana had to help her friend Micah, who was in trouble again, before going off to help Hawkman. (Wonder Woman v2 #93) | ||
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+ | Artemis, frustrated and angry that the world had seemed to reject her, believed Diana was purposefully trying to disrupt her efforts as Wonder Woman. She tried to bring in Sazia, but the mob mistress evaded her. Diana, meanwhile, tracked down the Chauvinist and other thugs that Artemis had battled in her time as Wonder Woman. She discovered that they had all been hired by Artemis's agency, all for the sake of publicity, and managed to convince Artemis of this after a brief skirmish between the two. Diana decided she needed to go back home to get some answers from her mother. (Wonder Woman v2 #98) Diana found her mother in the woods, disciplining herself for what had happened between her and Diana. She confessed that when they were in the other realm, she had visions of the future—a future where Wonder Woman would die. This was the real reason she called for a new contest—a contest that she rigged, so that Artemis would win, become Wonder Woman and die while Diana would live. When Hippolyta said she expected Diana to remain with her while Artemis faced certain death back in Boston, an angry Diana responded, 'then you lost me a long time ago'. (Wonder Woman v2 #99) | ||
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+ | ====Amazons Attack==== | ||
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+ | ====Odyssey==== | ||
===Post-Flashpoint=== | ===Post-Flashpoint=== | ||
− | Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. | + | ====God of War==== |
+ | [[File:WonderWomanV4-1Textless.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Diana, daughter of Zeus in Wonder Woman v4 #1.]] | ||
+ | Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Diana | ||
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+ | According to legend, Diana of Themiscyra was born from her mother's strong desire for a child and came from a lump of clay brought to life in the form of a girl to be the perfect Amazon as she was born of no man. (Wonder Woman v4 #2) However, it was revealed that Queen Hippolyta had had an affair with Zeus with Diana's real parentage being kept hidden in order to protect them from the wrath of god's notoriously jealous wife Hera. (Wonder Woman v4 #3) Unknown to anyone, Diana had a twin brother who was given the name '''Jason''' but as he was a boy he was taken away from the island with his existence a closely guarded secret. (Justice League v2 #50) | ||
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+ | While in London, Wonder Woman was summoned to help a young lady called Zola from the minions of the goddess Hera and after Diana defeated the enemies, she was informed by Hermes that Zola was pregnant with Zeus's child, which caused Hera's wrath. (Wonder Woman v4 #1) Diana then took took Zola and the injured Hermes to the island of Themyscira, home of the Amazons, where Hera's wrath reached them in the form of her daughter Strife. Wonder Woman used the Lasso of Truth to stop Strife from hurting the Amazons, but it caused her to reveal the fact that Diana and her were sisters. (Wonder Woman v4 #2) The next day, Diana learned from her mother that she was in fact Zeus' daughter and, hurt by her existence being a lie, she decided to renounce the name Diana, and swore never to return to the island again. (Wonder Woman v4 #3) Unfortunately, not long after Diana left, Hera came for her vengeance, and though she could not bring herself to kill Hippolyta, she could not forgive her either. Feeling regret at giving up the only real family she had, Wonder Woman returned to Themyscira to find the Amazons absent, and her mother turned to stone. (Wonder Woman v4 #4) Shortly after, Wonder Woman encountered Lennox, a man who claimed to be another of Zeus' bastard children. After learning that Zeus has gone missing, they confronted the Gods of Olympus, Poseidon and Hades, in order to prevent them from taking over Zeus' throne. (Wonder Woman v4 #5) To prevent a war between gods, Diana proposed that the two brothers share Heaven with one ruling during the day, and the other at night. Hera angrily interceded, which was what Diana had planned, and using Hermes' staff she transported herself to Mount Olympus to face Hera alone. She warned that she would make Hera regret what she had done to her mother before returning to Earth. Unfortunately, by the time she had returned, Hades had kidnapped Zola with the warning that Diana would need to make good on her bargain or Zola and her child would die. (Wonder Woman v4 #6) | ||
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+ | Later on, the world came under attack from [[Parademons]] which began to storm the city of Metropolis. In that time, Wonder Woman was resolved to defend the city leading to her meeting the other heroes including Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman. (Justice League v2 #3) | ||
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+ | After taking Despero to the authorities, Wonder Woman and Superman came across the mysterious Pandora, someone Wonder Woman was familiar with. She believed Superman could use her box to trap the evil she unleashed in ancient times; but when Superman touched it, he was overwhelmed by its power. While Pandora took the box and left, the two heroes received news that a new superhuman, Shazam, was entering the borders of Kahndaq. Their confrontation with Shazam turned violent until the rest of the Justice League and the Justice League of America intervened to defuse the situation. Suddenly, Dr. Light lost control of his powers and began absorbing Superman's solar energy, unleashing an energy beam at Wonder Woman. In a fit of anger, Superman killed Dr. Light with his heat vision, an action that caused a fight between the two Leagues. (Justice League v2 #22) | ||
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+ | The Justice League were mind controlled by Joker, who dosed them with Joker Toxin at a children's hospital charity event and ordered them to kill Batman. Wonder Woman flew into Wayne Tower and snatched up Bruce Wayne. Bruce realized she must be under mind control and demanded to know who was responsible, but Wonder Woman just told him the Justice League were in Gotham to kill him because they hated him. Bruce had protocols specifically designed to deal with the Justice League if need be, and enacted Plan Fenrir. Alfred Pennyworth released harmless gas around Wayne Tower, forcing the authorities to evacuate the area fearing a terrorist attack, and Bruce changed into Batman and donned power armor meant to counter his teammates powers. He covered Wonder Woman with the bind of veils, an artifact forged by Hephaestus not long after he’d made Wonder Woman’s lasso. Batman had acquired it on the magical black market, and it fulfilled its’ purpose of paralyzing Wonder Woman. Batman was then attacked by Flash, so he covered the streets in a frictionless coating, causing him to crash into the side of a building. Aquaman was his next opponent, and he shot him with magnesium carbonate foam, draining the moisture from his body. Superman confronted Batman and when he started laughing maniacally the Caped Crusader figured out that his teammates were being controlled by the Joker. The Joker Toxin continued to run its’ course, causing the Justice League’s skin to turn white and their faces to break into rictus grins. The gauntlets of the power armor contained miniature red suns Batman had acquired from dead solar systems with Ray Palmer, draining Superman’s power. Batman finished Superman off by spitting a rubberized capsule laced with kryptonite at him. After Batman subdued the Justice League they were taken to A.R.G.U.S. where they were treated by an antitoxin of Batman’s own design. They had been hospitalized for at least a week, and Batman feared Joker was planning something big, and had already taken Batman’s most powerful allies off the board. (Batman v2 #36) | ||
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+ | ====Rebirth==== | ||
+ | Ares told Diana that he had been imprisoned by the other Gods of Olympus and bound in chains that were secured by Aphrodite through the power of her love. He also told her that years ago, Phobos and Deimos had implanted false memories of Themyscira into her mind, and these had caused her to imagine aspects of her past that had never happened in reality. Meanwhile, Phobos and Deimos entered Themyscira and battled with the Amazons. Diana knew what she had to do, and called Ares to unite her with Phobos and Deimos. He teleported them to her, and using her Lasso of Truth, Wonder Woman bound them through the power of her unconditional love for them, as Aphrodite had done to Ares. With the twin gods defeated, Diana attempted to leave Ares' prison along with Veronica and Izzy, however Izzy's essence had been attached to the realm and could not return to Earth. Izzy was forced to either live out the rest of her days in the prison or live in Themyscira as an Amazon for eternity. She chose the latter and Veronica said goodbye to her daughter. Diana was briefly reunited with her mother, for the first time since she left the island. (Wonder Woman v5 #23) | ||
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+ | ====Infinite Frontier==== | ||
==Overview== | ==Overview== | ||
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Diana was said to be as lovely as the goddess Aphrodite and as wise as the goddess Athena. (All-Star Comics v1 #8) | Diana was said to be as lovely as the goddess Aphrodite and as wise as the goddess Athena. (All-Star Comics v1 #8) | ||
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+ | She was said to had adhered to an Amazon code of helping any in need, even misogynistic people, and never accepting a reward for saving someone. (Wonder Woman v1 #38) | ||
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+ | According to one account, she was the daughter of her mother Hippolyta's affair with he Olympian god '''Zeus'''. (Wonder Woman v4 #3) | ||
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+ | One account revealed that she had a twin brother named '''Jason'''. (Justice League v2 #50) | ||
===Powers and abilities=== | ===Powers and abilities=== | ||
− | Diana was born a member of the Amazon tribe who were a hidden race of entirely female warriors. She had the speed of Mercury and the strength of Hercules with these traits giving her superhuman abilities. It was said she possessed hundred times the agility and strength of the best human male athletes and strongest wrestlers. (All-Star Comics v1 #8) | + | Diana was born a member of the Amazon tribe who were a hidden race of entirely female warriors. She had the speed of Mercury and the strength of Hercules with these traits giving her superhuman abilities. It was said she possessed hundred times the agility and strength of the best human male athletes and strongest wrestlers. (All-Star Comics v1 #8) According to one account, she was actually a demigod due to her father being Zeus. (Wonder Woman v4 #3) |
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+ | According to Batman, her reflexes were superior to that of Superman. (Justice League of America v2 #27) | ||
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+ | Batman would comment that she best melee fighter in the world. (Justice League of America v2 #13) | ||
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+ | They were in fact composed of the godly Eighth Metal that was one of the strongest elements in the Multiverse. (Dark Nights: Metal v1 #5) Some accounts showed that she entered into an uncontrollable frenzy if she was separated from her bracelets. (Comic Cavalcade v1 #18) | ||
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+ | According to one account, the lasso was created from Aphrodite's Magic Girdle by the Amazons craftswoman Metala at the behest of Queen Hippolyte, and its magical properties were granted by the Goddess herself and by Athena: the lasso forced whoever was bound within it to obey the commands of the user. (Sensation Comics v1 #6) | ||
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+ | Unknown to her, she came to be marked as a child by the goddess '''Hecate''' and given a fraction of her magical ability. (Wonder Woman and Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour v1 #1) | ||
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+ | Her strong feelings of love made her a candidate for a violet '''Power Ring''' and induct her briefly into the ranks of the '''Star Sapphires'''. (Blackest Night v1 #6) | ||
==Notes== | ==Notes== | ||
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===Television=== | ===Television=== | ||
*In Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman featured in the setting of the 1970s live-action television series where she was portrayed by actress Lynda Carter. | *In Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman featured in the setting of the 1970s live-action television series where she was portrayed by actress Lynda Carter. | ||
+ | *In Justice League, Wonder Woman appeared in the setting of the animated television series set in the DC Animated Universe where she was voiced by actress Susan Eisenberg. | ||
===Films=== | ===Films=== | ||
+ | *In Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman featured in the setting of the 2009 animated film where she was voiced by actress Keri Russell. | ||
*In Wonder Woman, Wonder Man featured in the setting of the live-action film where she was portrayed by actress Gal Gadot. | *In Wonder Woman, Wonder Man featured in the setting of the live-action film where she was portrayed by actress Gal Gadot. | ||
===Video games=== | ===Video games=== | ||
*In DC Universe Online, Wonder Woman appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game where she was originally voiced by actress Gina Torres before being voiced by actress Susan Eisenberg. | *In DC Universe Online, Wonder Woman appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game where she was originally voiced by actress Gina Torres before being voiced by actress Susan Eisenberg. | ||
+ | *In Infinite Crisis, Wonder Woman appeared as a playable champion in the setting of the MOBA video game where she was voiced by actress Vanessa Marshall. | ||
==Appearances== | ==Appearances== | ||
*''All Star Comics v1'': (1941) | *''All Star Comics v1'': (1941) | ||
*''Wonder Woman v1'': | *''Wonder Woman v1'': | ||
+ | *''Justice League of America v1'': | ||
+ | *''JLA v1'': | ||
+ | *''Blackest Night v1'': | ||
*''Wonder Woman v5'': | *''Wonder Woman v5'': | ||
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[[Category:Female Martial Artists]] | [[Category:Female Martial Artists]] | ||
[[Category:Martial Artists (DC)]] | [[Category:Martial Artists (DC)]] | ||
− | [[Category: | + | [[Category:Swordfighters]] |
[[Category:Shield Fighters]] | [[Category:Shield Fighters]] | ||
[[Category:Women Soldiers and Warriors]] | [[Category:Women Soldiers and Warriors]] |
Revision as of 05:46, 16 January 2024
Wonder Woman is a female comic superhero who features in DC Comics.
Contents |
Golden Age
Unknown to her, she actually had a twin sister named Nubia who had also been crafted from clay by Hippolyta and given life by Aphrodite. However, after being given life, the infants awaited the pantheon to come and give gifts to Hippolyta. However, the god of war Mars appeared where he stole the young Nubia from her cradle and disappeared from the world. Even the efforts of Aphrodite was unable to find the missing child with Hippolyta suffering from intense grief over the loss of her daughter. (Wonder Woman v1 #206)
One day, an airplane piloted by Captain Steve Trevor crashed on Paradise Island where he was found alive but unconscious by Diana and fellow Amazon and friend Mala. Diana was responsible for nursing the man back to health where in the process she came to fall in love with him. A competition was later held amongst all the Amazons by Queen Hippolyta in order to determine who was the most worthy of all the women to hold the responsibility of returning Steve Trevor back to Man's World and to fight for justice whilst there. Hippolyta though forbade her daughter Diana from entering the competition but the Amazon Princes took part nonetheless in secret. Wearing a mask to conceal her identity, Diana came to win the competition and revealed herself to everyone. This came to surprise Hippolyta who ultimately accepted her daughter's decision and gave in to her wish to go to Man's World. She then was awarded a special uniform made by her mother for her new role as Wonder Woman and safely returned Steve Trevor to his home country. (All-Star Comics v1 #8)
Diana returned Steve Trevor to the United States and adopted the identity of an Army nurse named Diana Prince so she could be close to Trevor as he recovered from his injuries. (Sensation Comics v1 #1) Now known as glasses wearing Diana Prince, Princess Diana began to operate as Wonder Woman publicly and forged papers that allowed her to become the recently promoted Major Trevor's and Col. Phillip Darnell's confidential assistant. (Sensation Comics v1 #1)
Wonder Woman would return to Paradise Island and was accompanied by the Holiday Girls who were greeted by Queen Hippolyta. They had arrived for the Kanga contests where contestants were allowed to soar through the skies on flying kangas as they chased special balloons as part of a sport. During this time, Etta Candy strayed too far and ended up on the planet Rykornia. This world was home to the Rykorians that were a race of plant people led by King Tassel. Initially, they took Etta hostage who came to use a mental radio to ask Diana for help. Using the Invisible Plane, Wonder Woman arrived on Rykornia with Tassel allowing her to leave seemingly in peace. King Tassel offered Rykornian seeds as recompense for the incident with Diana and Etta accepting as they departed the alien world. It was later learnt that the seeds were a trap as they took root on Earth and created new Rykornian plant people that began to occupy Earth. The strong Rykornian plants could not be cut down by human technology with the aliens looking to take over Earth by seeding more of their kind. Alerted to the incident, Diana had the Amazons build a machine capable of uprooting the Rykornian plants entirely. King Tassel and his advisor Lord Cob were horrified at the machine with the Rykornians fleeing into their planets not knowing that this allowed the Amazon to easily capture them in her machine. They were then returned to Rykornia where they abandoned any plans for Earth due to the Amazon machine. (Wonder Woman v1 #25)
Later on, Diana accompanied her friend Myrna Dearfield who was the wife and confidant of Nuclear Physicist Alton Dearfield. They went to a suburban county orphanage as Myrna wanted to adopt a child. Ultimately, she came to adopt the red-headed Thomas Yerxes who went by the name Teasy and was said to be a known troublemaker. Introducing Teasy to her husband, Alton then entrusted his new atom-neutralising formula to Myrna who was to take it home to keep it safe. Teasy later though accidentally started a fire that nearly destroyed the formula but Myrna managed to call Wonder Woman who helped stop the fire but they found Alton's discovery to be missing. Army officers came to suspect that either Myrna or Teasy had stolen the formula but Mrs. Dearfield was willing to take a lie detector test only to go missing. Steve Trevor at first believed they ran away to escape capture but Wonder Woman suspected the Yellow Mask Gang to be responsible as they were international racketeers who would be interested in the anti-atomic formula. Wonder Woman tracked the kidnappers and with the help of Teasy found their hideout in a farm house. However, the door was rigged to electrocute anyone opening it leaving Diana unconscious and captive of Tirza the female leader of the Yellow Mask Gang. However, Wonder Woman freed herself where she managed to capture Tirza and her gang. The formula was then recovered with Myrna being reunited with her husband and her adopted son Teasy. (Wonder Woman v1 #25)
She and the Amazons came to receive a distress call from King Crystallar of the White Star planet who claimed that they were being terrorised by the Golden Women of the Red Planet. This led to Wonder Woman and a number of Amazons travelling into space to aid the beleaguered people but were captured by the Golden Policewomen. They mistakenly believed the Amazons to be from the White Star planet and had broken the ban from leaving their world leading to their arrest. It was then discovered that Crystallar of the Green Genii people had deliberately created a misunderstanding between the Amazons an the Golden Women in the hope that the two sides would fight one another. Upon learning, Queen Supreema of the Golden Women went to free the Amazons but Wonder Woman and her kin had escaped. The Amazons ended up being captured by the Green Genii who revealed their true nature and after Diana destroyed the Inhilerator it allowed them to rise up against the Golden Policewomen where they laid siege to the Gold Castle. Wonder Woman intervened where she helped stop the fighting by capturing the Green Genii's leader with her lasso and forced him to surrender. With the threat defeated, Diana parted in friendship with Queen Supreema and returned back to Earth. (Wonder Woman v1 #210)
Silver Age
Wonder Woman and the Justice League of America nominated Green Arrow as their new member when they received a message from the alien Carthan, who had kidnapped the Arrow. he told the team he had placed three engines of destruction around the world, and that it was up to them to disable them and free Arrow. Carthan was only posing as a villain, he had been exiled from his planet Dryanna by tyrant Xandor, and the engines prevented him from leaving Earth. Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter disabled the engine in Keystone City that was causing insects and animals to grow to giant size. The rest of the Justice League of America disabled the other two engines and freed Arrow, but Carthan imprisoned the team in a hollow diamond so he could explain that he was not a villain. Batman, who was not trapped, knocked him into the control panel of his ship, and Carthan could not dissipate the diamond. he showed Green Arrow the stress point of the diamond, and the archer used his skills to shatter the prison with a diamond-tipped arrow. (Justice League of America v1 #4) A gang of criminals later came to escape imprisonment with the Justice League of America being challenged by them. Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Arrow confronted King Clock, Professor Menace and Captain Cold in an ice palace. After avoiding Clock's quicksand clock trap they forced the villains to flee. On the verge of capturing them Green Arrow shot arrows that caused an explosion, and his teammates thought he purposely sabotaged their capture. Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern dealt with the Getaway Mastermind, Electric Man and the Puppet Master, who caused deadly weather to slow down the heroes. As they pursued the villains plane, Green Arrow arrived, show more arrows that caused an explosion and knocked out the Leaguers. At headquarters, the League accused him of being a traitor. He told them that he observed that Captain Cold, King Clock and Menace were robots rigged to explode, so he destroyed them before his teammates got in range. The Getaway Mastermind's ship had an explosive forcefield, so he activated it before the Justice League could reach it and be killed. The exonerated Arrow had already captured all the villains, but told the League he knew there was a real traitor among them. Green Lantern had been captured by Dr. Destiny and replaced by him, so they subdued 'Green Lantern' and took him to the police. They walked into Destiny's trap, as he had a ship nearby that hit the League with an anti-gravity and will-deadener ray. He prepared to put them aboard a rocket ship, and with their wills gone they'd be helplessly floating in space forever. His prisoner Green Lantern escaped, because using the will-deadener on the League sapped power from the ray aimed at him. The League apprehended Destiny and closed the case. (Justice League of America v1 #5)
Wonder Woman and the other members of the Justice League had an incident of bad luck on standard cases, but did not realize their difficulties were caused by Prof. Amos Fortune, who was testing his Stimoluck that caused either good or bad luck in anyone it was aimed at. Letters to the Justice League came in requesting the League's help, and they found two worthy causes. Flash, Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter handled one case in which Hazel Deeping sought the fortune on her farm hidden by her grandfather because she needed the money to aid her grandparents. The grandfather left a clue in the form of a poem, but by the time they realized the treasure was in the farm's antique gateposts Fortune, with his luck boosted by the Stimoluck, had purchased them from Deeping. Fortunately the League had also found a valuable painting by Gilbert Stuart and a reservoir of oil on the farm. Aquaman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman went to Sea Dunes to solve a series of robberies to a museum. The museum was built from an old castle and impenetrable, but the custodian Charles Hobart was using a fishing reel to steal pieces from the barred window. The put him in custody, but spotted Fortune taking off with other pieces Hobart had stolen and hidden in a cliff face. They pursued him, but Fortune managed to capture all the members of the Justice League through sheer luck, and he tied them to a Wheel of Misfortune that would destroy the human glands that gave people good luck and would cause the League to forever after have bad luck. The Wheel only affected human physiology, so Martian Manhunter was able to escape, disable the machine and defeated Amos Fortune. (Justice League of America v1 #6)
Later on, the world faced giant untouchable stone aliens that began stealing military weapons and tried to eradicate Brasilia, Tokyo and Central City, but were foiled by Wonder Woman along with the Justice League. Green Lantern probed their minds and brought the League to their world, an Earth separated from ours because it existed one minute into the future. The Aliens set off a cobalt bomb at the same time our Earth tested a nuclear bomb, weakening the barrier between world. The Alien's cities were going to merge with the three Earth cities they tried to destroy, because two objects occupying the same time and space would be disastrous. They could not move their own cities because the cities were rigged to explode if tampered with, a failsafe against invasion. Green Lantern used his ring to completely separate the Alien's Earth from ours, preventing catastrophe. (Justice League of America v1 #15)
Wonder Woman and the Justice League had dreams where parts of their teammates costumes attached themselves to them and gave them their teammates powers and weaknesses. In their dreams they overcame this and defeated a giant Italian statue, giant seashells and Joker and Chac. When they woke these dream adversaries became real, as did the objects that handicapped them. Their enemies had learned from their dream defeat, but by switching up tactics the league defeated them. They reasoned that Dr. Destiny was involved, and although he was in jail he'd built a Materioptikon in his dreams. The League had him sent to a psychiatrist in hopes of removing his dream powers. (Justice League of America v1 #34)
Lois and Clark interviewed the famed sculptor Anton Lupescu at his cabin outside Metropolis, but he seemed to go into a trance that forced him to finish an immense ice sculpture. Once he finished it he collapsed, reviving briefly with full memory of why he d fallen into a trance. He tried to tell Clark why his sculpture must be destroyed before it came alive and dragged him off. Clark changed to Superman and teamed with Wonder Woman, who was visiting Metropolis, to battle the Ice Monster. They saved Anton, but the Monster escaped. Superman and Wonder Woman returned to Anton s cabin only to find him gone, kidnapped by the Ice Monster. His housekeeper Mrs. Quinch told them that Anton had revealed all to her. The Skyrnians, an extraterrestrial polar race whose planet was undergoing global warming, were looking to repopulate on Earth, so one of them sent his consciousness into Anton and made the Ice Monster sculpture a receptacle for his mind. The heroes found Anton being forced to carve another Monster. The Skyrnian divided his consciousness between the two sculptures, but Superman and Wonder Woman defeated them by moving and planning at superspeed, baffling the alien. After destroying the Ice Monsters Superman stored the Skyrnian's consciousness in a thermal container. He commented that their plans to repopulate Earth were doomed from the start because Skyrn was thousands of light-years from Earth, and the Earth they thought was suitable for them was in an ice age. (DC Comics Presents v1 #9)
Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Diana was the daughter of Queen Hippolyta and the first child born on Paradise Island in the three thousand year history that the immortal Amazons lived there. The Amazons had been created around 1200 B.C. when the Greek goddesses drew forth the souls of all women who had been murdered by men and placed them on the island. One soul was held back from creation, the one that would be born as Diana. That soul originally belonged to the unborn daughter of the first woman murdered by a man (whom Hippolyta was the reincarnation of). In the late 20th Century, Hippolyta was instructed to mold some clay from the shores of Paradise Island into the form of a baby girl. Six members of the Greek Pantheon then bonded the soul to the clay, giving it life. Each of the six also granted Diana a gift: Demeter, great strength; Athena, wisdom and courage; Artemis, a hunter's heart and a communion with animals; Aphrodite, beauty and a loving heart; Hestia, sisterhood with fire; Hermes, speed and the power of flight. Diana grew up surrounded by a legion of sisters and mothers. When she was a young woman, the gods decreed that the Amazons must send an emissary into Man's World, Diana who was bored of her surroundings and seeked adventure jumped at the opportunity to leave while following the mission to bring peace upon the world. Queen Hippolyta ordered a contest to be held, but forbade Diana from participating. Diana disobeyed and did so anyway in disguise, easily winning the contest and being named the Amazons' champion. She was given a uniform fashioned from the standard of someone who had visited the island a few decades earlier. (Wonder Woman v2 #1)
Wonder Woman gathered the attention of Barbara Minerva, the Cheetah, who secretly desired to steal the Lasso of Truth from Diana. She lied to Wonder Woman about having found the lost Girdle of Antiope to get close to her, but after touching the Lasso her truth was made clear. Diana was frustrated and enraged over her naïve trust of Minerva. That same night, Barbara decided to take the Lasso by force and attacked Wonder Woman as the Cheetah. Diana managed to fight her off, and decided it was time to return home to Paradise Island again. (Wonder Woman v2 #9)
When Diana returned to Boston, she learned of the death of Myndi Mayer—someone had apparently shot her in the face with a shotgun in her own home. A man named Steve London was framed for the death, but Diana learned that the man responsible for killing her was a man named Skeeter Boyd. Skeeter died trying to escape from Wonder Woman, grabbing hold of an electrified fence and frying himself. He had not, in fact, actually killed Myndi—an overdose of alcohol and cocaine had killed her before he delivered the blast. Diana was left to question how something like this could happen, ignorant of the effects of addiction and drug overdose. (Wonder Woman v2 #20)
At home, many of her Amazon sisters were crying out for vengeance, believing their queen to have been murdered. Diana asserted herself as the rightful leader of the Amazons, no matter what they decided to do. As they were debating, an oracle announced that the gods had returned. No sooner did she do so when Diana was summoned to Mount Olympus. The gods announced that something was terribly wrong with the order of things. They too had seen Pariah and did not understand his importance. Zeus had expended much of his power just summoning Hermes from the Earth, and it had taken the combined energy of the rest of the pantheon to summon Diana there. They told her that Donna Troy had also turned up. Just then, a new set of gods emerged—it was the Roman pantheon, led by Jupiter himself. The Roman gods announced that they had a human champion that would battle against the Greeks' Wonder Woman—that champion was none other than Captain Marvel. Diana was forced to defend herself against a possessed Captain Marvel while Hermes and Mercury engaged in round two. Wonder Woman defeated Captain Marvel, while Circe began to unveil her master plan, unleashing chaos across the globe. (War of the Gods v1 #1)
On her return home, Diana was elated at being reunited with her sisters with her mother Hippolyta explaining recent events to her. Circe had led the renegade Amazons of Bana-Mighdall to Paradise Island, stirring them up with dreams of conquest. They caught Hippolyta's Amazons completely off guard, and for two days there was nothing but bloody battle in the city. After it was too late, Circe's schemes became apparent. She used her magic to transport the entire island to another dimension, where the Amazons were set upon by demons. Both tribes of Amazons had to band together or die, and for ten years in that realm they fought against the demons. As a reward, Hippolyta bequeathed a section of the undeveloped part of the island to her sister's tribe. Now they were back, and the nightmare was over. Diana recounted everything she had done in the months since their absence—Hippolyta was not pleased. She felt Diana had wasted many opportunities to affect man's world as a whole. Hippolyta announced that she was not sure if she could trust Diana to represent the island anymore. Upset, Diana wandered away from the city with some friends, where she met Artemis for the first time. Diana was intrigued, if not particularly impressed, with the brash, arrogant young Amazon from the tribe of Antiope. As they were talking, word came that Hippolyta had made a decision—there would be a new contest, and perhaps a new Wonder Woman. (Wonder Woman v2 #90)
Artemis was given the Wonder Woman outfit to wear. She was also given the Sandals of Hermes, which let her fly, and the Gauntlet of Atlas, which increased the strength of the wearer by a factor of ten. She also had her bow. Diana created a new black suit and headed back to Boston, too angry with her mother to listen to anything she had to say. Diana helped Artemis battle some minions of the White Magician before visiting her friends in the hospital. Donna Milton was fully recovered, but Julia Kapatelis was paralyzed. Artemis went to New York City where a public relations firm picked her up, offering to make her a well-known presence. Artemis promised to succeed where Diana had failed. Diana had to help her friend Micah, who was in trouble again, before going off to help Hawkman. (Wonder Woman v2 #93)
Artemis, frustrated and angry that the world had seemed to reject her, believed Diana was purposefully trying to disrupt her efforts as Wonder Woman. She tried to bring in Sazia, but the mob mistress evaded her. Diana, meanwhile, tracked down the Chauvinist and other thugs that Artemis had battled in her time as Wonder Woman. She discovered that they had all been hired by Artemis's agency, all for the sake of publicity, and managed to convince Artemis of this after a brief skirmish between the two. Diana decided she needed to go back home to get some answers from her mother. (Wonder Woman v2 #98) Diana found her mother in the woods, disciplining herself for what had happened between her and Diana. She confessed that when they were in the other realm, she had visions of the future—a future where Wonder Woman would die. This was the real reason she called for a new contest—a contest that she rigged, so that Artemis would win, become Wonder Woman and die while Diana would live. When Hippolyta said she expected Diana to remain with her while Artemis faced certain death back in Boston, an angry Diana responded, 'then you lost me a long time ago'. (Wonder Woman v2 #99)
Amazons Attack
God of War
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Diana
According to legend, Diana of Themiscyra was born from her mother's strong desire for a child and came from a lump of clay brought to life in the form of a girl to be the perfect Amazon as she was born of no man. (Wonder Woman v4 #2) However, it was revealed that Queen Hippolyta had had an affair with Zeus with Diana's real parentage being kept hidden in order to protect them from the wrath of god's notoriously jealous wife Hera. (Wonder Woman v4 #3) Unknown to anyone, Diana had a twin brother who was given the name Jason but as he was a boy he was taken away from the island with his existence a closely guarded secret. (Justice League v2 #50)
While in London, Wonder Woman was summoned to help a young lady called Zola from the minions of the goddess Hera and after Diana defeated the enemies, she was informed by Hermes that Zola was pregnant with Zeus's child, which caused Hera's wrath. (Wonder Woman v4 #1) Diana then took took Zola and the injured Hermes to the island of Themyscira, home of the Amazons, where Hera's wrath reached them in the form of her daughter Strife. Wonder Woman used the Lasso of Truth to stop Strife from hurting the Amazons, but it caused her to reveal the fact that Diana and her were sisters. (Wonder Woman v4 #2) The next day, Diana learned from her mother that she was in fact Zeus' daughter and, hurt by her existence being a lie, she decided to renounce the name Diana, and swore never to return to the island again. (Wonder Woman v4 #3) Unfortunately, not long after Diana left, Hera came for her vengeance, and though she could not bring herself to kill Hippolyta, she could not forgive her either. Feeling regret at giving up the only real family she had, Wonder Woman returned to Themyscira to find the Amazons absent, and her mother turned to stone. (Wonder Woman v4 #4) Shortly after, Wonder Woman encountered Lennox, a man who claimed to be another of Zeus' bastard children. After learning that Zeus has gone missing, they confronted the Gods of Olympus, Poseidon and Hades, in order to prevent them from taking over Zeus' throne. (Wonder Woman v4 #5) To prevent a war between gods, Diana proposed that the two brothers share Heaven with one ruling during the day, and the other at night. Hera angrily interceded, which was what Diana had planned, and using Hermes' staff she transported herself to Mount Olympus to face Hera alone. She warned that she would make Hera regret what she had done to her mother before returning to Earth. Unfortunately, by the time she had returned, Hades had kidnapped Zola with the warning that Diana would need to make good on her bargain or Zola and her child would die. (Wonder Woman v4 #6)
Later on, the world came under attack from Parademons which began to storm the city of Metropolis. In that time, Wonder Woman was resolved to defend the city leading to her meeting the other heroes including Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman. (Justice League v2 #3)
After taking Despero to the authorities, Wonder Woman and Superman came across the mysterious Pandora, someone Wonder Woman was familiar with. She believed Superman could use her box to trap the evil she unleashed in ancient times; but when Superman touched it, he was overwhelmed by its power. While Pandora took the box and left, the two heroes received news that a new superhuman, Shazam, was entering the borders of Kahndaq. Their confrontation with Shazam turned violent until the rest of the Justice League and the Justice League of America intervened to defuse the situation. Suddenly, Dr. Light lost control of his powers and began absorbing Superman's solar energy, unleashing an energy beam at Wonder Woman. In a fit of anger, Superman killed Dr. Light with his heat vision, an action that caused a fight between the two Leagues. (Justice League v2 #22)
The Justice League were mind controlled by Joker, who dosed them with Joker Toxin at a children's hospital charity event and ordered them to kill Batman. Wonder Woman flew into Wayne Tower and snatched up Bruce Wayne. Bruce realized she must be under mind control and demanded to know who was responsible, but Wonder Woman just told him the Justice League were in Gotham to kill him because they hated him. Bruce had protocols specifically designed to deal with the Justice League if need be, and enacted Plan Fenrir. Alfred Pennyworth released harmless gas around Wayne Tower, forcing the authorities to evacuate the area fearing a terrorist attack, and Bruce changed into Batman and donned power armor meant to counter his teammates powers. He covered Wonder Woman with the bind of veils, an artifact forged by Hephaestus not long after he’d made Wonder Woman’s lasso. Batman had acquired it on the magical black market, and it fulfilled its’ purpose of paralyzing Wonder Woman. Batman was then attacked by Flash, so he covered the streets in a frictionless coating, causing him to crash into the side of a building. Aquaman was his next opponent, and he shot him with magnesium carbonate foam, draining the moisture from his body. Superman confronted Batman and when he started laughing maniacally the Caped Crusader figured out that his teammates were being controlled by the Joker. The Joker Toxin continued to run its’ course, causing the Justice League’s skin to turn white and their faces to break into rictus grins. The gauntlets of the power armor contained miniature red suns Batman had acquired from dead solar systems with Ray Palmer, draining Superman’s power. Batman finished Superman off by spitting a rubberized capsule laced with kryptonite at him. After Batman subdued the Justice League they were taken to A.R.G.U.S. where they were treated by an antitoxin of Batman’s own design. They had been hospitalized for at least a week, and Batman feared Joker was planning something big, and had already taken Batman’s most powerful allies off the board. (Batman v2 #36)
Ares told Diana that he had been imprisoned by the other Gods of Olympus and bound in chains that were secured by Aphrodite through the power of her love. He also told her that years ago, Phobos and Deimos had implanted false memories of Themyscira into her mind, and these had caused her to imagine aspects of her past that had never happened in reality. Meanwhile, Phobos and Deimos entered Themyscira and battled with the Amazons. Diana knew what she had to do, and called Ares to unite her with Phobos and Deimos. He teleported them to her, and using her Lasso of Truth, Wonder Woman bound them through the power of her unconditional love for them, as Aphrodite had done to Ares. With the twin gods defeated, Diana attempted to leave Ares' prison along with Veronica and Izzy, however Izzy's essence had been attached to the realm and could not return to Earth. Izzy was forced to either live out the rest of her days in the prison or live in Themyscira as an Amazon for eternity. She chose the latter and Veronica said goodbye to her daughter. Diana was briefly reunited with her mother, for the first time since she left the island. (Wonder Woman v5 #23)
Infinite Frontier
Personality and attributes
It was said that she was named Diana after the Olympian goddess of the Moon who was her godmother. (All-Star Comics v1 #8)
as Wonder Woman, she served as a symbol of integrity and humanity so that the world of men would know what it meant to be an Amazon. (All-Star Comics v1 #8)
In this role, she was said to avenge injustice or right a wrong. (All-Star Comics v1 #8)
Diana was said to be as lovely as the goddess Aphrodite and as wise as the goddess Athena. (All-Star Comics v1 #8)
She was said to had adhered to an Amazon code of helping any in need, even misogynistic people, and never accepting a reward for saving someone. (Wonder Woman v1 #38)
According to one account, she was the daughter of her mother Hippolyta's affair with he Olympian god Zeus. (Wonder Woman v4 #3)
One account revealed that she had a twin brother named Jason. (Justice League v2 #50)
Powers and abilities
Diana was born a member of the Amazon tribe who were a hidden race of entirely female warriors. She had the speed of Mercury and the strength of Hercules with these traits giving her superhuman abilities. It was said she possessed hundred times the agility and strength of the best human male athletes and strongest wrestlers. (All-Star Comics v1 #8) According to one account, she was actually a demigod due to her father being Zeus. (Wonder Woman v4 #3)
According to Batman, her reflexes were superior to that of Superman. (Justice League of America v2 #27)
Batman would comment that she best melee fighter in the world. (Justice League of America v2 #13)
They were in fact composed of the godly Eighth Metal that was one of the strongest elements in the Multiverse. (Dark Nights: Metal v1 #5) Some accounts showed that she entered into an uncontrollable frenzy if she was separated from her bracelets. (Comic Cavalcade v1 #18)
According to one account, the lasso was created from Aphrodite's Magic Girdle by the Amazons craftswoman Metala at the behest of Queen Hippolyte, and its magical properties were granted by the Goddess herself and by Athena: the lasso forced whoever was bound within it to obey the commands of the user. (Sensation Comics v1 #6)
Unknown to her, she came to be marked as a child by the goddess Hecate and given a fraction of her magical ability. (Wonder Woman and Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour v1 #1)
Her strong feelings of love made her a candidate for a violet Power Ring and induct her briefly into the ranks of the Star Sapphires. (Blackest Night v1 #6)
- Wonder Woman was created by William Moulton Marston and H. G. Peter where she made her first appearance in All Star Comics v1 #8 (October, 1941).
Alternate Versions
In other media
- In Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman featured in the setting of the 1970s live-action television series where she was portrayed by actress Lynda Carter.
- In Justice League, Wonder Woman appeared in the setting of the animated television series set in the DC Animated Universe where she was voiced by actress Susan Eisenberg.
- In Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman featured in the setting of the 2009 animated film where she was voiced by actress Keri Russell.
- In Wonder Woman, Wonder Man featured in the setting of the live-action film where she was portrayed by actress Gal Gadot.
Video games
- In DC Universe Online, Wonder Woman appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game where she was originally voiced by actress Gina Torres before being voiced by actress Susan Eisenberg.
- In Infinite Crisis, Wonder Woman appeared as a playable champion in the setting of the MOBA video game where she was voiced by actress Vanessa Marshall.
- All Star Comics v1: (1941)
- Wonder Woman v1:
- Justice League of America v1:
- JLA v1:
- Blackest Night v1:
- Wonder Woman v5:
External Links
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- Superheroes
- Female Superheroes
- LGBT Superheroes
- United States-themed Superheroes
- Golden Age Superheroes
- DC Comics Superheroes
- Wonder Woman
- DC
- William Moulton Marston
- H. G. Peter