Children of ODIN

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One noted pieces of science that the Aesir were aware of was the creation of '''Sentient Weapons''' which fell under the domain of Tyr who was the only one of them that knew how to create the weapons. This consisted of fallen YMIR artificial intelligences that were captured and used to fight their former kin. The AI was extracted and placed within melee weapons where they worked in conjunction with their user to battle their enemies enhancing their performance. The sentient AI was typically located in the hilt of the weapon where they were equipped with a nanoforge which allowed them to alter their form to the bearers chosing. There are times though when the weapon attempts to break free from its controller and acts on its own accord. Balder's sword Fenrir was a sentient weapon along with the impact hammer Mjolnir. After Tyr's death, the secrets of the sentient weapons were lost with him.
One noted pieces of science that the Aesir were aware of was the creation of '''Sentient Weapons''' which fell under the domain of Tyr who was the only one of them that knew how to create the weapons. This consisted of fallen YMIR artificial intelligences that were captured and used to fight their former kin. The AI was extracted and placed within melee weapons where they worked in conjunction with their user to battle their enemies enhancing their performance. The sentient AI was typically located in the hilt of the weapon where they were equipped with a nanoforge which allowed them to alter their form to the bearers chosing. There are times though when the weapon attempts to break free from its controller and acts on its own accord. Balder's sword Fenrir was a sentient weapon along with the impact hammer Mjolnir. After Tyr's death, the secrets of the sentient weapons were lost with him.
Weapons include the use of electrostatic linear accelerators that serve as the primary form fo projectile weapons.
Despite being quite advanced, the Children of ODIN have quite a few limits. They are still trapped on their homeworld despite having a small presence in space. They also seem incapable of reverse engineering the technology of a YMIR Devastator-class warships with even the vessels alloys being more advanced then anything they possessed. Furthermore, certain knowledge was known to a select few number of their kind like that of the Sentient Weapons.
Despite being quite advanced, the Children of ODIN have quite a few limits. They are still trapped on their homeworld despite having a small presence in space. They also seem incapable of reverse engineering the technology of a YMIR Devastator-class warships with even the vessels alloys being more advanced then anything they possessed. Furthermore, certain knowledge was known to a select few number of their kind like that of the Sentient Weapons.

Revision as of 14:12, 1 October 2008

The Children of ODIN were the name of a Human civilization in the game Too Human.



Early Ages

The Children of ODIN developed after the the initial war against the Children of YMIR when anti-matter and nuclear weapons resulted in a cold age encasing the Earth. From the ashes of enar destruction, ODIN arose and began to rally the Human race together to survive the harsh environment as well fighting against the surviving YMIR. ODIN used what technological knowledge it was aware of to create two cybernetic races of enhanced humans; the warrior Aesir and the scientific Vanir. Conflict between the Vanir and the Aesir as well as the YMIR resulted in the Vanir's ranks being diminished to the point that they were assimilated into the Aesir's society. Building the fortress of Midgard and Asgard, they championed the effort in defeating the machines and returning the world to its former beauty.

At some point, Loki's daughter Hel arrived in Asgard but ODIN decreed that she no longer remain there. She was banished to the lands of Helheim where she would remain in her exile. When the state asked for independence, a deal was struck between the Aesir and Hel. This was known as the "Pact of the Fallen" where the dead bodies of those who did not die in battle were sent off to Hel's realm where she would gather what precious components were left in the bodies. This agreement lasted for thousands of years with both nations respecting the others boundaries.

The Machine Threat

Despite managing to repel the machines for sometime, a new threat emerged when a new YMIR called GRNDL-1 was created. This Child of YMIR was far different from previous strains and actually devoured the bodies of Human's in order to bridge the gap between the organic and the cybernetic. This creature began attacking numerous Human towns until finally it was tracked down by the Aesir Balder. After a brief struggle, the GRNDL-1 machine lost its arm but managed to escape.

Reporting back at the Hall of the Aesir, Balder made his report and it was decided that a concerted effort was required to defeat the monster. Taking an Overlord-dropship and Human soldiers, they tracked the creature to the Hall of the Fallen. Once there, they encountered numerous machine resistance until finally reaching the inner chamber where GRNDL-1 was located. A battle was fought between the two with the creature finally destroyed. With that complete, Balder returned to Asgard to report on his findings.

Hod's Betrayal

It was there that Balder began to suspect that his kin were hiding some secrets from him which he discovered from Freya's reluctance. Confronting Heimdall, he learnt that his wife Nyanna's death was the result of the Aesir Hod's betrayal. Angered greatly, Balder promised that Hod would feel his wrath and be destroyed. Taking his commandship and troops, the Aesir made his way to the Ice Forest - home of the Dark Elf YMIR. It was there where Hod was believed to have fled.

Fighting hordes of machines, Balder finally located YMIR though the renegade Aesir had begun to act strangely. He claimed that he was seeing Loki and that he thought he had killed the traitor. It was then that Hod attempted to flee deeper into the forest but fought Balder once more. After a long struggle, Hod was finally defeated. Fallen, he stated that people were remembered for their deeds. Balder, angrily said that Hod would not be remembered at all due to his traitorous actions after which he killed him.

Though ordered to destroy all of Hod's implants to prevent their capture by other forces, Balder instead took Hod's eye implant secretly.

The Jormungandr

Once he returned back to Asgard, Balder learnt that Mimir had discovered the location of a Devastator-class warship called the Jormungandr - the World Serpent. Its capture would give the Aesir a powerful weapon to use against the YMIR even if they could reverse engineer its advanced technology. Taking Mimir and Thor, the group were deployed via a drop pod to the warship where they broke an entrance into the vessel.

After going deeper into the vessel, they heard the voice of Loki who was supposed to have been imprisoned in Asgard. It was then learnt that while Loki was indeed imprisoned, the fact that he was a fusion of Aesir and Jotun technology allowed his mind to freely escape into the World Tree where he began to manipulate events. He took command of the ship and used an army of YMIR to combat the Aesir invaders. The group managed to escape but Loki managed to take over the Jormungandr and took it into the sea.

Back at Asgard, a group of Human Wolf soldiers attacked the prison facility and freed Loki from imprisonment. Given his armor and weapons, he slayed all the guards and left in an air transport leaving behind some of his soldiers. Those that survived were executed by the Aesir.

Assault against Helheim

Learning of Loki's escape, it was clear that the renegade Aesir had sought refugee in the domain of his daughter - Hel. It was decided that the two were conspiring together and it was decided that an invasion of Helheim was necessary. A large force of Humans and Aesir were assembled to assault the necropolis citadel. Once there, it was learnt that Hel had been using the bodies of the deceased to create an army of undead beings which repelled the invaders.

While breaking through the defenses, Balder's forces rendevoused with Tyr's where they came under assault by a large abomination shaped as a large dog. This guardian of Helheim attacked the Aesir and it was only through the sacrifice of Tyr was the monster slain. Going deeper into the citadel, Balder finally encountered Hel and discovered more hints of his origins. He also learnt that Loki had left Helheim to some other shelter. Fighting against Hel, Balder learnt that the administrator of Helheim was in the possession of Nyanna and reanimated her.

Fighting against Hel, Balder finally slayed the woman as she was trapped in one of her own machines. Taking his remaining forces away from the battlefield, the Aesir ordered fusion warheads to rain down on the undead horde which only delayed them. When Balder returned to Asgard, he was angered by the deception of his comrades and lamented against the loses they had sustained. Heimdall noted that Loki was still free and had gone to unknown locations to continue his war against ODIN's children. Ragnarok had begun and the Jotuns are massing.



The Aesir appear as Humans but possess a wide variety of cybernetic upgrades that make them far more then Human.

Known Aesir

  • Thor
  • Heimdall
  • Balder
  • Tyr
  • Loki (Aesir/Jotun hybrid)


The Vanir are a separate type of cybernetic gods that were not created by Idunn but by another individual. They are not as strong as the Aesir as they were engineered for social rigors rather then the battlefield. As such, they excel in the arts of diplomacy, empathy and compassion which are traits that are better left at home rather then be taken to the battlefield.

Known Vanir

  • Freya





Cybernetic constructs made by Tyr that serve the Aesir in battle. They are half machine and half man, equipped with large armor and integrated weapon systems. Typically, these things are only called upon during war time where they lend their enhanced strength to the Aesir. These constructs speak in computer terminology but are devoted to their masters. They are unlike the Aesir as they are not cybernetic gods like them but war machines created and let loose when times call for it. A number of such machines assist Tyr during the assault on Helheim.


Advanced constructs of unknown design that take on the form of feminine creatures with mechanical wings. They appear from tears into cyberspace and glide to the ground where they gather the recently slain who fell in battle. They then take the bodies to Valhalla to reside with ODIN.


Their society involves a merger between the cybernetic gods and the mortal humans both of whom work together for the common good. The gods reside in the clouds in Asgard while Humanity toil on Midgard.

The humans of Midgard firmly believe in the Aesir and their goal of restoring the world before it was devastated. As such, they are seen as gods and serve willingly as has been the case for centuries. Its believed that Humanity are so intertwined with the Aesir and believe that they will be protected by the gods that there would be no possible way for them to turn against them as they do not know how.

Sons of Loki

A group of armed soldiers and Humans of Midgard that owe their loyalty to the fallen Aesir, Loki. This group of well trained soldiers are equipped properly with advanced equipment and recieve instructions from Loki himself. They were devoted to his freedom and plans against the other Children of ODIN. A number of them killed the prison guards at Asgard and freed their master and were left behind in order to allow him the chance to escape. Those that were not killed were captured where they were executed by Thor during the Aesir council. They showed no regret in their actions and believed it would inspire others to turn against the Aesir.


The Children of ODIN possess highly advanced technology allowing them to create fusion warheads, powerful reactors, and weapons that make use of plasma, projectile as well as lasers. In addition, they control advanced nanotechology capable of healing wounds as well as partially resurrecting the dead.

The first piece of noted technology are the "Golden Apples of Idunn" which grant the gods their long life, great abilities and near immortality. This nanotechnology is greatly infused among all of the Allfather's children though varying members contain more or less implants then others. These were created by Idunn and give the Aesir their superhuman strength with constant tests done on the implants to ensure that there are no malfunctions while new advancements are often tried.

One noted pieces of science that the Aesir were aware of was the creation of Sentient Weapons which fell under the domain of Tyr who was the only one of them that knew how to create the weapons. This consisted of fallen YMIR artificial intelligences that were captured and used to fight their former kin. The AI was extracted and placed within melee weapons where they worked in conjunction with their user to battle their enemies enhancing their performance. The sentient AI was typically located in the hilt of the weapon where they were equipped with a nanoforge which allowed them to alter their form to the bearers chosing. There are times though when the weapon attempts to break free from its controller and acts on its own accord. Balder's sword Fenrir was a sentient weapon along with the impact hammer Mjolnir. After Tyr's death, the secrets of the sentient weapons were lost with him.

Weapons include the use of electrostatic linear accelerators that serve as the primary form fo projectile weapons.

Despite being quite advanced, the Children of ODIN have quite a few limits. They are still trapped on their homeworld despite having a small presence in space. They also seem incapable of reverse engineering the technology of a YMIR Devastator-class warships with even the vessels alloys being more advanced then anything they possessed. Furthermore, certain knowledge was known to a select few number of their kind like that of the Sentient Weapons.


The world of Cyberspace is another realm that lies beneath the corporeal one and is a virtual reality created by the supercomputer known as Yggdrassil - the World Tree. This giant construct at the Hall of the Aesir maintains a massive realm inside its bulk which the Aesir are capable of accessing. Numerous data wells are scattered across the world that also allow for entry into cyberspace. After entering within range, the handshaking protocols activate and allow the user to enter Cyberspace where they appear in a verdant beautiful world - a fascimile of how the planet used to be before the war that devastated it.

Inside it, users can manipulate its form and control computers in the real world. More masterful users can remotely control Cyberspace even if their bodies are held in captive and can control distant machines with ease. They are also capable of manipulating the sensory processes of other cybernetic beings while even more advanced abilities including projection of their bodies as well as teleportation.




  • The name for this article is conjectural.

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