Hiro Okamura

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===The New 52===
===The New 52===
He was later captured by Mongul who brought him to War World and forced him to create war machines that was to be used in his gladiatorial arena. However, Okamura created a failsafe in the machines that were to unite with the Justice League into a single machine to help defeat their foes in the arena. (Dark Nights: Metal v1 #1)

Revision as of 13:07, 19 August 2017

Hiro Okamura is a male character that features in DC Comics.





Hiro Okamura was a Japanese male who lived and operated in Japan.

Okamura's grandfather was noted for being an inventor who had created numerous sophisticated pieces of technology. (Superman v1 #177) Among these creations was a patented allow called Metallo. This alloy was later stolen and became part of the framework for John Corben's metallic body after he became the supervillain Metallo. (Superman/Batman v1 #7) Hiro later came to believe that Corben had stolen the technology from his grandfather and decided to pursue the supervillain. This led to him writing numerous letters to Corben where he demanded that the technology be returned to him. Metallo refused and Hiro later adopted the guise of the new Toyman where he made use of various superhero themed toy robots in his quest to confront the gigantic Corben who was using his B-13 technology based body. Piloting a superhero mecha, Okamura battled Metallo in the confines of Metropolis which attracted the attention of Superman. To prevent further damage, Superman knocked the two combatants both with such force that it sent them into the Atlantic above the former site of Atlantis. During their battle, Okamura demanded that Metallo transfer his operating system and circuitry to him but the supervillain refused. Superman then arrived and battled Metallo where the villain revealed that his B-13 based body was malfunctioning with the Man of Steel stating that he would help Corben in exchange for him going back to prison on Stryker's Island. He then found the new Toyman still at the site of the battle with Okamura blaming Superman for stopping him from getting back his grandfathers inventions. Superman later entered into the cockpit of the mecha where he found out Hiro was a young boy which was when Okamura used a voice command to detonate his giant machine sending the Man of Steel knocked aside whilst the Toyman escaped. (Superman v2 #177)

Hiro later encountered Corben where he offered to give him a clone human body of his original form in exchange for the Metallo in his metallic one. Whilst the clone was gestating, Hiro decided to take his revenge on Corben for stealing his grandfathers patent by growing the clone with the Kryptonite heart still infused in the body. Corben agreed and Okamura created the clone at his home at Mount Fuji. However, by this period of his life he was at a crossroads and developed severe trust issues. This meant that he was in such a state where he could go either on the path to good or that of evil. Superman and Batman both worried for the boy with them wanting him to come to their side. To that end, they asked Conner Kent and Tim Drake where they asked the pair to speak to Hiro. They arrived with Okamura sending a giant robotic dog to attack the pair which was destroyed by Superboy. Before hostilities could continue, Robin intervened and told Hiro that they had come with an offer from Batman. They said that Batman wanted to hire Hiro to build gadgets and offered an unlimited budget to him in exchange for his help. Okamura was intrigued but at that point unknown to him Corben had broken free and escaped in a Techbot where he went on a rampage as he headed into Tokyo. Hiro customised two giant robot suits for Robin and Superboy to fight the supervillain where they helped defeat him. It was then that Batman and Superman arrived where the new Toyman said that he enjoyed teaming up with the young heroes and that he accepted the work for Batman. (Superman/Batman v1 #7)

The New 52

He was later captured by Mongul who brought him to War World and forced him to create war machines that was to be used in his gladiatorial arena. However, Okamura created a failsafe in the machines that were to unite with the Justice League into a single machine to help defeat their foes in the arena. (Dark Nights: Metal v1 #1)


Personality and attributes

He was a thirteen year old boy. (Superman/Batman v1 #7)

It was said that Okamura had severe trust issues(Superman/Batman v1 #7)

He was fiercely protective of his grandfather in the sense that he sought to recover any of his technology that Hiro believed was stolen. (Superman v2 #177)

Powers and abilities

Though lacking in powers, his mind was his greatest strength as he was remarkable with an I.Q. off the charts. Hiro was able to build almost anything that could be imagined. Okamura was smart enough to build various kinds of robots and even engage in cloning to restore a persons body. (Superman/Batman v1 #7) The toy robots that he created were said to be highly sophisticated with these coming in various forms such as some appearing as Superman whilst others were gigantic mechas that he could pilot. (Superman v2 #177) Another of his creations were Techbots that were suits that could be worn by a user. (Superman/Batman v1 #7)

Among his creations was an adaptive suit that formed itself around its user that had been designed to shield people in deep space. (Batman/Superman v1 #9)

His home residence was a area that was outside of Tokyo in Japan. (Batman/Superman v1 #7)


  • Hiro Okamura as Toyman was created by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness where he made his first appearance in Superman v2 #177 (February, 2002).

In other media


Toyman Hiro Okamura in Superman/Batman: Public Heroes.
  • In Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Hiro Okamura as Toyman made an appearance in the animated movie where he was voiced by Calvin Tran. He was shown as being a highly intelligent with an I.Q. of 210 specialized in the field of science and technology. As a child, he claimed that he was into his hero worship with both Batman and Superman his idols. By the age of 13, he became extremely wealthy and operated his own corporate headquarters with an obsession over toys. Batman and Superman sought him out for help in finding a way to stop a Kryptonite meteor that was heading towards Earth with him being deemed as being as smart if not smarter than Lex Luthor. Power Girl was sent to meet him in order to prepare for a means of destroying the meteor but Hiro was alluded to had behaved inappropriately to her. This was mentioned when he said that he was only testing his X-Ray goggles that had been proven by Power Girl thus implying that he used them on her. When Batman and Superman arrived, Power Girl said she would wait outside for them as she did not want to be in Okamura's company further. Hiro told Batman to refer him as Toyman as he needed to protect his trademark and showed that he had created a rocket but due to the short time he had he had to design it on his old childhood concepts giving it the shape of a Composite Superman. The rocket had manual controls because of this but it was being set up with an autopilot to guide its journey but Lex Luthor in his powersuit arrived where he destroyed the controls leading to Batman piloting the ship on its journey to the meteor that was approaching Earth.


  • Superman v2:
  • Batman/Superman:

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