Han Solo

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Han Solo is a male film character who features in Star Wars.




Han Solo was the name of a male human who lived in the galaxy in the era of the Galactic Empire. He was born on the planet Corellia where his father was noted to had built starships and had longed to be a pilot. Han was said to had never had been close to his father before his death leading to him becoming an orphan. He ended up among other orphaned children who were forced to steal in order to survive with him being part of a gang that was headed by Lady Proxima. One of his fellow gang members was a girl named Qi'ra with the two being lovers along with desiring to leave the life they had on Corellia. During an assignment, Han stole a valuable object and kept it for himself with the intention of using it to buy himself along with Qi'ra passage off their world. This led to them turning against Proxima and attempting to evade her enforcers that sought to re-capture the two orphans. They made it to the airport where they bribed one of their airport staff with Han being through the gates but Qi'ra was captured. She told Han to escape with him promising to find a way back to recover her in the future. To evade capture from corrupt Imperial forces, Han enlisted with the Empire's military where he was given the last name of Solo as he lacked a surname. At the time, he enlisted to become a pilot in the Imperial Navy and went to the academy at Carida. However, Solo demonstrated a rebellious streak and did not follow orders leading to him failing the pilot course with him instead being assigned to the infantry. In three years time, he was a Mudtrooper where he was deployed on the planet Mimban that was fighting against Imperial control where Han attempted to force compliance and saw numerous casualties in the Empire's infantry.

Following the skirmish, Han spoke with "Captain" Beckett, expressing gratitude for his help. Beckett advised him to get away from there as fast as he could. Solo soon encountered Beckett's companions, Val and the Ardennian Rio Durant, who were disguised as Imperial Army troopers. They warned him not to follow them. Lieutenant Alayus Bolandin informed Han and his comrades that they would be moving out to the Southern Marshlands in three hours. When Bolandin requested an advance party, Solo questioned why the Empire was destroying and occupying Mimban, earning the enmity of his commanding officer. Disenchanted with the Empire, Han sought out Beckett and his gang, who were planning a heist. Han recognized them as thieves posing as Imperial Army personnel. Val and Beckett initially wanted to kill Han, but he offered his services as a pilot. When Rio asked what a fancy "fly boy" was doing in the mud, Han claimed he had been kicked out for having a mind of his own. Han pointed out that Rio was an Ardennian. Desperate to escape offworld, Solo tried to blackmail them into allowing him to join their gang by threatening to expose them as infiltrators. However, Beckett turned the tables on him and convinced Lieutenant Bolandin that Solo was attempting to desert. Seeking an opportunity to rid his unit of a "trouble-maker," Bolandin had a chained Solo thrown into a pen where he was condemned to battle a "beast" held in captivity.

The beast was revealed to be a Wookiee named Chewbacca, whose species had been enslaved by the Empire. Thinking he was a threat, Chewbacca attacked Han and hurled him against the girders and mud. Owing to Han's ability to speak Shyriiwook, Solo convinced Chewbacca that he was a friend. Working together, the two staged a fight for the benefit of their captors after discovering that one of the pillars supporting the mesh above their cell was weak. The unsuspecting sentries laughed and thought that Han was doomed. After several attempts, Han pretended to goad Chewbacca into pushing against the main pillar supporting the mesh, causing it to collapse. After jumping out of harm's way, Chewbacca threw Han out of the pit and followed suit. The two found that they were chained together. Chewbacca wanted to flee the camp, but Han convinced him to accompany him to a nearby airfield. He told Chewbacca to trust him, promising that they could go their separate ways if he chose to do so afterward. Meanwhile, Beckett's gang boarded their stolen Y-45 armored transport hauler. Throwing off his Imperial army helmet and uniform, Rio asked how they could breathe in those stuffy suits. The three took off, but Beckett spotted Han and Chewbacca waving to them below. Rio was impressed by Solo's determination and believed that a Wookiee would be helpful as muscle. Val was opposed, but Rio convinced Beckett to bring the ship down so they could pick up Han and Chewbacca. The five then departed Mimban in the stolen hauler.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Han Solo was created by George Lucas with the character being portrayed by actor Harrison Ford and made his first appearance in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977).
  • A young version of the character was portrayed by actor Alden Ehrenreich in the film Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018).

Alternate Versions

  • In the Star Wars: Legends continuity, the character had a different backstory and chain of events. With Leia, he had three children with twins Jacen Solo and Jaina Solo along with a younger son named Anakin Solo.

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: Battlefront, Han Solo appeared as a playable hero in the 2015 video game where he was voiced by actor John Armstrong.
  • In Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Han Solo appeared in the story mode of the 2017 video game and was a playable hero character where he was voiced by actor John Armstrong. The Solo DLC material allowed players to change the characters skin to resemble the younger Han Solo from the movie Solo.


  • Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope: (1977)
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story: (2018)

External Links

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