Trolls (Marvel)

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Trolls are a species that features in Marvel Comics.





After their repeated defeats at the hands of Thor, the Troll-King Geirrodur was met with by the warrior Ulik who proposed a cunning plan to eliminate the Asgardian. This involved an ambush to drag him into the Chamber of the Winds where Ulik intended to battle him in unarmed combat so that he would not use his hammer. During the battle, the Rock Trolls used a magnetised plate of Uru to draw Mjolnir to it and then absconded with the weapon where they threw it into the furnace in an effort to destroy it. Thor himself seemingly also perished as he broke away from the fight in order to recover Mjolnir and plunged into the flames to retrieve it. (Thor v1 #210)

A group of Murder Trolls were hired by Dormammu and tasked with killing his niece Clea. They came upon Valkyrie who defeated them whereupon Clea cast an enchantment on the Trolls making them believe they had completed their task where they were to return to their employer. (Fearless Defenders v1 #7)

The War of the Realms eventually reached Midgard with the Trolls joining the Dark Council in the invasion of Earth. (War of the Realms v1 #1) This saw them claiming the region of Australia as part of the Kingdom of the Trolls. (War of the Realms v1 #3) The Champions were present in Australia where they tried to help fight off the Rock Trolls. (Champions v3 #5)


There were numerous kinds of Trolls that included:

  • Flying Trolls of Thryhem : insectile Trolls who called the stone-hive of Thryheim with Queen Ula commanding the Savage Swarm. (Journey into Mystery v1 #124)
  • Murder Trolls : a vicious, cruel and heartless race that were part of an obscure order of assassins for hire which worshipped only money with them noted for being a dying breed. (Fearless Defenders v1 #7)

A Troll even those not native to the realms were afforded certain rights to them as dictated by holy law. This allowed them trials by combat even if they were accompanying an enemy with this being hand-to-hand combat to the death with no special powers or weapons. The law allowed for a surrogate to be appointed rather than the warrior themselves though the champion had to be a male. (Warlock and the Infinity Watch v1 #24)

They made use of valkisack vines whose fragrance stole the will of the captive and kept them subdued. (Warlock and the Infinity Watch v1 #24)

One path to their kingdom was through the Bridge of Winds that led to the Chamber of the Winds. (Thor v1 #210) A noted location was Castle Grimlock that was the palace home of King Geirrodur of the Trolls of Asgard. The structure was noted to possess its own castle arena for combat between individuals. It was home to the Cathedral of Borgeddon that was a great pit which was said to be as old as any place on Asgard. The pit was home to Borgeddon was a mighty giant beast who was considered a heavenly aspect that looked fondly to the Troll empire and they in turn provided it sacrifices. (Warlock and the Infinity Watch v1 #24)


  • Grundor :
  • Geirrodur :
  • Ulla : a female Rock Troll that was the mate of Geirrodur with her being the Queen of the Kingdom of the Trolls. (Thor v1 #210)
  • Muthos : a male Rock Troll who served as advisor and counsel to Troll-King Geirrodur. (Thor v1 #210)
  • Olik : a male Rock Troll who was the older brother of Ulik and was known as the Widow Maker. (Warlock and the Infinity Watch v1 #24)
  • Ulik :
  • Horth : a male Rock Troll and brother of Ulik who looked after Horth as his charge and ensured no harm came to him. (Thor Annual v1 #13)
  • Horth :
  • Muthos :
  • Kryllk :
  • Uroc :
  • Fagan :
  • Ulf : a male Ice Troll used by a cult of Vanir to aid in the awakening of Ymir where he battled the original X-Men early in their career. (X-Men First Class v1 #5)
  • Tremmidur : a male Rock Troll that helped a war party in the capture of Thor Odinson and brought him to the Kingdom of the Trolls on behalf of Troll-King Geirrodur. (Thor v1 #210)
  • Zotarr : the Troll-Supreme was a large construct shaped as a Troll in armour that was made in the furnaces that had created Mjolnir. (Thor v1 #238)


  • Trolls were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where they made their first appearance in Avengers v1 #1 (September, 1963).

Alternate Versions

In other media


Video games


  • Avengers v1:
  • Journey into Mystery v1:
  • Thor v1:
  • Warlock and the Infinity Watch v1:
  • Fearless Defenders v1:
  • Realm of the Realms v1:
  • Champions v3:

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