Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez is a male anime and manga character who features in Bleach.




Espada No: 6.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (Japanese: グリムジョー・ジャガージャック, Hepburn: Gurimujō Jagājakku) was originally an undead Hollow that resided in the dimension of Hueco Mundo. His origins were traced when a ravenous Hollow began to consume others of its kind with this creating a Gillian-class Menos which wandered the land in a mindless state as lacked a personality. This was until one such persona achieved dominance and began to consume other Gillian thus further its evolution. It was then that Grimmjow emerged where he took the form of a panther-like Adjuchas-class Menos along with a desire to further his evolution otherwise he risked reverting back permanently into a Gillian which would lack any drive or personality. Shortly after merging, he was approached by a group of Adjuchas Menos led by Shawlong Koufang, and included Edrad Liones, Yylfordt Granz, Nakeem, and Di Roy who had come to prey on others of their kind to consume. Grimmjow though demonstrated his power by injuring Di Roy with Shawlong Koufang sensing great potential in the panther-like Adjuchas. He was then invited to join their group as they were on a quest to evolve into one of the Vasto Lordes that were the highest class of Menos. At first, Grimmjow refused but Shawlong Koufang pressed on by stating that he believed that they could no longer evolve further thus failing in their goal to become Vasto Lordes. However, despite that being the case, he believed that Grimmjow had the potential to evolve further and that their group wanted to follow him as their 'king' if he accepted. Grimmjow though showed no interest in devouring them but Shawlong convinced him to consume a part of their essence thus empowering him further and to fix them in their Adjuchas state. Thus, the group came to be Grimmjow's followers where they accompanied him even when Sōsuke Aizen took control of Hueco Mundo. During this time, Aizen was responsible for turning Grimmjow and other Hollows into Arrancar with Jaegerjaquez's followers becoming his Fracción in the ranks of the Espada. Later on, Aizen came to relocate to Hueco Mundo after he revealed his deceptions to the Soul Society and escaped where he bidded his time and grew his army to oppose the Gotei 13 in the future. Sometime later, Sōsuke Aizen dispatched Ulquiorra Schiffer and Yammy Llargo to the world of the living to test the strength of their enemy.

Upon returning, Schiffer reported to Aizen with the Espada in attendance and Grimmjow was among their number where he reported the outcome of his mission which was to judge the strength of Ichigo Kurosaki in the world of the living. Grimmjow though came to scold Schiffer for sparing the substitute shinigami stating that he should have killed their foe as he was a potential threat in the future. However, Aizen decided to leave the matter to Ulquiorra judgement though Jaegerjuez decided to rectify the matter himself. He then took his Fracción to the mortal world where they arrived in Karakura Town and launched an unauthorised mission to kill anyone with even the slightest spiritual pressure. During this time, his team was defeated and Grimmjow came to battle Ichigo with relative ease where he only suffered injury from Kurosaki's desperate black getsuga tenshō attack. However, Kaname Tōsen arrived at the scene where he interrupted he battle in order to forcibly bring Grimmjow back to Hueco Mundo to be punished for his defiance. He was brought before Aizen who decided not to punish Grimmjow though Kaname ended up severing and incinerating the Arrancar's arm so he would be demoted. As a result, he lost his place among the Espada's high ranks with his position being replaced by a new number six which was Luppi Antenor. Afterwards, Aizen commanded a new attack against the world of the living with Luppi, Yammy, and the newest Espada Wonderweiss Margela being dispatched on the mission. He also commanded that Grimmjow accompany the attack where they were to target the shinigami and others with spiritual pressure in the human world. Upon arriving, he immediately abandoned his team mates as he decided to track down and fight Ichigo once more. Confronting the substitute shinigami, he was confident in his ability to destroy his foe but was surprised that Ichigo had gained new abilities after attaining the power of a visored. Quickly manifesting his mask, he was overwhelmed against his opponent and struggled due to having only one arm in this time. It was only Ichigo's inexperience with his new powers that caused the time limit to finish and his power boost coming to an end. This allowed Grimmjow to regain his advantage and he looked to kill Kurosaki but the substitute shinigami was saved by Shinji Hirako. Th Visored proved more than a match for Grimmjow and even came to injure the Arrancar who threatened to unleash his final form but was forced to retreat when Ulquiorra gave the command as he had completed his mission. Returning to Las Noches, he came to learn that the entire attack was simply designed as a distraction so that Ulquiorra could kidnap Orihime Inoue and bring her to Aizen. He had become interest in the human's unique ability to reverse time and thus repair injuries with a demonstration of this power being made to Grimmjow. This restored his arm and he had Orihime fix his scars whereupon he killed the angry Luppi who had resented Jaegerjaquez. As a result, Grimmjow regained his former rank returned to his position among the Espada.

Hueco Mundo

Afterwards, the Espada received reports of intruders having infiltrated Las Noches with Grimmjow intending to go out to eliminate them. However, Aizen commanded him not to and showcased his power when Grimmjow looked to disobey him. Despite following Aizen's command, Grimmjow kept an eye on the activity of the intruders that were actually Ichigo and his friends who had arrived in Heuco Mundo to rescue Orihime. This resulted in him making his way to Orihime who was being attacked by Loly and Menoly who were jealous the attention the human was receiving from Aizen. Grimmjow cared little for the two Arrancar who told him to leave but instead he knocked Loly aside causing Menoly to attack him. He responded with a Cero blast at point blank range that overwhelmed her own attack leaving her fatally injured. Jaegerjaquez then told Orihime to accompany him but she healed the two Arrancar of their wounds before leaving with Grimmjow. He then managed to track down his quarry leading to a reunion between Orihime and Ichigo but they were interrupted by Ulquiorra who demanded to know from Grimmjow on why he had taken their prisoner away. Jaegerjaquez then attackd Ulquiorra who managed to gain the upperhand but was thwarted by Kurosaki. This allowed Grimmjow to seal the higher ranking Espada in Caja Negación that would keep him contained for around 2 hours that was plenty of time for the Arrancar to begin his own plan. He then told Orihime to heal Ichigo so that he could battle the shinigami but she refused to do so as she knew Grimmjow's intentions. However, Ichigo asked her to heal him and to heal Grimmjow as well from his injuries so that the fight would be fair between them. The two then battled in Hueco Mundo where the intensity of the fight led to Grimmjow activating his release state as he decided to fight at full power. Though he sustained some injuries in their fight, he managed to equally wound Kurosaki as well where he stated that he could not stand that look on the shinigami's face that made it seemed that he was superior to his foe. He managed to gain an advantage over his foe and was seemingly ready to kill him but Ichigo was prompted to fight harder by Orihime and came to defeat the Espada in their fight.

The two then fought in an intense battle where Grimmjow challenged Ichigo's intentions for coming to Hueco Mundo. He refused to believe Kurosaki's claim that he had come to save Orihime as he reasoned that if that was the case he would have left after he found her. Jaegerjaquez instead believed that at Ichigo's core that he wanted simply to fight which he believed to be a natural instinct. During the battle, he discharged a powerful Gran Rey Cero at his foe and not caring that Orihime along with Nel Tu were both in the vicinity of the blast. This forced Ichigo to don his Hollow mask in order to block the attack whereupon Grimmjow decided to unleash more of his power by releasing his Resurrección. He vowed then to smash Ichigo to pieces and unleashed a flurry of brutal attacks against his foe. Kurosaki though managed to break through these and admitted that he did want to fight Grimmjow but only to save his friends. Stating that he would not lose, he came to slash Jaegerjaquez across the chest who lost consciousness and fell though Ichigo caught him and spared his life. Unable to accept defeat, Grimmjow came to rise once more to challenge Ichigo but then was struck down by Nnoitra Gilga. The higher ranked Arrancar did not tolerate weakness and looked to finish Jaegerjaquez off but Ichigo stepped in to protect Grimmjow. Though severely wounded, he came to survive his injuries and came to be one of the few Espada to survive the conflict. In the aftermath, Tier Harribel came to be named the new leader of Hueco Mundo and the Arrancar.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Grimmjow was a male Arrancar with human features and a muscular body who had light blue hair and eyes that had blue/green lines below them similar to the eye markings on the Panthera genus of cats. It was shown that his attire consisted of a white hakama and a black sash; his white jacket was ragged with an upturned collar. The inner lining was black, the sleeves were rolled up, and Grimmjow wears it open, leaving his chest revealed. The remains of his hollow mask consisted of the right jawbone, and his hollow hole had moved to his abdomen. A crooked number 6 was tattooed on his back just above and to the right of his hollow hole that was an indicator of his rank among the Espada.

At first glance, Grimmjow appeared to be a laid back and irreverent individual but this scruffy exterior hid an impulsive, excessively violent personality and a lethally short temper. He was shown to be blunt, rude, and quite sadistic, revealing a psychotic grin whenever he became excited in a battle. He displayed little respect for authority and said whatever was on his mind, regardless of whether or not it was appropriate. These traits made Grimmjow a very rude and disrespectful character. He uses none of the honorifics except when addressing Aizen. In addition, he was shown to had referred to Orihime as woman in conversation rather than an individual. This attitude led to conflicts with Kaname Tōsen, who holds Grimmjow in the same low regard as he did Zaraki.

He had said that he cared not if a person was a Human, or a Shinigami or an Arrancar with him stating that he would smash anyone that underestimated his power. Such was his brutality that after his arm was healed that he immediately claimed his position in the Espada by impaling his replacement Luppi and vaporising his torso with a cero blast. He claimed that one needed to exterminate 'vermin' if they infested the home. Similar to the other Espada, he was said to had represented an aspect of death which in his case was Destruction.

As a fighter, he was shown to possess a feral cunning where he had a knack for quickly exploiting any opening an opponent reveal in battle. This when combined with his aggressive nature and bloodlust for battle made him a dangerous opponent to fight.

Despite his brutal nature, it was demonstrated that Jaegerjaquez was shown to possess some code of honor. This was shown when he was unwilling to fight an injured Ichigo and had Orihime heal him so that the two could have a fair fight. In another case, he came to be indebted to Orihime after she helped restore his arm which saw him saving her from the two female Arrancar Menoly and Loly that were targeting her. However, he did immediately ask her for a favour afterwards.

His lack of respect to authority led to him having a number of clashes with the 4th Espada Ulquiorra Schiffer. Much of this was based over his belief that he was stronger than Ulquiorra and was eager to prove this point to him. This stemmed from a clash between their respective ideals and over the fact that Ulquiorra had interrupted Grimmjow's battles.

Jaegerjaquez additionally developed a grudge against Ichigo Kurosaki for wounding him during their first and second fights with him being eager to return the favor. He purposefully kept the large scar on his chest from their first battle as a reminder of this fact. It was also shown that he was infuriated by Ichigo's belief that he can defeat him regardless of how badly he was injured which Grimmjow saw as Ichigo looking down on him. In time, his rivalry with his opponent developed to the point that he did not tolerate any other enemy striking down Ichigo. This was because he felt that there would be no opportunity to best his foe again and prove his strength. It was this trait that led to him helping Ichigo against Yhwach.

In Hueco Mundo, he came to find himself within Sōsuke Aizen's army of Arrancar where he was ranked as the Sexta Espada meaning he was ranked sixth in terms of strength. This saw the number 6 being tattooed on his back just above and to the right of his hollow hole that had been personally placed on him by Aizen as a mark of his rank and ability among the Espada. After Kaname Tōsen cuts off and burns his arm, Grimmjow was demoted and quickly replaced by Luppi, much to his annoyance. However, once his arm was restored he gleefully killed Luppi as he took back his position among the Espada.

Powers and abilities

Grimmjow formerly a Hollow who over the course of his evolution had become a small panther-like Adjuchas. Eventually, he evolved against into a more humanoid looking Arrancar and came to be quite powerful. As the Sexta Espada, he was ranked as the sixth most powerful Arrancar under Aizen's control. It was shown that he possessed a great deal of spiritual pressure with it being described as being world's apart from his Fracción . Aside from his zanpakutō, he has demonstrated no unique personal abilities, but made liberal use of the generic Hollow abilities, such as cero, which he fires from his palm, when in combat. As an Espada, he was able to use the Espada-exclusive attack, Gran Rey Cero, which produced a larger and more powerful version of the normal cero. Grimmjow was also a skilled user of the Sonído (響転 (ソニード), Sonīdo; Spanish for "Sound", Japanese for "Reverberating Turn") high-speed movement technique where he was able to keep up with the likes of Ichigo Kurosaki in his bankai state. He was fairly powerful for his rank, able to at the very least fight on par with Ulquiorra, two ranks higher than he, to the point that he was subsequently able to subdue Ulquiorra using a caja negacion.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Pesquisa (探査回路 (ペスキス), Pesukisu; Spanish for "Inquiry", Japanese for "Probe Circuit"; Viz "Detection Nerves") : an advanced perception technique whereby he sent out radiating pulses that reacted to sources of Reiatsu in certain proximity. This allowed him to determine the location of a person and also to gauge their strength.
  • Cero (虚閃 (セロ), Sero; Spanish for "Zero", Japanese for "Hollow Flash"; Viz "Doom Blast") : an ability that fired a powerful blast of concentrated spiritual energy at the target. In Grimmjow's case, he was able to fire it from his hands or fist where he could use it at point-blank range to incinerate a foe. He was also familiar in the use of the Gran Rey Cero (王虚の閃光 (グラン・レイ・セロ), guran rei sero; Spanish for "Grand King Zero", Japanese for "Royal Hollow Flash"; Viz "Hollow Kings Lightning") that was a more powerful Cero technique used by those of the Espada.
  • Descorrer (解空 (デスコレール, Desukorēru; Spanish for "Drawing Back/Opening", Japanese for "Loosed Void") : a technique available to all the Espada was the ability to open a Garganta portal between the Human World and Hueco Mundo.

As an Arrancar, he came to wield a Zanpakutō (斬魄刀, Soul-Cutter Sword; Viz "Soul Slayer") with the name of his sword being Pantera (豹王(パンテラ), Spanish for "panther," Japanese for "panther king"). The tsuba resembled a crooked "S", while the sheath and handle was light blue with the release command for his zanpakutō being "grind" (軋れ kishire, referring to grinding one's teeth). After releasing his zanpakutō, Grimmjow's appearance becomes feline and predatory, taking on features such as jagged teeth, clawed hands, paws for feet, and a tail that could be used as a powerful whip. His hair becomes long and flowing, and his eye markings enlarge, extending to the tips of his ears, which also become cat-like. He loses his trademark jaw mask, which is replaced by a sort of crown on his forehead. His clothing changes to a form-fitting white outfit covered in stripes, similar to his original hollow form. Aside from his already impressive speed and power, Grimmjow's released state augments his speed drastically and gives him animal-like agility and movements to match. When released, he can roar loudly enough to create shockwaves in the air. His Hierro received an augmentation that allowed him to withstand a point-blank Getsuga Tenshō wihout receiving any physical damage.

In his state, he gained a number of additional techniques that included:

  • Garra de la Pantera (豹鉤 (ガラ・デ・ラ・パンテラ, Gara de ra Pantera; Spanish for "Claw of the Panther", Japanese for "Panther Hook(s)/Barb(s)) : from his elbows, he was able to fire a large number of "darts" that had enough force to demolish large buildings and did heavy damage to an opponent.
  • Desgarrón (豹王の爪 (デスガロン), desugaron; Spanish for "Laceration/Great Tear", Japanese for "Panther King's Claw") : said to be his strongest attack whereby his claws extended and left trails of energy created by reishi that he hurled at an enemy.

Similar to the other Espada, he had his own Fracción subordinates that consisted of the Adjuchas. All of them were originally Hollows he had known in his early life before they all were turned into Arrancar. These included:

  • Shawlong Koufang (シャウロン・クーファン, Shauron Kūfan) : a male former Adjuchas-class Hollow who swore loyalty to Grimmjow where he was ranked 11th in Aizen's army and seemingly served as the leader of Jaegerjaquez's Fracción.
  • Edrad Liones (エドラド・リオネス, Edorado Rionesu) : a male Arrancar ranked 13th in Sōsuke Aizen's army and a member of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez's Fracción.
  • Nakeem Grindina (ナキーム・グリンディーナ, Nakīmu Gurindīna) : a male Arrancar ranked 14th in Sōsuke Aizen's army and a member of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez's Fracción.
  • Yylfordt Granz (イールフォルト・グランツ, Īruforuto Gurantsu) : a male Arrancar ranked 15th in Sōsuke Aizen's army and a member of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez's Fracción.
  • Di Roy Rinker (ディ・ロイ・リンカー, Di Roi Rinkā) : a male Arrancar ranked 16th in Sōsuke Aizen's army and a member of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez's Fracción.

As one of the Espada, he was provided a Caja Negación (反膜の匪 (カハ・ネガシオン), kaha negashion; Spanish for "Negation Box", Japanese for "Anti-Membrane of Negation") Sōsuke Aizen that could seal a lower ranking Arrancar such as those among the Fracción within a pocket dimension. Such a move was designed to punish them if they went out of line and did not follow orders. It could be used against higher ranking Arrancar like those among the Espada but those captured by it could eventually break themselves out of that sealed space given enough time.

In Hueco Mundo, he came to join the ranks of the Espada (十刃 (エスパーダ), Esupāda; Spanish for "Sword", Japanese for "Ten Blades") that were an army of Arrancar who served under Sōsuke Aizen. Among their number, he had been ranked as the Sexta Espada which meant he was the sixth in terms of strength. This was indicated by the number 6 tattooed on his back which had been personally placed on him by Aizen as a mark of his rank and ability among the Espada.


  • Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez was created by Tite Kubo an featured in the setting of Bleach.
  • In Shonen Jump v6 #6 (2008), Kubo revealed that that Grimmjow's name stemmed from an architect named Nicholas Grimshaw.

In other media


  • In Bleach, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation where he was voiced by Japanese actor Junichi Suwabe and by English actor David Vincent in the dub.

Video games

  • In Jump Force, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez appeared as a playable character in the setting of the crossover fighting video game where he was voiced by Japanese voice actor Jun'ichi Suwabe.
  • In Bleach: Brave Souls, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez appeared as a playable character in the setting of the mobile video game.


  • Bleach:

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