Predator (alien)
The Yautja are an alien race of hunters that appear in the movies Predator, Predator 2, Alien versus Predator and Alien versus Predator: Requiem along with numerous comics as well as books.
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During ancient times, the Yautja species discovered a backwater planet that was later known to its inhabitants as Earth. Once they came to the planet, they met the primitive inhabitants who worshipped the Yautja as gods. Through the Yautja, the Humans that worshipped them learnt the techniques to develop their civilizations which became incorporated into Aztec, Mayan and Egyptian society. With this accomplished, the alien race returned to the stars where they remained until they returned after many years. They had developed the Human civilization to serve as followers in order to breed the ultimate prey as part of young Yautja's rite of passage into becoming a true hunter. When this time came, their Human worshippers were expected to select a number of chosen members who became part of the sacrifice.
Such a practice continued for many years with young Yautja who became successful become marked as true warriors. However, in certain cases, the Xenomorph infestation grew to encompass the entire ancient Human pyramid cities. In such cases, the dying hunters made sure that they retained their honor by initiating their self destruct system thus destroying the city and the infestation. This ensured that nothing remained and brought about the extinction of numerous Human civilizations at the time leaving nothing to hint the future Humans of this past relationship with their extraterrestrial friends. (Alien versus Predator)
In time, the practice of actively using the planet Earth as a hunting ground diminished and Humanity itself became a prey species with some hunters stalking this former worshipper race.
One of the rules that governed Yautja society was to prevent their existence from being discovered by their prey species. If a failed hunting ship crashed onto a primitive world then a veteran hunter was dispatched to serve as a cleaner to remove all evidence of Yautja existence. Should an accidental infestation emerge from the ship then the hunter is expected to remove any evidence of this as well. Creatures that have fallen host to the Xenomorph lifecycle are dissolved through the use a solvent though the hunter can skin prey as part of their trophies. Any crashed vessel was also expected to initiate its self destruct but if this had not occured then the veteran hunter accomplishes the task. (Alien versus Predator: Requiem)
Lone Yautja that lose in their hunts are expected to initiate their self destruct rather then face dishonor in being captured. This is also part of their attempt at preventing prey species from discovering their existence and that of the hunt itself. Those that fail are considered outcasts who are taken by their clan and abandoned on a lone planet. (Predator: Concrete Jungle) However, while this was the normal behavior expected, some hunters either willingly deny this expectation or are disabled from doing so. This is considered a grave dishonor and the hunters clansmen are expected to execute the fallen warrior. (Alien versus Predator: Extinction)
Known Yautja
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