Borg Collective

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The Borg Collective is the name of the entirety of the Borg race from Star Trek.





Borg Drones.

After a species has entered into the Borg Collective, they are outfitted with a number of cybernetic components and become Drones. (VOY: Drone)

Their bodies are outfitted with numerous cybernetic components which includes a black exoplating that covers their entire body. Implants are added typically over the eyes which enhance the vision of the drone. Furthermore, their arms are removed and replaced with cybernetic prothestics which are equipped with various tools from medical equipment to engineering devices depending on the drones purpose.

Another important implant is the proximity transmitter which activates and serves as a homing beacon for the Collective allowing them to retrieve lost drones. (VOY: Drone)


A Drone in his regeneration alcove.

When a person was assimilated at a young age, they are placed witin a maturation chamber until they reach the age of thirteen. (VOY: Collective) From that age on, the drone then makes use of an alcove which was specifically designed for the drone in question. (TNG: Q Who)

These alcoves are typicall situated in the corridors of a Borg vessel or a vessel that is being assimilated by the Collective. There are as many regeneration alcoves as there are are drones. When a newly assimilated vessel is taken by the Borg, alcoves are placed in whatever places that were available. (ST: First Contact)

If a drone was separated from the hive mind, it could be detected once again through the use of it's alcove. (VOY: Dark Frontier)



Assimilation tubules injecting nanoprobes into the body of a Starfleet crewman.

The process of assimilation is one of the most dread aspects of the Borg race. This is achieved through assimilation tubules located in the hands which are capable of firing two strands into a body which begin injecting Borg nanoprobes which begin a rapid process of assimilation. The process is quite evident as the persons skin begins to grow paler and mechanical components seem to be present on the body.

After this is accomplished, the newly assimilated organsm is taken by Drones into the Hive where cybernetic components are added onto their bodies. They do this willingly as their minds have now been subsumed into the collective with their individuality lost among the sea of the Collective. (ST: First Contact)

Hive Mind

The central processor of a Borg Sphere

Once a species has been assimilated, their thought processes are linked across a subspace network which forms a collective hive mind. Here there exists billions of voices that all act as one and exist in harmony with the sole intention of assimilating more species as well as seeking perfection. (VOY: Drone)

The sheer size of the collective mind is huge which was why secondary structures are present among the Borg which help regulate it. One such instrument is the Vinculum which lies at the heart of every Borg vessel which structured the hive mind by interconnecting each drone through a neural interlink frequency. (VOY: Infinite Regress)

While typically an unyielding and uncompromising entity that sought the assimilation of other races, the hive mind was capable of being reasoned with in times of danger. (VOY: Scorpion)


The ultimate goal of the Borg Collective was achieving a state of flawless perfection and sharing that with other races. The lure of such an achievement is a powerful force and has an appeal to Borg drones with no memory of their former lives. (VOY: Drone)


It was believed that Drones from different sub-units did not interact with one another unless they arrived to terminate a damaged Drone. (VOY: Dark Frontier)

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