Sabra-Jaguar Pride

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The Sabra-Jaguar Pride is a group that features in Andromeda.




There were three traits that the Sabra-Jaguar were well known for which included the fact that they would constantly remind others of their own superiority, were infamous for their treachery and the fact that they possessed the third largest military in the Known Worlds. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth)


  • Elssbett Mossadim : female of Sabra Pride who in CY 10087 was arranged to marry into the Jaguar Pride to bring a peace between the two groups; was actually an assassin sent to eliminate the Jaguar ruling family but was forced to continue with the marriage due to Dylan Hunt causing a pre-mature war with the Drago-Kazov Pride. (Episode: The Honey Offering) She was known to had her first child with Charlemagne Bolivar. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth)
  • Charlemange Bolivar : male of Jaguar Pride noted for his decadence and cunning, he signed the Sabra-Jaguar Pride into the new Commonwealth Charter thus effectively making them members and part of its mutual defense pact. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth)
  • Zhukov Pashtun : male senator from the Sabra Pride homeworld, head of military intelligence and former secretary of the Sabra Polit Bureau. No wives or children as well as was estranged from family and was dispatched to the ratification meeting of the new Commonwealth Charter. (Episode: Tunnel at the End of the Light)

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