Rochelle (Slimer)
Rochelle was Alex Rinaldo's girlfriend. She was aboard Mark's yacht when it sank, but made it to the life raft with the others. Once aboard the Brinkstone oil rig, she became increasingly annoyed with Alex's boorish and sadistic behavior. Rochelle was the first of Paul Latham's group to be taken by the mutant shark Charlie. When Brinkstone security guard Ed Buckley turned out to be Charlie in disguise and transformed, Rochelle was wounded by a swipe from one of the beast's claws.
Severely injured, she was put into the cabin she'd been sharing aboard the rig with Alex, and left alone to sleep. During this time, Charlie, in black liquid slime form, oozed out through a vent and flowed over Rochelle, engulfing and absorbing her. Her mind then became trapped inside of Charlie's body, and the beast took her form to trap and eat Alex. She was granted the release of death along with everyone else Charlie had absorbed up to that point when Paul and Linda Walker killed the shark's original body with an overdose of heroin.