Centauri (Babylon 5)

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The Centauri are an alien species that feature in Babylon 5.



In the distant past, a Centauri once consulted three Technomages and managed to gain their blessing. This act allowed him to take the throne as emperor of the Centauri Republic and secured the Technomages as powerful figures in their society. (Episode: Geometry of Shadows)

Their empire began to face continued skirmishes with the Narn's over Quadrant 37. (Episode: Chrysalis) This led to them quietly set up monitoring stations to keep an eye on Quadrant 37 to keep an eye on the Narn build-up. (Episode: Geometry of Shadows)


Centauri belief system consisted of a pantheon of gods and goddesses with even their emperors being elevated to godhood. In total, it was believed that there were around fifty different deities in their religion. (Episode: Chrysalis)

Their religion had a pantheon of deities that included:

  • Li : the goddess of passion that contained both male and female attributes. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy)
  • Zoog : a deity within the pantheon. (Episode: Chrysalis)

The Technomages held an important place within their society for their actions in the past. Seeing more than one of this order of beings was considered a bad omen. However, it was considered a powerful sign of prestige if one was blessed by one of their order with this image being a strong one to those who believed in the old ways. Thus, those given such blessings gained considerably influence and political power in Centauri politics. (Episode: Geometry of Shadows)


  • Londo Mollari :
  • Lord Kiro : a male noble who as a child was told by his Ladira that he would be killed by shadows and as an adult saw to retrieve the Eye but hired Raiders in order to use it to ascend to become emperor. His vessel was ultimately killed by the Shadows when they sought to promote Londo Mollari to power. (Episode: Signs and Portents)
  • Lady Ladira : prophetess and seer of House Kiro who accompanied her nephew Lord Kiro to Babylon 5 where she glimpsed a vision that saw the place would be engulfed by fire. (Episode: Signs and Portents)
  • Lord Refa : a male noble who allied with Ambassador Londo Mollari in order to replace the old emperor and bring about an ascendant more war-like Centauri Republic. (Episode: Geometry of Shadows)
  • Vir Cotto :


  • Babylon 5: "Signs and Portents"

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