Asgard (Stargate)

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The Asgard are an advanced alien species that features in Stargate: SG-1.



Early history

The Lost Tribe

With the weakening of the Wraith in the Pegasus galaxy combined with the growing hostility of their toxic homeworld, the lost tribe of Asgard made their move and entered the galaxy once more in an attempt to survive. Their travels resulted in their discovery of Janus's secret outpost and they learnt of the Attero device but were unable to activate it without its control key. Fortunately, the Atlantis Expedition discovered Janus's secret lab at Atlantis which signalled the lost tribe of its location. They thus stormed the city with three of their kind in armored exoskeletons which meant that they were not recognised and took the control key along with Daniel Jackson and Rodney McKay.

Returning to Janus's outpost, they forced the Humans to activate the device which began its effects on the Wraith Hiveships resulting in their destruction but also led to overloads in Stargate's on other worlds which exploded thus killing thousands of Humans. The lost tribe of Asgard were unconcerned with this and were focused on destroying the Wraith in order to survive but they were thwarted by the Atlantis Expedition.


Asgard on Othala.

They no longer reproduced through sexual reproduction but instead adopted the practice of cloning.


  • Thor :
  • Freyr :
  • Heimdal :
  • Loki :


  • :

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