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Gamemnae is a female comic supervillain that features in DC Comics.




Though an exile, she returned to Atlantis in order to bring her homeland to splendour despite making her an outcast. During this time, she encountered Atlanteans from the far future who had escaped into their past to avoid danger. Gamemnae was shocked to see that her kin had become water-breathers in the future. She came to meet their King and through him she learnt of the future of the world with her becoming disgusted at the fate of her people. Thus, she merged Aquaman into the water of the pool at Atlantis and enslaved the other future Atlanteans to be servile labourers. Gamemnae also came to learn of the existence of a League of Giants in the future that would come into her era. As such, she decided to prepare herself and assembled a team to combat them. She decided to look to rival kingdoms that were threats to Atlantis and told them of a coming danger from a many-headed hydra from the future in order to unite them in the face of a faceless enemy. This led to them forming the League of Ancients though in reality she used them to eliminate the future heroes after which she planned to kill them and absorb their respective kingdoms. (JLA v1 #74)

Long afterwards, she remained rooted in the remains of Atlantis where she continued her plans from the Obsidian Age. This brought her into conflict with Nightwing's Justice League where she revealed herself and battled those superheroes. (JLA v1 #73)


Personality and attributes

She stated that she hated the water as she found it to be a scornful mother and unfaithful lover. However, she had said that she did enjoy drowning. (JLA v1 #73)

Powers and abilities

As a mage, she was skilled in the arts of magic and was able to unleash powerful mystical spells. She was noted for wielding elemental magic with her possessing raw talent that meant she had strong magical defences. (JLA v1 #73)

A particular ability of hers was a hex called a quagmire that was a fleshspell which allowed her to physically absorb others in order to gain their strength. It was said even maniacs would not even attempt to absorb two with Gamemnae having absorbed nine in her time. Her version of the quagmire spell was said to be unlike any other and that people could not approach her without Gamemnae absorbing them along with their abilities. (JLA v1 #73)


  • Gamemnae was created by Joe Kelly and Doug Mahnke where she made her first appearance in JLA v1 #69 (September, 2002).


  • JLA:

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