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The Kamidogu was a mystical artifact that featured in Mortal Kombat.


The Kamidogu were created in ancient times when the Elder Gods battled the One Being. The Elder Gods were victorious in their war for survival and in an effort to defeat their enemy, they divided the One Being in order to create the various realms through the use of the six Kamidogu. Once complete, the artifact was scattered across the realms to prevent their use in merging the realms once more and freeing the One Being.

Onaga the Dragon Lord tricked an Earthrealm warrior called Shujinko into retrieving the Kamidogu claiming, in his disguise as Damashi, that it was a quest from the Elder Gods. The Dragon Kings aim was to unite the realms under his leadership though he may have been doing this under the subtle influence of the One Being. However, before he could accomplish this, Onaga was defeated by a champion kombatant who broke the assembled Kamidogu once more.


Each Kamidogu was a talisman that was held in the hand and possessed an element of power but only contained a mere fraction of the combined items power. Once brought together, Shinnok's amulet was required to merge them into their original form. If placed within the Nexus between realms, the assembled Kamidogu were capable of being transported into the hands of the Elder Gods.

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