Kul Tiras

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Kul Tiras is a nation that features in Warcraft.



Kul Tiras was a human kingdom that was established in the world of Azeroth. Archaeological evidence indicated that the islands were once part of the Kaldorei Empire long ago. In addition, the area known as the Shrine of the Storm was a site of ancient power that had many names over the ages. After the Troll Wars around 2,700 years ago the humans of the kingdom of Arathor came to travel across the lands and settle the various regions on the continent. A group of human sailors from Gilneas in the mainland Eastern Kingdoms came upon the large island of Kul Tiras were they found large stores of metal ores and other resources. This saw them settling the region though shortly after their arrival they were attacked by the native Drust. This led to a war between the human settlers and the large hardy Drust that resided in Drustvar that ultimately culminated in the extinction of the native inhabitants. Afterwards, the sailors founded a mighty maritime outpost that they named Kul Tiras which in time came to be a city-state that developed a thriving economy on fishing and exports. In time, they came to build a mighty fleet of merchant vessel that came to sail the seas in search for exotic goods to trade and sell.


In appearance, Kul Tiras was an island nation that was located by the western front of the Eastern Kingdoms by Baradin Bay and Dun Morogh where it was situated southeast of the Broken Isles.

Locations in Kul Tiras included:

  • Drustvar :
  • Mechagon Island :
  • Stormsong Valley :
  • Tiragarde Sound :

Organizations within Kul Tiras included the :

  • Proudmoore Admiralty :
  • Ashvane Trading Company :
  • Storm's Wake :
  • Kul Tiran Marines :

Most people in Kul Tiras looked to the sea for guidance rather than the Light. This saw the emergence of the Tidesages that were a religious group that worshipped the Tidemother. A leading council known as the Tidesage Council managed the orgnaization with these sea priests having a deep connection with water.


  • Derek Proudmoore :
  • Katherine Proudmoore :
  • Jaina Proudmoore :
  • Tandred Proudmoore :
  • Arthur Waycrest :
  • Meredith Waycrest :
  • Lucille Waycrest :
  • Priscilla Ashvane :
  • Brother Pike :


  • Kul Tiras was created by Blizzard Entertainment and featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.


  • Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness:
  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos:
  • World of Warcraft:

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