Nea D. Campbell

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Nea D. Campbell is a male anime and manga character who features in D.Gray-man.



Nea D. Campbell (Japanese: ネア・D・キャンベル, Hepburn: Nea D Kyanberu) was a male member of the Noah Family. Nea appeared alongside his twin brother, Mana, as a newborn. When the Earl of Millennium vanished in front of Katerina Eve Campbell, they appeared underneath Cornelia in the Campbell Residence. Katerina adopted the two babies and named them Nea and Mana. They were raised as if they were her biological children within the Campbell Residence. Nea and Mana were raised together; they were close and lived a happy childhood. Nea - when he was just seventeen-years old - attempted to stop the Family and the Earl of Millennium's plan to wipe out humanity. This was done in hopes of becoming the new patriarch of the Noah Family. At some point, the other Noah nicknamed him - out of spite - "The Fourteenth". It was at this time that the other Noah hunted him. This was due to their empathetic ability, and it left Nea with nowhere to hide or rest, which meant he lived in constant fear. He also locked away the location of the Ark above Edo, which made it impossible for the other Noah to change its location, although it remained otherwise functional. He requested that Cross Marian watch over Mana, while hiding from the other Noah. He did this to ensure that Mana would be safe, as well as that he would definitely reincarnate on his death, and Nea promised that he would return from the dead. Before he died, a matured Allen told Nea that he would protect his memory. This same person taught him about the Helix of Life and the nature of the Earl's power. Nea succeeded in killing all the Noahs, except Road and the Millennium Earl. Nea confronts the Earl, and - through uncertain events - the Earl ends up laying unconscious in Road's arms, while Nea stands over them both. The Earl manages to eventually kill Nea, and holds his body in his arms, all while Bookman watches on in secret. This mentally breaks Mana and causes him to become unstable. Cross then searches for Nea's reincarnated form. The Earl (Mana) devours Nea, so as to become complete again. The conflicts in persona cause the Earl to become mentally unstable, and he chooses to destroy his face so as to forget that he is both Mana and Nea. Twenty years later, Nea came to be reincarnated within the body of Allen Walker.

After Allen is nearly killed by Noah Tyki Mikk, he spends some time unconscious. He wanders around in his mind, where he takes on the form of a vaguely sketched, childlike form. The mental world takes on the shape of a small, paved island in the middle of a body of water flanked with skeletal trees. There is a white moon above Allen and a black reflection of the moon in the waters. When Allen looks down into the water, within them he sees the European Branch in shambles. Lenalee cries, as she sits on the rubble with Allen's body draped across her lap, and Allen reaches out towards them. A hand emerges from the water and takes Allen's hand. Allen's form solidifies, which allows him to pull away and watch as the surface of the lake freezes over. The ice cracks, as a shadowy form - Nea, although this is unknown to Allen at the time - tells him: "no, not yet . . . you can't". Allen immediately awakens. Noah's Ark - as a direct result of Nea's actions thirty-five years previous - is placed above Edo, Japan. The Noah Family has been using Noah's Ark for many years, and Road and the Earl attempt to start a 'download' of the old Ark's information to make a new Ark. Cross Marian eventually intervenes, before he sends Allen Walker into a special white-room within the crumbling Ark. In this room, a piano sits. Allen sees the shadow of the Fourteenth within that white room. The Fourteenth speaks to him, and tells him that he can use "his" Timcanpy and the piano to pilot the Ark. When Allen tries to ask the Fourteenth about his identity, he does not receive an answer. Nea continues to smile at him. As Allen begins to play the piano, recognizing the crest and musical 'notes' Timcanpy is displaying for them, the Fourteenth explains that the notes are a song within Allen. He encourages Allen to "hope" to get the Ark to do what he wants. After his appearance within the Ark, Nea appears in his "Fourteenth shadow" form in every reflective surface Allen encounters. This disconcerts Allen. It takes time, but Allen starts to accept his presence. Allen rationalises it by thinking of Nea's shadow as being like the souls bound to Akuma. He believes it is something only he can see. Later, Lvellie reveals to Komui Lee that he found the will of the fourteen in an old man's house. While packing up the things within the European Branch and preparing to move to a new location, Allen reflects on whether or not Mana loved him or if the man was just using him, willingly looking at the Fourteenths reflection in a mirror as he thinks about Mana telling him (Allen) that he loves him.


Personality and attributes

He was known by a number of other titles that included The Fourteenth, The Pianist and The Musician.

Powers and abilities

As a Noah, he was naturally gifted with a number of superhuman abilities that were available to his kind. Among them included being able to possess any of his descendants among humanity, natural command of Akuma, immunity to Akuma blood virus and the power to use Dark Matter.

As the Pianist, he was one of the three members of the Noah Family that had the authority to control Noah's Ark, the other two being Road and the Millennium Earl. Nea also had the power to pass on his abilities to use Noah's Ark to others, these powers referred to as being his "Will". Whilst in Allen's body, he moved Allen's fingers and controlled the Ark.


  • Nea D. Campbell was created by Katsura Hoshino where he featured in the setting of the D.Gray-man universe.

In other media



  • D.Gray-man:

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